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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-09 17:56:13
看板 movie
作者 s2657507 (KickYourArse)
標題 [討論] 演、唱俱佳的演員們
時間 Thu Dec 29 16:42:20 2016

看完La La Land之後
看完曲目和演唱者後才確定原來戲中Ryan GoslingEmma Stone
哼歌的橋段都是親自獻聲的,尤其Ryan低沉帶有磁性的嗓音呢喃著City of Stars著實讓


另外提到演唱俱佳的演員,Anna Kendrick在歌喉戰裡的獻聲也是令人印象深刻,

Anne Hathaway在悲慘世界裡飾演演芳婷,獻唱的"I dreamed a dream"也是感情豐沛,

I Dreamed a Dream - Anne Hathaway
I Dreamed a Dream - Anne Hathaway (HD) - YouTube
My favorite rendition of the song


大賈Justin Timberlake應該就不用多說了,人帥會唱又會跳舞,演戲雖然沒有

Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick - "True Colors"
Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick - "True Colors" Live at Cannes [OFFICIAL] | TROLLS - YouTube Enjoy the music of TROLLS? Get the soundtrack and exclusive merch here:  Justin Timberlake & Anna Kendrick perform a heart-warming acous...


再來就是男神Jared Leto,好像很多人不知道他的雙重身分。除了演員之外,
他也是樂團30 Seconds To Mars的主唱。2013年他在藥命俱樂部裡飾演跨性別愛滋病
看見Jared Leto的身影,不過他在當中飾演的角色仍然未知。


Dallas Buyers Club - God When I Meet You
Dallas Buyers Club - God When I Meet You - YouTube
-Jared Leto as Rayon in Dallas Buyers Club (2013), Directed by Jean-Marc Vallée. -He lost 30 pounds as a preparation for his role as an AIDS patient, he also...


Rayon talking to her father in "Dallas Buyers Club" - YouTube I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING. All the rights belongs to Focus Features and the producers of Dallas Buyers Club.


Thirty Seconds To Mars - Stay (Rihanna)
Thirty Seconds To Mars - Stay (Rihanna) in the Live Lounge - YouTube Thirty Seconds To Mars perform their version of Rihanna's Stay in the Radio 1 Live Lounge for Fearne Cotton. For more from Jared and other exclusive Live Lou...


同屆入圍的有: Barkhad Abdi、Jared Leto、Michael Fassbender 、Bradley Cooper
、Jonah Hill

Jared Leto winning Best Supporting Actor
Jared Leto winning Best Supporting Actor - YouTube
