※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-10-17 14:45:21
看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] 讓人感到氣勢磅礡的電影配樂
時間 Tue Oct 16 22:30:28 2018
1. The Ecstacy of Gold
The Ecstacy of Gold---Ennio Morricone - YouTube
One my my favorite soundtracks. Music by Ennio Morricone (1966) Video claimed under fair usage. NOTE: Some of the artwork (specifically at 0:30, 1:18 and 2:3...
One my my favorite soundtracks. Music by Ennio Morricone (1966) Video claimed under fair usage. NOTE: Some of the artwork (specifically at 0:30, 1:18 and 2:3...

2. 「讓子彈飛」 最後音樂 - Thesun also rise 《太陽照常升起》
久石讓 「讓子彈飛」 最後音樂 - The sun also rise 《太陽照常升起》完整版 - YouTube 看過姜文的《讓子彈飛》,大家一定對片中那激情豪邁、充滿力量感的主題曲印象頗深吧,不過相信很多朋友都不知道,這首曲子,卻是"一曲兩用",真正說來,它是姜文的另外一部影片《太陽照常升起》的插曲,因為這部電影相對《子彈》一片來說影響度不大,故很多朋友都沒有聽過,但隨著《讓子彈飛》的大紅大紫,這首曲子才真正為廣大影迷說熟...

各位大大還有推薦甚麼相似的電影或配樂嗎? 謝謝^^
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1539700231.A.D18.html
推 : 川井憲次 漢斯季墨1F 10/16 22:33
推 : test drive2F 10/16 22:38
推 : 神鬼奇航3F 10/16 22:38
推 : 黑暗騎士系列4F 10/16 22:40
推 : 長城,電影劇情讓人吐槽連連但是配樂很好聽5F 10/16 22:45
推 : 2001太空漫遊。6F 10/16 22:47
是這個吧 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-QFj59PON4
2001 A Space Odyssey Opening in 1080 HD - YouTube
Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece. 2001 A Space Odyssey. I skipped the 'true' introduction, the monoloth [a black screen] with a chorus of women screaming a...
Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece. 2001 A Space Odyssey. I skipped the 'true' introduction, the monoloth [a black screen] with a chorus of women screaming a...

推 : 絕地任務The rock7F 10/16 22:48
推 : 黑武士出場8F 10/16 22:50
推 : 東邪西毒、新天堂樂園9F 10/16 22:54
推 : 氣勢磅礡的話首推 復仇者跟環太平洋10F 10/16 22:58
推 : 巴霍巴利王11F 10/16 22:59
推 : 環太平洋12F 10/16 23:01
推 : 環太平洋那首應該算是很經典的吧 基本上會用到交響13F 10/16 23:08
→ : 樂的風格應該都是你喜歡的
→ : 樂的風格應該都是你喜歡的
推 : 神力女超人的主題曲覺得也有震撼到16F 10/16 23:10
Jurassic Park - Main Theme - YouTube
Excellent Quality! Please Comment And Subscribe! Jurassic Park was the twelfth project on which renowned composer John Williams worked with Steven Spielberg....
Excellent Quality! Please Comment And Subscribe! Jurassic Park was the twelfth project on which renowned composer John Williams worked with Steven Spielberg....

推 : Requiem For A Dream-Lux Aeterna19F 10/16 23:12
→ : 澤野弘之20F 10/16 23:12
※ 編輯: jodawa (, 10/16/2018 23:15:11→ : 請google Hans Zimmer這個名字21F 10/16 23:14
The Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack-11-The Ring Goes South - YouTube This is the eleventh song in the Fellowship of the Ring Soundtrack. It is called The Ring Goes South.

Gli Intoccabili Colonna Sonora - 06 Victorious - YouTube
La colonna sonora del film Gli Intoccabili del 1987. Composta da Ennio Morricone.
La colonna sonora del film Gli Intoccabili del 1987. Composta da Ennio Morricone.

