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※ 本文為 aquar214 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-13 13:47:16
看板 NBA
作者 swwf (十字路口)
標題 [轉錄] 尼克vs公牛 賽後外國鄉民留言
時間 Tue Mar 13 13:17:51 2012


The team should be called "Tyson Chandler and 11 guys who can't rebound"


"I dont give a damn about any of my teamates"- Carmelo

He admitted he had teammates?

我才不鳥我的隊友們呢    ---甜瓜


Melo for Gasol straight up. Benefits both teams.


We can shop Amare to the other NBA.


i think girls in wnba can grab more rebound than him


I would never say I'm a basketball master。 But I do believe that J. Lin
outplayed Derek Rose. Rose took way to many shots. If Lin took that same
amount of shots he would have had around 30 points just like Rose. Lin also
has 3 blocks and 3 steals!


u right u not a basketball master so u should keep your mouth shut talking
that ignorant bull.


Amare had 3 $@%!$@ rebounds!!! No excuses... thats just plain awful!!


We need Jared Jeffries!!!! It's absurd but true.


Breaking News .. MSG did not lower prices due to the team losing once again
but have been speculated to hike up the prices if the Knicks get one win in
the next five games.


Wonder why Miami signed Bosh instead of Stoudamire??
Nvmd..this game just reminded me..


knicks look better tonite then last five games... they have to rebound better
if they going to get off this loosing streak...


Melo's game has improved since he came back .His FG% went up to 40.7%


---lin's fault

(這都哪跟哪啊 囧)

The one positive thing with Lin since Melo came back, his turnover number has
drop significantly!!


We have the WORST starting backcourt, the WORST PF in the league and a
brain-dead coach! UNBELIEVABLE!


trade Amare for a ladder
Lin can use that ladder to get a rebound.


if you aint fouling as a 4 or 5, you aint trying. how many foul did amare


Landry Fields being on the court in the final 4 minutes of that game was a


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◆ From:
angelmax    :有幾個還蠻有梗的 XD1F 03/13 13:19
kullan      :梯子XD2F 03/13 13:20
kiwivino1023:超酸XD3F 03/13 13:20
carotyao    :換籃球以後是換樓梯4F 03/13 13:20
sxing6326   :國外林迷真多5F 03/13 13:20
kukuso      :梯子好好笑XD6F 03/13 13:20
Uber        :好機車 XD7F 03/13 13:20
amadis01    :你的確是不懂籃球,閉上你胡說八道的嘴8F 03/13 13:21
downtoearth :梯子那個好 校9F 03/13 13:21
dragon8332  :也不過就是外國鄉民  外國月亮比較圓...10F 03/13 13:21
luvya       :梯子有梗 XDDD11F 03/13 13:21
comerjoy    :WNBA 哈哈12F 03/13 13:22
a2156700    :阿罵哭哭13F 03/13 13:22
williams7442:我們的首發後場是最爛的,聯盟最爛的PF和一個無腦的?14F 03/13 13:22
michael025  :阿嬤去WNBA15F 03/13 13:22
a2156700    :阿罵今天還蠻準的16F 03/13 13:22
williams7442:是指Lin和丹東尼嗎?17F 03/13 13:22
KEDEN       :阿罵表現真的不及格........18F 03/13 13:23
kyo90637    :那個好像不是後場的意思?19F 03/13 13:23
williams7442:我才不鳥我的隊友們呢    ---甜瓜   ==>這是網友講?20F 03/13 13:24
KEDEN       :NBA小屌男...21F 03/13 13:24
qazse000    :一定是網友講的22F 03/13 13:25
kukuso      :我們有最壞的先發後衛  就是後場阿23F 03/13 13:25
housedodo   :外國酸酸 也有幽默的XD24F 03/13 13:25
killkillkill:阿罵今天中距離投籃有爆發, 不過防守方面還是...25F 03/13 13:25
iwgpg1ghc   :中肯 好險熱火沒去追阿罵26F 03/13 13:26
jathymin    :梯子超有梗 XDD27F 03/13 13:26
realmiddle  :梯子XDXDXD28F 03/13 13:26
glut        :梯子太好笑了XD29F 03/13 13:26
kyo90637    :那是先發的內線吧 不是先發後衛...30F 03/13 13:26
Dsman       :一定是瓜迷31F 03/13 13:27
kyo90637    :也許我記錯了32F 03/13 13:27
zealeliot   :阿罵搶籃板要他命一樣 當年跟湖人打就被Odom爆過了33F 03/13 13:27
mariandtmac :梯子超好笑XD34F 03/13 13:28
Crazyfire   :還用WNBA形容阿罵XDD35F 03/13 13:28
jaysuzuki   :Rose跟Kobe都很幸福啊,有堅強的陣容讓他們打鐵還能36F 03/13 13:28
williams7442:先發內線罵到很多人 = =37F 03/13 13:28
peter16     :不要鬧了  starting backcourt 就是先發PG+SG = =38F 03/13 13:28
jaysuzuki   :贏球39F 03/13 13:28
kukuso      :是後場阿40F 03/13 13:29
vaiking0120 :立馬....一看就知道是轉自對岸的用語41F 03/13 13:29
peter16     :內線不會叫backcourt42F 03/13 13:29
barbossa    :梯子太有梗了43F 03/13 13:30
jtch        :就是罵 先發後衛兩人+阿罵跟教練阿44F 03/13 13:30
finhard     :漲價那條XDDDDDDDDDDDDD45F 03/13 13:31
angelmax    :阿罵表示:Odom撿那麼多籃板是運氣好46F 03/13 13:31
l2l         :也罵很多甜瓜吧47F 03/13 13:31
downtoearth :阿罵換ODOM搞不好不錯...48F 03/13 13:32
randykaku   :brain-dead couch 你的大腦已經死了,丹東尼49F 03/13 13:33
williams7442:PF指得是阿罵....XDD50F 03/13 13:33
randykaku   :coach51F 03/13 13:33
Rattlesnake :爛翻譯  一堆無聊當有趣的26用語52F 03/13 13:34
VVizZ       :毒瓜換包皮53F 03/13 13:34
VVizZ       :阿嬤換beasley好了
JCA53113    :去哪換個這麼貴的梯子XDDDDD55F 03/13 13:34
peter16     :很想試著翻成台灣用語  但我覺得這個翻得夠好笑了 XD56F 03/13 13:35
KID543      :一堆26用語...給箭頭57F 03/13 13:35
kauw        :籃網那個KIM的前夫白人都比阿媽強..58F 03/13 13:36
Tmmontal    :外國人酸起來也頗有哽的XDDDD59F 03/13 13:37
superbatman :阿罵今天打SG無誤!60F 03/13 13:37
VVizZ       :也是  換憨佛+Morrow好了61F 03/13 13:37
drcula      :PF是大前鋒,應該是在說阿罵吧62F 03/13 13:39
kukuso      :阿罵現在真的是最爛大前鋒 = = 無防守 常吃鍋 沒籃板63F 03/13 13:40
sxing6326   :老大重槍好多次64F 03/13 13:41
kauw        :七呎JORDAN妨守跟籃板應該不會比PF更爛了就是不試試65F 03/13 13:41
neoage      :快把阿罵交易掉吧66F 03/13 13:41
salazopyrin :阿罵去WNBA也搶不到籃板怎麼辦67F 03/13 13:43
kimi123467  :阿罵那段太毒了啦XDDDDD68F 03/13 13:43
jack19931993:國外鄉民超哭杯 XD   他承認他有隊友?69F 03/13 13:45
peter16     :看了原PO的連結  外國鄉民上一場酸林酸慘了70F 03/13 13:45

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