Anne Hathaway presenting Jared Leto with the Oscar® for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in "Dallas Buyers Club" at the 86th Oscars® in 2014.



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※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 16:46:16
XZXie: 羅素克洛  (逃)1F 12/29 16:43
唱歌來說他鑑別度是很高啦 廠廠
joey0602: 要什麼標準?就明星學才藝來說?還是拿以前真正歌舞片2F 12/29 16:44
joey0602: 明星?
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 16:48:17
cilay7391: 史嘉蕾?4F 12/29 16:48
charlie01: 金鋼狼是唱音樂劇出身 還拿過東尼獎 應該第一個提啊 XD5F 12/29 16:49
joey0602: 休傑克曼是唱跳都不錯 畢竟有音樂劇經歷6F 12/29 16:50
sonans: 羅素克洛真的唱的很好聽,他還有出唱片。7F 12/29 16:51
joey0602: 史嘉蕾歌聲大概跟張曼玉一樣吧…但很愛唱8F 12/29 16:51
karta1475487: Johnny Depp9F 12/29 16:53
charlie01: 好吧我提一個絕對沒爭議的:張學友 (咦)10F 12/29 16:53
s7828858: 再加個張國榮11F 12/29 16:54
huanglove: 大家別忘了.張曼玉靠"clean"唱和演奪得影后12F 12/29 16:57
vupmp6: 史嘉蕾唱的比曼玉好多了13F 12/29 16:57
Kurick: 史嘉蕾有憑藉歌曲入圍過奧斯卡哦14F 12/29 16:58
Kurick: 然後最沒爭議的大概就上古神獸梅姨
joey0602: Clean只能說她的歌配合演出真情 但真實歌聲很囧 當歌手16F 12/29 17:00
joey0602: 真的是圓夢而已
cake10414: Amanda Seyfried18F 12/29 17:10
ophelia919: 席安娜米勒,看過她百老匯Cabaret表演,唱得很好19F 12/29 17:10
aiyukkie: 梅姨唱的算好聽嗎…???20F 12/29 17:16
aiyukkie: Eddie Redmayne在悲慘世界唱的不錯,雖然我一直覺得他
aiyukkie: 比較適合唱Enjolras(逃22F 12/29 17:19
kevinRE0611: 凱文史貝西也蠻會唱的23F 12/29 17:22
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 17:23:26
lowes: Jamie Foxx24F 12/29 17:23
acer12356: Amy Adams阿~~~~~~~~~~~25F 12/29 17:24
reaper317: Carey Mulligan26F 12/29 17:26
sonic101276: 法斯賓達在法蘭克超好聽27F 12/29 17:30
aikensh: Ewan McGregor28F 12/29 17:33
chen628: 推一下Hugh Grant29F 12/29 17:36
puppetired: 一定是張國榮~~~~~~30F 12/29 17:40
jasonnn: 張國榮/張學友/許冠傑31F 12/29 17:44
miohsieh: 冰島的碧玉32F 12/29 17:45
retsuya001: 小雀斑!33F 12/29 17:46
cilay7391: 大瑪跟小瑪啊(誤)34F 12/29 17:52
balcony5566: https://youtu.be/dAjJm8foMEg begin again的女主角35F 12/29 17:59
BEGIN AGAIN - Keira Knightley "Lost Stars" (Lyric Video) - Estreno 1 Agosto - YouTube Gretta (Keira Knightley) y Dave (Adam Levine), una pareja enamorada a la par que compañeros compositores, que llegan a Nueva York cuando él firma un acuerdo ...

