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作者 標題 [新聞] 小班表示:加爾德萊托天才般得詮釋了小丑
時間 Sat Apr 2 20:42:22 2016
Ben Affleck Says Jared Leto Is A Genius As The Joker
Last night, Amy Adams, Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane
Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Gal Gadot, Holly Hunter and director Zack Snyder
all appeared on Conan O'Brien's late night talk show for a special Batman v.
Superman: Dawn of Justice episode.
昨晚包括Amy Adams,Ben Affleck,Henry Cavill,Gal Gadot以及導演Zack Snyder
Near the end of it, Conan asked Ben Affleck to share his thoughts on Jared
Leto's version of The Joker, since they filmed scenes together for David
Ayer's Suicide Squad movie. Affleck wouldn't go into details but did provide
plenty of praise for the Oscar-winning actor.
Conan: I've got to ask Ben, because Ben shot scenes for Suicide Squad, highly
anticipated. You've seen several people play the joker. Any comments on his
就在接近節目尾聲時,康納向小班詢問他對於加爾德萊托(Jared Leto)飾演之小丑
康納 : 我必須問問小班,因為他在"自殺突襲隊"中也參了一腳並且備受期待。
Ben: I think Jared Leto was a genius but I'm bound by more confidentiality
agreements than you can shake a stick at. I'm just going about my business.
Conan: I'm not asking you to disclose anything other than --
Ben: He's brilliant. Masterful. Brilliant, brilliant guy.
小班 : 我覺得加爾德萊托是個天才,但因為我受限於保密條款的關係無法談論太多。
康納 : 我沒有要你公開談論任何細節部分但..
小班 : 他(指Jared Leto)很棒、很出色,真的是個很棒的演員。
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[新聞] 小班表示:加爾德萊托天才般得詮釋了小丑 - 看板 movie - 批踢踢實業坊
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新聞網址: Ben Affleck Says Jared Leto Is A Genius As The Joker
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 04/02/2016 20:46:58
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