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看板 FW
作者 terutony (terutony.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [轉寄][外絮] Shaq Announces Retirement On Website
時間 2011年06月02日 Thu. PM 12:30:42

※ 本文轉寄自 terutony.bbs@ptt.cc

看板 NBA
作者 sonico (精神戰力)
標題 [外絮] Shaq Announces Retirement On Website
時間 Thu Jun  2 09:02:38 2011

Shaq Announces Retirement On Website
Jun 01, 2011 3:15 PM EDT

source: http://0rz.tw/XljWL

After a mentally exhausting season in which he was unable to overcome the
effects of a right Achilles injury as a member of the Celtics, Shaquille
O'Neil has decided to retire after 19 seasons.

In typical O'Neal fashion, he chose the unconventional approach of announcing
his retirement via social media. He posted a short video on a new social
media site called Tout in which he said:

"We did it. Nineteen years baby," he said in the message. "I want to thank
you very much, that's why I'm telling you first, I'm about to retire. Thank
you, talk to you soon."
Via ESPN.com


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◆ From:
hikki82119  :一代傳奇中鋒的結束1F 06/02 09:09
KeyFSN      :...世代交替..2F 06/02 09:10
sonico      :魔獸當道3F 06/02 09:10
murray5566  :原來 shaq的弱點是 阿基里斯腱...果然是戰神4F 06/02 09:15
lubin3th    :淚推,最偉大的中鋒阿Q_Q5F 06/02 09:21
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wight       :oh no..NBA又少了一個看點了..大歐 你不要走..7F 06/02 09:31
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zenwu:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat                                      06/02 10:10
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god6039     :push14F 06/02 10:51

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