襪 感恩aw大!
※ 編輯: jodawa (, 10/16/2018 23:24:42
推 : 環太平洋125F 10/16 23:26
The Patriot - Sound of Independence - YouTube
A Soundtrack-Mix of the Film The Patriot . 0:00 - 2:03 Preparing The Battle 2:04 - 2:34 Ann Recruits The Parishoners 2:35 - 2:52 Feined Retreat & Counter-Att...
A Soundtrack-Mix of the Film The Patriot . 0:00 - 2:03 Preparing The Battle 2:04 - 2:34 Ann Recruits The Parishoners 2:35 - 2:52 Feined Retreat & Counter-Att...

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - The chase begins (1/10) (slightly edited) [4K] - YouTube This movie, man... I've never seen a movie with this amount of action. And whats even more amazing - most of that action is not CGI!! This film is the true d...

→ : 這個滿磅礴的29F 10/16 23:31
Crimson Tide - Theme Song - YouTube
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...

推 : MadMax 電影院看真的會雞皮疙瘩31F 10/16 23:36
推 : Circle of life算嗎?我很愛32F 10/16 23:37
推 : 想到賽德克巴萊耶33F 10/16 23:39
推 : 覺得原PO喜歡的是有旋律的,madmax那種覺得是噪音35F 10/16 23:48
→ : ,我推薦光速戰記
→ : ,我推薦光速戰記
→ : 神鬼戰士37F 10/16 23:49
推 : 之前看超人特攻隊2,就坐到最後把演奏的片尾曲聽完39F 10/16 23:51
→ : ,剛好是那三個超人的完整主題曲,也是滿氣勢磅礡
→ : 的!
→ : ,剛好是那三個超人的完整主題曲,也是滿氣勢磅礡
→ : 的!
→ : 黑暗騎士 神鬼奇航42F 10/16 23:54
推 : 同樣超喜歡讓子彈飛那一首!!!!!43F 10/16 23:54
推 : 魔法公主開頭遠遊那段44F 10/16 23:55
The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) - YouTube
Composers: Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman Conductor: Daniel A. Carlin and Randy Edelman Manufacturer: Morgan Creek
Composers: Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman Conductor: Daniel A. Carlin and Randy Edelman Manufacturer: Morgan Creek

→ : 魔戒攻城配樂很猛47F 10/17 00:00
推 : 巴霍巴利王48F 10/17 00:02
推 : 阿拉伯的勞倫斯49F 10/17 00:04
推 : 新Star trek50F 10/17 00:04
推 : 赤色風暴51F 10/17 00:05
Star Trek 2009 Original Theme 720p - YouTube
Title of the song: Enterprising Young Men, by Michael Giacchino.
Title of the song: Enterprising Young Men, by Michael Giacchino.

推 : 黑暗騎士啊54F 10/17 00:07
→ : 公主與狩獵者的Breath Of Life55F 10/17 00:07
The Last of the Mohicans - Soundtrack / Music video - YouTube ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED TO MORGAN CREEK PRODUCTIONS. I hope you'll like it. Comment and subscribe! :D Movie: The Last of the Mohicans (1992)

推 : 魔戒啊!第一集遠征隊空拍鏡頭配的主題曲超磅礡的58F 10/17 00:08
推 : 水世界59F 10/17 00:08
推 : 洛基60F 10/17 00:15
推 : 原po的連結都是經典啊61F 10/17 00:18
推 : 摔跤吧爸爸62F 10/17 00:18
→ : Hans Zimmer啊 連雨人都氣勢十足63F 10/17 00:20
推 : 教會64F 10/17 00:24
Saahore Baahubali Full Video Song | Baahubali 2 | Prabhas, Anushka Shetty, Rana, Tamannaah |Bahubali - YouTube T-Series Telugu presents Saahore Baahubali Video Song from New Telugu Movie Baahubali - The Conclusion (Bahubali 2 Video Song) starring Prabhas, Anushka Shet...

