※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-31 18:03:32
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] AD叫LBJ趕快結束訪問:Hurry up~ Lebron~
時間 Fri Jul 31 14:16:01 2020
來源: BleacherReport
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y6ro7wnp
Video: Lakers' Anthony Davis Tells LeBron James to 'Hurry Up' with Media Session | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
The Los Angeles Lakers kicked off their portion of the NBA 's 2019-20 restart in Walt Disney World near Orlando , Florida, with a 103-101 win over the ...
Video: Lakers' Anthony Davis Tells LeBron James to 'Hurry Up' with Media
湖人Anthony Davis叫Lebron James趕快結束媒體訪問
The Los Angeles Lakers kicked off their portion of the NBA's 2019-20 restart
in Walt Disney World near Orlando, Florida, with a 103-101 win over the Los
Angeles Clippers on Thursday night.
Afterward, Lakers guard/forward LeBron James spoke with reporters, but
Afterward, Lakers guard/forward LeBron James spoke with reporters, but
All-Star teammate and big man Anthony Davis wanted the four-time NBA MVP to
wrap that session up quickly after peeking his head inside the hallway where
the presser took place (h/t Taylor Rooks of Bleacher Report):
賽後,湖人後衛兼前鋒LBJ接受記者訪問,但是全明星大個子隊友Anthony Davis從走廊探
影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1289062576501006336
截圖: https://imgur.com/0skG5QG.jpg
The Lakers were all in good spirits after the victory, which all but cemented
the Western Conference's No. 1 seed. They have seven games remaining and sit
6.5 games ahead of the second-place Clippers.
The Davis-James combination dominated with AD posting 34 points, eight
rebounds and four assists and James scoring the game-winning bucket with 12.8
seconds remaining to cap off a 16-point, 11-rebound, seven-assist evening.
L.A. is back in action Saturday at 8:30 p.m. ET against the Toronto Raptors.
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推 : 快來呀~1F 07/31 14:17
推 : 那截圖要配設計對白XD2F 07/31 14:18
推 : wade:3F 07/31 14:19
推 : AD梗圖get4F 07/31 14:20
推 : 為什麼你要那麼著急呢5F 07/31 14:20
推 : 看起來好恐怖6F 07/31 14:20
→ : 猴急7F 07/31 14:20
推 : 想幹喇叭喔 這麼急8F 07/31 14:22
推 : 抓到你囉 小詹9F 07/31 14:23
推 : AD那張一定會被做成迷因10F 07/31 14:23
推 : 來人啊 上陳菊圖11F 07/31 14:23
推 : 有甲意12F 07/31 14:23
推 : 覺得這會變梗圖XD13F 07/31 14:23
推 : 所以湖人剩七場在贏一場其他全輸也鎖定西區第一了14F 07/31 14:25
推 : 這截圖XDDD15F 07/31 14:25
推 : AD根本存心被做成梗圖16F 07/31 14:25
推 : 疑車無據17F 07/31 14:25
推 : 抓到你囉姆斯18F 07/31 14:25
推 : 抓到你囉小詹19F 07/31 14:26
推 : 又沒主客場別一或八都一樣20F 07/31 14:26
推 : 吃味惹21F 07/31 14:28
→ : 這哪招22F 07/31 14:31
推 : ...23F 07/31 14:31
推 : Here comes AD~24F 07/31 14:32
推 : Here's Johnny!25F 07/31 14:33
推 : 戴妃在呼喚啦26F 07/31 14:33
推 : 圖很有梗喔27F 07/31 14:34
推 : 這截圖太有喜感了29F 07/31 14:35
→ : XDDDD30F 07/31 14:38
推 : 菊神要用競選旗子那一張比較傳神31F 07/31 14:40
→ : XDDDDDD32F 07/31 14:41
推 : 梗圖素材33F 07/31 14:45
推 : 鬼店35F 07/31 14:52
推 : 這個位置,旁邊又全白的 梗圖很方便36F 07/31 14:52
推 : 洗澡水放好了 快來37F 07/31 14:56
→ : 誰快上wade大哥算了圖38F 07/31 14:57
推 : 快來喔39F 07/31 14:58
推 : 嗯~~~ 姆斯~ 快一點來嘛~~41F 07/31 15:00
推 : 484在想色色的事?42F 07/31 15:05
推 : 完蛋 要變梗塗了43F 07/31 15:05
推 : 三小 怕44F 07/31 15:09
推 : AD色色滴~45F 07/31 15:13
推 : 今晚等你46F 07/31 15:44
推 : 那圖是三小47F 07/31 15:44
推 : AD一定是全裸的才要這樣XDD48F 07/31 15:51
推 : 甲49F 07/31 15:51
推 : 甲50F 07/31 16:08
→ : AD是不是有研究過角度?51F 07/31 16:21
推 : 笑死52F 07/31 16:42
推 : ==怕53F 07/31 17:01
推 : 有點印度人的風格ha54F 07/31 17:02
推 : 那圖笑死 一定冒出一堆哏圖55F 07/31 17:02
→ : AD的鬍子是不是留更長了56F 07/31 17:02
推 : 這個今天就有哏圖了吧!57F 07/31 17:05
推 : 速做一張59F 07/31 17:14
推 : 原來是陳菊啊還以為是AD60F 07/31 17:24
推 : 我也是想到鬼店61F 07/31 17:25
→ : 甲62F 07/31 17:32
推 : 笑死63F 07/31 17:40
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 181
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