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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Jaylen Brown帶高壓氧艙去奧蘭多
時間 Fri Jul 10 12:38:48 2020
來源: ClutchPoints
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ydelfacb
Celtics news: Jaylen Brown brought hyperbaric sleep chamber to Orlando 'bubble'
No one takes sleep more seriously than Celtics starter Jaylen Brown. The 6'6" performer just brought his own portable hyperbaric sleep chamber. ...
Celtics’ Jaylen Brown brought hyperbaric sleep chamber to Orlando ‘bubble’
青賽Jaylen Brown帶高壓氧睡眠艙去奧蘭多
Apparently, no one takes sleep more seriously than Boston Celtics wing Jaylen
Brown. The 6’6〃 performer just brought his own portable hyperbaric sleep
chamber to his hotel room in Orlando ahead of the NBA season restart. Let
that sink in for a minute.
很顯然的,沒有人比青賽Jaylen Brown更注重睡眠的了。在NBA季賽復賽前,這6呎6吋的球
照片: https://imgur.com/biqsSyN.jpg
Jaylen Brown literally created a bubble within a bubble in his very own room.
Now that’s a sure way to get some quality rest.
Jaylen Brown基本上在自己房間裡創建了一個"Bubble"。現在可以確定他會得到很有品質
While other athletes have been bringing in random things to help amuse
themselves in Orlando for the coming weeks of the NBA restart, Jaylen Brown
went on a more practical route. Okay, maybe he took that way further. The 23
year old brought his own portable hyperbaric sleeping chamber in his room in
Orlando to cancel out all the noise and to make sure he gets enough rest.
其他球員帶著各式各樣的東西好在接下來的幾個禮拜有些娛樂,不過Jaylen Brown採取了
It’s basically a sleeping bag on steroids. These gadgets supposedly help
athletes sleep better and recover faster which would make a huge difference
for key players like Jaylen Brown given that the schedule of games of the
season continuation will be a little condensed.
於接下來的賽程緊湊,對於像是Jaylen Brown這些主要球員來說將會有莫大的幫助。
With equipment like this, it’s almost a guarantee that Jaylen Brown will be
in top condition heading to the upcoming season restart. The fourth year
Celtic has had a terrific year thus far for Boston. He’s been averaging
career bests in almost all aspects of his game. Brown has started all 50
games for Boston and has averaged 20.4 ppg, 6.4 rpg in 34 mpg. The Georgia
native is locked in and is ready to push the Celtics to another playoff run.
有了這裝備的加持,幾乎可以確定Jaylen Brown在接下來的賽事將會維持在高檔狀態。這
Don’t sleep on Jaylen Brown.
不要忽視了Jaylen Brown喔~
這篇昨天在美國PTT就有人PO,一開始以為是cryo chamber,不過後來證實是高壓氧艙。
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1594355933.A.271.html
→ : 科學籃球1F 07/10 12:40
推 : 打開應該有晶片跟機器人零件吧2F 07/10 12:40
推 : 很兇4F 07/10 12:46
推 : XDDD5F 07/10 12:47
推 : 斷電不只會怎樣6F 07/10 12:48
推 : 走廊燈關上,書包放7F 07/10 12:50
推 : 好像極樂世界那個的無條件滿血醫療倉8F 07/10 12:50
→ : LBJ也有一個 但應該不會帶過去吧9F 07/10 12:55
推 : 好兇10F 07/10 12:55
推 : 還敢笑啊 冰鳥11F 07/10 12:56
推 : 反正LBJ那種等級的只要出一張嘴說要帶去就好,有啥12F 07/10 12:57
→ : 好難的...
→ : 好難的...
推 : 不會覺得睡裡面空間很壓迫嗎14F 07/10 12:59
推 : 這是一進去就睡著的嗎15F 07/10 13:03
推 : 高壓氧艙是有不斷電系統的16F 07/10 13:05
推 : 為什麼不帶孫悟空的恢復艙17F 07/10 13:08
推 : 阿縮水球季重點就是休息 傷病少的球隊最強阿18F 07/10 13:09
推 : 達爾19F 07/10 13:09
推 : 蛭魔學長用的那個嗎?20F 07/10 13:10
→ : 這次不唱歌囉??22F 07/10 13:15
→ : 想睡睡看 應該很不錯23F 07/10 13:19
推 : Bubble裡的Bubble25F 07/10 13:23
推 : 這一顆要多少錢啊26F 07/10 13:24
推 : 太狂了27F 07/10 13:25
推 : 如果有幽閉恐懼症的人應該就沒法用這個了。28F 07/10 13:27
推 : 防火嗎29F 07/10 13:39
推 : 錢就該花在這30F 07/10 13:46
推 : LBJ可能是更高級的31F 07/10 13:48
推 : 葉死人32F 07/10 13:50
推 : 終於來了一個不是來郊遊的33F 07/10 13:57
推 : 為什麼我會聯想到絕命終結站的劇情 怕.jpg34F 07/10 14:02
推 : 這裡面有鬧鐘嗎35F 07/10 14:02
推 : 外面火警他聽得到嗎?36F 07/10 14:03
推 : 記得在2萬鎂左右 但壓力跟氧氣濃度不會給太高 所以37F 07/10 14:20
→ : 也沒什麼危險性
→ : 也沒什麼危險性
推 : 美國杰倫真的蠻有sense的 跟一般球員不一樣39F 07/10 14:23
推 : 屌爆了40F 07/10 14:26
推 : 好猛41F 07/10 14:29
推 : 這東西原理是什麼啊42F 07/10 14:33
推 : 千軍武神43F 07/10 14:38
→ : 氧分壓高於一般大氣 更多氧氣進入組織 促進代謝恢復44F 07/10 14:43
推 : LBJ好像有個冷凍艙可以加速恢復45F 07/10 14:44
→ : 好想買一台 不知道多少錢XDDD46F 07/10 14:46
推 : 美國杰倫好歹也是念Berkeley的47F 07/10 14:46
推 : 冷凍艙讓我想起Fallout 4哈哈哈48F 07/10 14:47
推 : 半夜想尿尿好麻煩49F 07/10 14:47
推 : 這不能翻身會睡得好嗎50F 07/10 14:51
推 : 我也想睡看看51F 07/10 14:52
推 : 0口052F 07/10 14:53
推 : 台灣買得到嗎XDD 好想買阿 剛好google了一下沒找到53F 07/10 14:53
推 : 想到絕命終結站 XD54F 07/10 15:17
推 : 絕命終結站的是曬太陽功能的 這個應該不會燒起來吧55F 07/10 15:18
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