The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts), ENNIO MORRICONE. - YouTube The Mission Main Theme (Morricone Conducts); ENNIO MORRICONE. Toshiba-EMI LIMITED.

→ : Morricone在once upon a time in America的氣勢也很69F 10/17 00:31
→ : 融入影像
→ : 融入影像
推 : 復仇者3索爾降臨71F 10/17 00:32
推 : 星際大戰帝國進行曲、神鬼奇航跟侏儸紀公園主題曲,72F 10/17 00:34
→ : 還有權力遊戲雖然不是電影但是好幾首都非常有氣勢!
→ : 還有權力遊戲雖然不是電影但是好幾首都非常有氣勢!
The Last of the Mohicans - YouTube
This video may include content that is owned or licensed by CS Type: Audio content. Many stories were written about Native Americans, called also Indians,but...
This video may include content that is owned or licensed by CS Type: Audio content. Many stories were written about Native Americans, called also Indians,but...

Two Steps From Hell - Victory - YouTube
Composed by Thomas Bergersen. Follow Thomas on Facebook: Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook: Buy Battlecry: Amazon: ...
Composed by Thomas Bergersen. Follow Thomas on Facebook: Follow Two Steps From Hell on Facebook: Buy Battlecry: Amazon: ...

This song makes me cry! The Last of the Mohicans THE BEST EVER! by Alexandro Querevalú - YouTube Another version of the theme from the movie "The last of the Mohicans" performed by Alexandro Querevalú composed by Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman for the fi...

推 : 雷神索爾2 主題曲84F 10/17 00:46
推 : 克里夫歐文版 亞瑟王85F 10/17 00:46
Man of Steel Theme Song Original Motion Picture Soundtrack OST [1080p HD] Hans Zimmer Superman - YouTube Subscribe to my Main Channel: For all Man of Steel Related Content What Are You Going to Do Wh...

→ : Man of Steel Theme87F 10/17 00:51
Star Trek Beyond: Starbase Yorktown Introduction Sequence - YouTube USS Yorktown is one of the most unique and interesting space stations we've ever seen in a Star Trek film. And this amazing beauty shot is probably one of my...

→ : 進電影院配大螢幕及音響,超震撼~~ (大概40秒後90F 10/17 00:56
→ : )
→ : )
→ : 這首超威不J4了93F 10/17 00:57
推 : 關鍵字epic,有很多94F 10/17 00:59
推 : Two step from hell95F 10/17 01:01
推 : 變形金剛 196F 10/17 01:02
推 : anvil of crom97F 10/17 01:02
推 : the revenant98F 10/17 01:15
推 : Interstellar No time for caution99F 10/17 01:20
推 : 包青天100F 10/17 01:21
推 : 28樓XDDD101F 10/17 01:26
推 : 環太平洋 神鬼奇航102F 10/17 01:27
推 : 瘋狂麥斯啦103F 10/17 01:34
推 : 絕對是神鬼奇航太熱血了104F 10/17 01:34
聖結石Saint【朋友BANG不見】Official MV - YouTube
這是在講述一個等朋友等到走火入魔的BANG態故事...全部BANG起來! 👉馬上訂閱聖結石囉!►► 👉更多《聖結石Saint 音樂作品》! ►► 雞腿「BANG」當、「BANG」形金剛,什麼都要BANG,也什麼都可以BANG! 聖...
這是在講述一個等朋友等到走火入魔的BANG態故事...全部BANG起來! 👉馬上訂閱聖結石囉!►► 👉更多《聖結石Saint 音樂作品》! ►► 雞腿「BANG」當、「BANG」形金剛,什麼都要BANG,也什麼都可以BANG! 聖...

