※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-13 01:57:29
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] LBJ的IG: 快要從低溫槽出來了
時間 Sun Jul 12 22:39:19 2020
來源: USA Today
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yaub9e24
LeBron James says he’s stepping out of the ‘cryogenic tank’
Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James says that he's going to destroy anybody in the way of his goal on Instagram. ...
LeBron James says he's stepping out of the 'cryogenic tank'
LBJ說他要從低溫槽(Cryogenic tank)出來了
LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers are scheduled to have their first
practice this afternoon at the Walt Disney World NBA Campus, their first
sanctioned group workouts allowed since the NBA went on hiatus on March 11.
And LeBron found some artwork on Saturday, which he shared on his Instagram
page, accompanied by a warning for all those who are in his way for a
LBJ IG: https://tinyurl.com/yaub9e24
LeBron James says he’s stepping out of the ‘cryogenic tank’
Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James says that he's going to destroy anybody in the way of his goal on Instagram. ...
in front of me. Be Aware!"
LeBron and the Lakers arrived at the bubble on Thursday night, where they
have been quarantining for the past few days. As one of the last teams to
arrive, they will also be one of the last teams to start their training camp
when they do so later today.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1V2o2SwV (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1594564764.A.E9F.html
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/12/2020 22:39:50
推 : the 低溫1F 07/12 22:40
推 : 殘暴模式開啟2F 07/12 22:41
→ : 卡卡羅特4ni3F 07/12 22:42
推 : 貝吉塔XD4F 07/12 22:49
→ lovea …
推 : 生化人6F 07/12 22:49
推 : 誰負責獻頭7F 07/12 22:52
推 : Bane8F 07/12 22:53
推 : 我不喜歡他9F 07/12 22:54
推 : 誰當克林10F 07/12 22:54
推 : 中二詹登場11F 07/12 22:56
推 : 姆斯!!!!!!!!!!!12F 07/12 22:58
推 : 超中二XD13F 07/12 22:58
→ : 車啦,嘿車啦14F 07/12 22:59
→ : 反派角色都是這樣 等姆斯出關會找一個克林虐了 誰當15F 07/12 23:01
→ : 克林
→ : 克林
→ : 熱不了詹姆斯17F 07/12 23:01
推 : 距離納美克星爆炸還有5分鐘18F 07/12 23:02
推 : JR=克林19F 07/12 23:06
→ : 打籃球也可以打到腦子出問題20F 07/12 23:09
推 : 堪慮21F 07/12 23:10
推 : 戰鬥力爆表!!22F 07/12 23:15
推 : 貝雞塔23F 07/12 23:18
推 : 我皇要bang 超級賽亞人啦24F 07/12 23:20
推 : 先打基紐特戰隊25F 07/12 23:23
推 : 絕對零度拳26F 07/12 23:24
推 : 庫里林!!!雅美羅卡哇伊27F 07/12 23:25
推 : 然後把JR放進去28F 07/12 23:29
→ : 中二病29F 07/12 23:35
→ : 我本來不想用這招的..30F 07/12 23:35
推 : 低溫槽可以長出頭髮嗎?31F 07/12 23:42
推 : 人民幣槽32F 07/12 23:46
推 : JR小心了33F 07/12 23:59
推 : 急凍人?34F 07/13 00:01
→ : 好潮 第一次覺得詹黃帥35F 07/13 00:01
推 : 我皇要出關了!!!!!36F 07/13 00:03
推 : 晶片改良中37F 07/13 00:04
推 : 果然是塞魯38F 07/13 00:05
→ : 可是JR也來了39F 07/13 00:13
→ : 仙豆最好用40F 07/13 00:20
推 : cha la! head cha la!41F 07/13 00:22
推 : 超級賽亞詹42F 07/13 00:22
噓 : 丁尺會讓你到南極的43F 07/13 00:26
推 : 結果被刷下去就好笑了44F 07/13 00:27
→ : 假摔模式啟動45F 07/13 00:28
→ : 好難的字 cryogenic46F 07/13 00:28
推 : 那從高溫曹出來是甚麼47F 07/13 00:32
推 : 一出來看到JR 還是回去好了48F 07/13 00:40
推 : 謙虛和那虛偽 就只差一個字 有時有點分不清 因為我49F 07/13 00:45
→ : 喜歡真實的自己
→ : 喜歡真實的自己
推 : 現在的球員...話太多51F 07/13 00:49
推 : 這啥中二發文 XDDDD52F 07/13 00:54
推 : 字母哥是佛利沙53F 07/13 01:01
推 : 好中二 如果有台灣運動員發類似的文一定被酸爆54F 07/13 01:11
推 : 超中二,哈哈55F 07/13 01:18
→ : 沒拿冠又要回去泡了?56F 07/13 01:29
推 : 生化人23號57F 07/13 01:32
推 : IG 留言 #niggerplease?58F 07/13 01:35
推 : 不讓了59F 07/13 01:36
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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