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作者 標題 [花邊] LBJ每年花100萬鎂在"恢復身體以及心理"上
時間 Thu Nov 5 22:11:51 2020
來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y36n3bcu
'LeBron James spends $1 million/year on just body and mind recovery': How Lakers star remains injury free at 35 | The SportsRush
Superstar athletes such as LeBron James and Russell Wilson spend more than a million dollars to help keep themselves in shape. ...
‘LeBron James spends $1 million/year on just body and mind recovery’: How
Lakers star remains injury free at 35
"僅光在身體及心理恢復上 LeBron James每年花100萬鎂": 這位湖人明星如何在35歲時仍
Superstar athletes such as LeBron James and Russell Wilson spend more than a
million dollars to help keep themselves in shape.
超級明星運動員如LeBron James跟Russell Wilson每年花超過100萬鎂好讓他們的身體維持
Sports such as basketball and American football are some of the most taxing
on an athlete’s body. There is a reason as to why there are only around 400
players concurrently in the NBA at any one time.
Many people around the world possess the skills to make it to the NBA, but
their body just cannot keep up with them. This is why any athlete who is
considered a superstar, is probably considered that due to his longevity.
There is no athlete in the world at this moment who has sustained a longer
prime, than LeBron James.
這世界上現在大概沒有一個人可以維持他的生涯精華年比LeBron James還久的了。
The NBA requires a very fast paced style of play, which usually results in
all sorts of injuries to players during a season. Everything ranging from ACL
tears, to intense back spasms.
The fact that LeBron James has never suffered anything close to a career
ending injury, just goes to show how meticulous he is when it comes to body
Back in 2018, Maverick Carter revealed how much James spends to help his body
be in shape. Carter said, “James spends $1.5 million per year on his body.”
在2018年,Maverick Carter透露LBJ花了多少錢讓他的身體維持在良好狀態。Carter說,
He confirmed the 4x MVP uses all sorts of devices such as hyperbaric chambers
and NormaTec leg boots to help his body recover.
LeBron James is just as influential off the court, as he is on the court. The
NFL, which is perhaps a much more physical sports league than the NBA,
requires athletes to invest even more into their bodies.
Seattle superstar Russell Wilson is currently going through a historic NFL
season, breaking all sorts of QB records. When asked about his training
regimen, Russ said he too invests in hyperbaric chambers and cryotherapy.
西雅圖超級明星Russell Wison本季目前正打出歷史級別的表現,打破各個四分衛的紀錄。
Safe to say that LeBron investing his wealth back into his body, has rubbed
off on other superstar across leagues.
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推 : 變少了,共體時艱1F 11/05 22:15
推 : 老費不知道有沒有類似的方式2F 11/05 22:17
推 : 之前JR不是說LBJ花200萬鎂嗎 怎又變少了3F 11/05 22:17
→ : 累計下來等於是拿一年的頂薪保養身體4F 11/05 22:18
推 : 排毒?5F 11/05 22:19
推 : 內文是說2018年150萬6F 11/05 22:22
推 : 全部運動精華最久的應該是Nolan Ryan,LBJ有沒有機7F 11/05 22:23
→ : 會挑戰27年XD
→ : 會挑戰27年XD
推 : 100對有點行情的來說,應該也是輕鬆9F 11/05 22:23
推 : 難道更新韌體換機油不用錢嗎10F 11/05 22:27
推 : 抓龍11F 11/05 22:33
推 : 遇到髒綠 整骨沙瓦郎 有夠衰小12F 11/05 22:34
→ : 跟車子一樣 定期保養13F 11/05 22:39
推 : 果然是生化人14F 11/05 22:41
推 : 覺得一些年薪千萬的球星要向他看齊。100萬要花在這15F 11/05 22:41
噓 : 可以比其他球員多走兩步來緩衝,耗損當然會比較少16F 11/05 22:46
推 : 到現在還有人在酸走步,到底有多印象阿17F 11/05 22:50
推 : 16樓用來擦眼淚的衛生紙損耗也滿大的18F 11/05 22:52
推 : LBJ宣布投資台積電確保最新晶片來源19F 11/05 22:57
推 : 這才是真的努力20F 11/05 22:59
推 : 是錯覺還是這個金額一直在變21F 11/05 23:05
推 : 壓力山大22F 11/05 23:07
推 : 酸酸真的很可憐23F 11/05 23:12
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 121
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