推 : 神鬼奇航、神力女超人!超級熱血沸騰!!!107F 10/17 01:36
推 : 復聯108F 10/17 01:37
推 : 海賊王猛攻109F 10/17 01:38
推 : 噩夢輓歌110F 10/17 01:40
推 : 神鬼奇航、魔戒111F 10/17 01:41
推 : 侏儸紀公園主題曲112F 10/17 01:41
推 : 粉紅豹113F 10/17 01:45
推 : 魔戒!!!114F 10/17 01:46
推 : final countdown115F 10/17 02:04
推 : 當然是納尼亞配上萬馬奔騰116F 10/17 02:11
推 : 環太平洋啊117F 10/17 02:18
推 : I Had a Farm in Africa from Out of Africa118F 10/17 02:20
→ : 居然沒有人推這個
→ : 居然沒有人推這個
推 : 神鬼戰士120F 10/17 02:26
推 : 看標題想到太陽依舊升起 神曲無誤122F 10/17 02:33
→ : 更正 太陽照常升起
→ : 更正 太陽照常升起
推 : 神鬼奇航超讚124F 10/17 02:39
推 : two steps from hell125F 10/17 02:43
推 : 大推 The Mission ,樓上有人貼了126F 10/17 02:44
推 : 推環太平洋 實在很有fu127F 10/17 02:48
→ : die hard 3128F 10/17 03:00
推 : 愛國者遊戲 黑雨 末代武士 梅爾的英雄本色 杯麵三部129F 10/17 03:23
→ : 曲
→ : 華語片就七劍平衡感很棒,墨攻跟龍虎門差一點,讓子
→ : 彈飛我覺得還好
推 : 有一片低調但我大推的是Willow ,James Horner早年
→ : 的經典,但台灣有這片的應該少的可憐
→ : 曲
→ : 華語片就七劍平衡感很棒,墨攻跟龍虎門差一點,讓子
→ : 彈飛我覺得還好
推 : 有一片低調但我大推的是Willow ,James Horner早年
→ : 的經典,但台灣有這片的應該少的可憐
推 : 動畫獅子王主角最後登基的場景音樂壯闊滂湃到極點135F 10/17 03:35
推 : Hans Zimmer Inception “Time“136F 10/17 03:51
推 : 雷神3 打浩克 開頭就R~~~~~R 那首137F 10/17 03:52
推 : 那個啊 登登登登 登登登登 登登登登 登登 登登138F 10/17 04:02
→ : 神鬼奇航的主題曲系列
→ : 神鬼奇航的主題曲系列
推 : 魔戒140F 10/17 04:04
→ : 星艦戰將系列141F 10/17 04:15
推 : 神鬼奇航142F 10/17 04:30
→ : 獅子王
→ : 小時候聽了很感動,月考第一名的獎品就是買獅子王CD
→ : 獅子王
→ : 小時候聽了很感動,月考第一名的獎品就是買獅子王CD
推 : 去找two step from hell 這個專門在配epic bgm的145F 10/17 04:51
推 : 摩斯拉146F 10/17 06:16
推 : 女武神的飛行147F 10/17 06:47
推 : 與狼共舞148F 10/17 06:52
推 : 神力女超人 BGM很熱血沸騰149F 10/17 07:01
推 : 巴霍巴利150F 10/17 07:15
推 : 007 Adele skyfall151F 10/17 07:16
推 : two steps from hell 每一首根本都是戰歌一樣超強152F 10/17 07:35
→ : 的 推victory, star sky, flight of the silverbird
→ : , strength of a thousand man
→ : 的 推victory, star sky, flight of the silverbird
→ : , strength of a thousand man
推 : 等等等 登等 登等 等等等 登等登等155F 10/17 07:41
推 : 哥吉拉出場156F 10/17 07:45
推 : 復仇者聯盟157F 10/17 07:55
推 : 哈利波特0-0158F 10/17 08:15
推 : 末日之戰 BOND~159F 10/17 08:20
推 : 環太平洋160F 10/17 08:22
推 : 黑暗騎士 最後ending 配上旁白 讓人雞皮疙瘩161F 10/17 08:26
推 : 大地英豪+1 我還去買原版CD 搭配好一點的音響,讚!162F 10/17 08:32
推 : 魔戒163F 10/17 08:34
推 : 環太平洋!164F 10/17 08:37
推 : 魔戒+1y165F 10/17 08:44
推 : 終極警探3的壞人166F 10/17 08:46
推 : 亂入推,koei三國誌V的OP也超棒的167F 10/17 08:46
推 : 權力的遊戲168F 10/17 08:48
