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看板 NBA
作者 標題 Re: [外絮] KD:LeVert 可以是 third star
時間 Fri Sep 11 06:52:27 2020
※ 引述《nkfcc (球春..)》之銘言:
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Mike Vorkunov
@MikeVorkunovKevin Durant said on JJ Redick's pod he decided last Feb. he wanted to play in NY:
"Brooklyn was everything I'm about: chill, on the low, all black, we quiet, just focus on basketball. There's no show when you come to our games. There's no Madison Square Mecca, all of that shit."
@MikeVorkunovKevin Durant said on JJ Redick's pod he decided last Feb. he wanted to play in NY:
"Brooklyn was everything I'm about: chill, on the low, all black, we quiet, just focus on basketball. There's no show when you come to our games. There's no Madison Square Mecca, all of that shit."
Kevin Durant said on JJ Redick's pod he decided last Feb. he wanted to play
in NY:
"Brooklyn was everything I'm about: chill, on the low, all black, we quiet,
just focus on basketball. There's no show when you come to our games. There's
no Madison Square Mecca, all of that shit."
"In Feb., as I was thinking, I didn't want to be the savior of the Knicks or
NY. I didn't care about being the king of New York. That didn't really move
me. I didn't care about being on Broadway, like that shit."
"I never planned on going to the Knicks... Once I signed a 1+1 the noise got
louder around me just going to the Knicks for some reason. The Knicks need a
savior, you know how that goes. Every time a big free agent is up the Knicks
are going to get him. It just took off."
"所以我從未計劃前去尼克隊...當我簽了那張 1+1 的約,這類噪音就在周圍吵個不停,
哇,今天很嗆是吧,蘭特 XDDDD
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※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 09/11/2020 06:54:58
推 : 哈哈 kd不演很久了1F 09/11 06:54
推 : 今天很嗆,是吧XDDD2F 09/11 06:56
→ : NYKD-54複習一下3F 09/11 06:56
推 : 我們沉默寡言,嗯,好哦4F 09/11 06:58
推 : 現在有那個球星敢去紐約尼克也是有種, 湖人如果不5F 09/11 06:59
→ : 是換老闆與大家對魔術的幻想,老詹敢去?
→ : 是換老闆與大家對魔術的幻想,老詹敢去?
推 : 雖然我反湖,但是湖人至少創造過幾次王朝,尼克只7F 09/11 07:14
→ : 有一個Ewing能說嘴吧
→ : 有一個Ewing能說嘴吧
→ : 不是啊…你要去百老匯還是很近啊XDDDD9F 09/11 07:29
推 : walt frazier 好像兩冠過10F 09/11 07:30
推 : KD什麼時候沈默寡言了 主帳號沈默?11F 09/11 07:32
推 : Joe Harris 是黑人?!12F 09/11 07:35
推 : KD: knicks like shit.13F 09/11 07:38
推 : 有夠嗆XDD14F 09/11 07:51
推 : KD quiet?15F 09/11 07:53
推 : 看看上個救世主肥瓜的下場16F 09/11 07:54
→ : Harris:我身為好隊友,已經獲頒榮譽黑人了。17F 09/11 07:56
推 : Joe:原來我是……18F 09/11 08:00
→ : 強調要 all black 算不算一種歧視19F 09/11 08:08
推 : all black.... 種族歧視??20F 09/11 08:12
→ LBJ23 …
推 : XDDD22F 09/11 08:14
推 : 應該是說顏色 不過應該有雙關意思23F 09/11 08:14
噓 : 說尼克的代表球星是大猩猩的是有多不愛讀歷史24F 09/11 08:15
推 : 有啦 尼克也是有冠軍過 可是真的超久了XD25F 09/11 08:22
噓 : KD:KD很安靜26F 09/11 08:24
推 : 他在勇士斷腿之後也沒太多選擇了 當時尼克也沒說要27F 09/11 08:28
→ : 簽他啊 雖然我一直覺得尼克不爭取他很瞎
→ : 簽他啊 雖然我一直覺得尼克不爭取他很瞎
→ : 尼克:我們清空間是為了簽大前鋒海。對。就是。29F 09/11 08:31
推 : We quiet, we tweet.30F 09/11 08:34
推 : 嗆31F 09/11 08:37
噓 : 你哪裡沈默寡言?球場上嗎?32F 09/11 08:42
推 : 都是黑人兄弟?納總表示:??俺是黑人?33F 09/11 08:51
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 73
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