msfishstop: Neil Patrick Harris!36F 12/29 18:00
yangyx: Carey Mulligan https://youtu.be/Ilgfr3j0LS837F 12/29 18:01
Let No Man Steal Your Thyme [Best Quality] - Far from the Madding Crowd (2015) - YouTube Beautiful rendition by Carey Mulligan and Michael Sheen of the old English folk song: Come all you fair and tender girls That flourish in your prime Beware, ...

kitty0910: 必推休傑克曼39F 12/29 18:03
Meryl Streep - I'm Checkin' Out - YouTube
Meryl Streep & Blue Rodeo cantando "I'm checkin' out", no filme "Postcards from the edge" do Mike Nichols.

BF109Pilot: 其實四大天王以早期來看  演技跟歌唱最強的都是張學41F 12/29 18:17
BF109Pilot: 友    而無論哪個時期  最弱的都是黎明
lzkai: 王菲43F 12/29 18:23
kashin: Kristen Bell 冰雪奇緣的安娜44F 12/29 18:24
yangyx: Marion Cotillard https://youtu.be/1QOitnhWEE845F 12/29 18:25
Marion Cotillard's Nine Songs - YouTube
Sorry the audio is a bit wonky on these. I own none of these clips. For entertainment purposes only.

mysmalllamb: 奧斯卡艾薩克46F 12/29 18:25
joey0602: 黎明就是靠臉阿 其他三個都有各自長處47F 12/29 18:30
lovecfcm: 艦長唱歌超好聽!也喜歡Matt Bomer歌聲48F 12/29 18:33
GalGadot: Hugh Jackman49F 12/29 18:38
smallville08: 珍妮佛勞倫斯50F 12/29 18:41
IAmFreeAndU: 若要唱有"音準"的 梅姨不是頂尖啦 她自己都說只有B等51F 12/29 18:46
power41: 約翰屈福塔52F 12/29 18:47
IAmFreeAndU: 好萊塢比她會唱的很多 只是拿不到片約...53F 12/29 18:47
IAmFreeAndU: 梅姨天生音色就輸人了 早年她跟潔西卡蘭芝爭角色
IAmFreeAndU: Sweet Dreams 製片選了潔西卡蘭芝 她不服氣(XD)
IAmFreeAndU: 上映後 她跑去戲院看 結論是:這角色她演比我演好 XD
jackys313: 張學友阿57F 12/29 18:50
sunnyyoung: 這種榜單,最威的是芭芭拉史翠珊了吧.....58F 12/29 18:50
nj1208: Jeanne Moreau59F 12/29 18:51
IAmFreeAndU: mandy moore-a walk to remember60F 12/29 18:53
joseph791021: 提到悲慘世界怎麼可以忘了休傑克曼61F 12/29 19:00
christinasy: 滿島光62F 12/29 19:04
Sparks0917: Anna Faris63F 12/29 19:08
Sparks0917: 歌聲讓我一輩子都忘不了
blackknight: 沒人提到k歌情人兩位嗎65F 12/29 19:13
dodocute: Chris Pine66F 12/29 19:14
s12457845: 鋼鐵人的小辣椒67F 12/29 19:17
sate: 怎麼沒有人推阿湯哥!搖滾年代很讚啊!68F 12/29 19:23
blairrajarm: 法鯊、綺拉奈特莉69F 12/29 19:23
minamix: 伊旺麥魁格打掛提到的很多人70F 12/29 19:27
jeffery614: Hugh Jackman71F 12/29 19:34
sleepyrat: 孫越~~當年還被好基友陶大偉抓去出唱片72F 12/29 19:42
sleepyrat: 侯孝賢~~入圍過金馬獎最佳男主角,也出過台語單曲
cder: Eddie Redmayne 跟 Kevin Spacey其實都很會唱74F 12/29 19:44
sleepyrat: 蜜雪兒菲佛~~當年差點唱出一座奧斯卡影后75F 12/29 19:46
mysmalllamb: Eric Elmosnino76F 12/29 19:48
angierlee: Jared Leto最強77F 12/29 19:56
nickhoult55: 海莉班奈特 只是不確定演得好不好xD78F 12/29 19:58
mysmalllamb: Monica Zetterlund & Edda Magnason79F 12/29 19:59
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 20:04:36
whatisge: 唱作俱佳首推Hugh Jackman啊80F 12/29 20:03
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 20:05:14
adamsmile: 張學友、張國榮,以前港星能影歌雙棲真的超硬的~81F 12/29 20:07
qpr322: 推薦你去聽芭芭拉史翠珊最新專輯 你會有收穫的(?)82F 12/29 20:07
yougottt: 休傑克曼之前主持奧斯卡時 唱的開場 http://youtu.be/Te83F 12/29 20:21
yougottt: rhj8mjPwY84F 12/29 20:21
yougottt: http://youtu.be/Terhj8mjPwY
Hugh Jackman's Opening Number: 2009 Oscars - YouTube
Hugh Jackman's opening number saluting Oscar-nominated films at the 81st Academy Awards. Featuring Anne Hathaway. See more 2009 Oscar highlights:

MinCho: 醉鄉民謠86F 12/29 20:22
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 20:30:38
redzon: Ryan Gosling, Anne Hathaway, 休傑克曼都很不錯87F 12/29 20:47
kodaayu: 法鯊演Frank88F 12/29 20:47
tvxq940523: 推推 Eddie Redmayne89F 12/29 20:50
aglaya: 威爾史密斯拿過四座葛萊美獎90F 12/29 20:51
s24066774: 影集閃電俠的男主角grant gustin91F 12/29 20:53
s24066774: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq8B0WrUeYc&featu
Barry Allen Singing "Summer Nights" Plus Drunk Caitlin Snow (The Flash) - YouTube From CW's "The Flash" Episode 1x12 Crazy For You A drunk Dr. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker - SHARK, Julie Stark) calls Barry Allen (Grant Gustin - GLEE, S...