推 : 沒人推絕地任務?169F 10/17 08:53
推 : 樓上 7樓不就有了嗎...170F 10/17 09:06
→ : 三國5大推龍戰 我超愛啊
→ : 三國5大推龍戰 我超愛啊
推 : 獨角獸登場172F 10/17 09:13
推 : 烙印勇士主題曲173F 10/17 09:26
推 : 漢斯季默 鷺巢詩郎 澤野弘之 糟是不是透露了什麼174F 10/17 09:30
推 : 神鬼奇航,每次聽到都超燃175F 10/17 09:44
推 : 魔戒和神鬼奇航176F 10/17 09:45
推 : 全面啟動177F 10/17 09:55
→ : 少林足球178F 10/17 09:56
推 : Ramin Djawadi - Nameless Order179F 10/17 10:03
推 : 絕地任務180F 10/17 10:04
推 : 你的名字181F 10/17 10:10
推 : 神鬼奇航182F 10/17 10:15
推 : 納尼亞傳奇 here comes the king183F 10/17 10:36
推 : 絕對是環太平洋1184F 10/17 11:16
推 : 我覺得神鬼奇航的不錯185F 10/17 11:16
推 : 魔戒 尤其是剛鐸戰役那邊186F 10/17 11:25
推 : 環太平洋1187F 10/17 11:34
推 : 絕對是大地英豪189F 10/17 11:48
推 : gonna fly now190F 10/17 11:51
推 : 大地英豪191F 10/17 11:54
推 : 少林足球ㄚ192F 10/17 11:55
推 : 復仇者主題曲,復三雷神出現時氣勢滿點195F 10/17 12:02
推 : 瘋狂麥斯必須推!!!!196F 10/17 12:19
推 : John Powell應該也有很多作品是你想要的!197F 10/17 12:36
推 : 納尼亞傳奇,進擊的巨人199F 10/17 12:43
→ : 澤野弘之
→ : 澤野弘之
推 : 侏羅紀系列201F 10/17 12:49
推 : 澤野弘之202F 10/17 12:56
Superman Theme • John Williams - YouTube
From the 1978 Richard Donner film with Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Valerie Perrine & Terrance Stamp. Music composed by Joh...
From the 1978 Richard Donner film with Christopher Reeve, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Margot Kidder, Valerie Perrine & Terrance Stamp. Music composed by Joh...

Star Trek Theme - YouTube
Star Trek Theme - entitled "Life is a Dream" on the "Star Trek - The Astral Symphony" compilation album
Star Trek Theme - entitled "Life is a Dream" on the "Star Trek - The Astral Symphony" compilation album

Klendathu Drop - Starship Troopers Soundtrack - YouTube
From the Starship Troopers Soundtrack, by Basil Poledouris *I do not claim ownership for the visual or audio material displayed in this video, here uploaded ...
From the Starship Troopers Soundtrack, by Basil Poledouris *I do not claim ownership for the visual or audio material displayed in this video, here uploaded ...

推 : 獅子王209F 10/17 13:22
推 : 環太平洋 機器人系列都很燃210F 10/17 13:25
推 : 赤色風暴211F 10/17 13:34
推 : 齊天大聖東遊記 最後悟空看破變身出場 感覺牛魔王gg212F 10/17 13:44
推 : brian tyler213F 10/17 14:08
推 : 絕地任務,神鬼奇航214F 10/17 14:27
推 : 教會215F 10/17 14:29
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 990