yes90879087: Emmy Rossum演歌劇魅影提名過金球獎影后93F 12/29 20:57
yoshiki0708: Jack Black……94F 12/29 20:57
lebronlp097: 推Jared Leto 我也是看完自殺去查維基才知道他是我95F 12/29 20:58
lebronlp097: 很喜歡的樂團主唱
xxx22088: 我真不敢相信整串沒人提到湯姆克魯斯!搖滾時代啊!97F 12/29 21:08
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/29/2016 21:10:44
a9a99: 結果黎明第一個拿到金馬獎98F 12/29 21:27
midori0611: Ewan McGregor啊!!!!!!!紅磨坊裡唱得超棒<399F 12/29 21:49
shengchiu303: 傑克布萊克100F 12/29 22:04
leo96628: 強尼戴普跟海倫娜波漢卡特 的瘋狂理髮師101F 12/29 22:10
yukuri: Anna Kendrick算是在百老匯出道的喔,最年輕的東尼獎提名102F 12/29 22:58
uart: 約翰屈伏塔演唱跳三拍子103F 12/29 23:02
s085999449: 碧玉,不過她是歌手,而且只演一部片(就影后了)104F 12/29 23:14
bearweb: 伊旺麥奎格 妮可基嫚 紅磨坊也不錯 噢對了RDJ有出過專輯105F 12/29 23:38
bearweb: 哦還自己寫歌XD
jyech: Zac Efron107F 12/29 23:39
bearweb: Ryan Gosling其實有組過樂團哦, Johnny Deep也是108F 12/29 23:42
cmss666: 有人提到冰雪奇緣的安娜 沒記錯的話配音是Bell 但唱歌片109F 12/30 00:10
cmss666: 段好像是別人
kimberleyyu: 推Joseph Gordon-Levitt111F 12/30 00:47
nmh: 剛過世的Debbie Reynolds112F 12/30 00:55
gnps: 影后Brie Larson在歪小子史考特開過金嗓,好像也出過唱片113F 12/30 01:19
gnps: Jeremy Renner、Kate Winslet也很會唱
gnps: Julie Delpy、Colin Ferrall、Jeff Bridges
whyy: 鋼鐵人 小勞伯道尼也出過唱片 在艾莉異想世界唱過好幾首116F 12/30 01:23
gnps: 也很愛Leto跟30秒,不過他來台灣唱的那場讓我很失望......117F 12/30 01:26
我倒是很滿意 聽到closer to the edge都要哭了QQ
legendarysoy: 休傑克曼118F 12/30 01:43
gnps: Andie MacDowell、James Marsden、芮妮琪薇格、凱薩琳麗塔119F 12/30 01:45
gnps: 瓊斯、凱特哈德森、瑞絲薇絲朋、瓦昆菲尼斯等等
sellgd: 水管上找"movie star who can sing"121F 12/30 01:52
gnps: 沒記錯的話布魯斯威利也很會唱歌 XDDD122F 12/30 01:52
sellgd: 布魯斯有組樂團和出專輯123F 12/30 01:54
bilibala09: 張學友 周迅的如果愛124F 12/30 02:46
saddog: http://www.imdb.com/list/ls059788484/  很多喔125F 12/30 02:58
jennycute316: 推妮可基嫚紅磨坊阿126F 12/30 03:05
PTTcountry: 只推Jared Leto 超強 噩夢輓歌成名作127F 12/30 03:29
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/30/2016 09:35:16
book8685: 睡鼠你實在????????XD128F 12/30 10:25
Turnelife: Zac Efron跟休傑克曼129F 12/30 11:13
eric999999: 芭芭拉史翠珊+1 音樂劇CAT的主題曲 她唱的超好聽130F 12/30 13:51
ibahan: 居然沒人提安東尼奧.班德拉斯,已經過氣了嗎?...131F 12/30 14:12
tupacshkur: 24601132F 12/30 14:13
cheercha: 綺拉奈特莉啊!曼哈頓練習曲表現令我驚艷133F 12/30 14:39
相較之下Adam Levine還是乖乖唱歌好了,演戲超彆扭
※ 編輯: s2657507 (, 12/30/2016 15:17:38
shermanmt: 唯一推Jamie Foxx 驚人唱歌實力 goo.gl/aOkVFV134F 12/30 15:57
shermanmt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGidYBqBHVw
Wheel of Musical Impressions with Jamie Foxx - YouTube
Jimmy challenges Jamie to a game of random musical impressions, such as John Legend singing the Toys "R" Us jingle. Subscribe NOW to The Tonight Show Starrin...

PumaFoxTz: 羅素克洛136F 12/30 17:43
kashin: 安娜配音跟唱歌都是Belle137F 12/30 20:22
kashin: https://youtu.be/78jqpeRH0n4
"Love Is An Open Door" Performed by Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana - YouTube Frozen stars Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana perform "Love Is An Open Door" from the Frozen Cabaret. See the full version now when you buy Frozen on Disney ...

PumaFoxTz: 唯一羅素克洛139F 12/30 21:14
c7749: 首推Hugh Jackman!!!!!140F 12/30 22:21
dolan99: 傑克布萊克都沒人提呀?搖滾教室?141F 12/30 23:31
kazuma1008: 來推一個 Seth MacFarlane ,看完歡樂好聲音後才驚覺他142F 12/30 23:57
kazuma1008: 的歌喉深藏不露
gnps: Julie Andrews,Hugh Laurie,Jensen Ackles,Amanda Seyfried144F 12/31 00:14
chaobii: Gerard Butler 歌劇魅影145F 12/31 00:32
Midiya: 看標題馬上就想到休傑克曼  他也常在百老匯演出~~146F 12/31 00:41
p5341500: Mandy moore在this is us147F 12/31 20:15
uinea: 劉德華148F 12/31 23:26
soleaching: Emmy Rossum >///<149F 01/02 20:06

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