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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-27 18:23:22
看板 movie
作者 beckseaton (沒有運動會死)
標題 [討論] 馮迪索將跟MARVEL會面
時間 Thu Jun 27 11:29:52 2013


Marvel Studios有邀他會面談論 原始文字如下

"Marvel has requested a meeting," he writes. "No idea what for... haha, you
probably know better than me..."

以上已經被移除了 根據往例應該是MARVEL的要求

無論如何MARVEL會跟馮迪索接觸 肯定是接下來的電影計畫有角色會考慮找他演出

Could Vin Diesel Be Headed to the Marvel Universe? | Superhero Hype The actor reveals that the studio has requested a meeting Although plans are nascent to say the least, Vin Diesel revealed today through his officially Facebook page that Marvel Studios has just… ...

What Does Marvel Want With Vin Diesel? | Variety
Fans of Marvel and the "Fast and the Furious" franchise can start placing their bets on what mysterious character is being eyed for Vin Diesel. Diesel posted on his Facebook page that "Marvel has r... ...

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◆ From:
notea:肌肉版X教授1F 06/27 11:31
drwsb:塗黑去演Luke Cage 然後去問尼可拉斯凱吉感覺怎麼樣2F 06/27 11:33
visa9527:當初以為他會去蝙蝠俠演班恩3F 06/27 11:46
Tosca:應該是要演蜘蛛人的反派4F 06/27 11:52
Tosca:等下 蜘蛛人在sony那邊阿XD
nicest:肌肉版lex luthor XD6F 06/27 12:05
nicest:等下 lec luthor在DC那邊阿XD
nicest:       x
fasthall:應該是要參加X-MEN的大雜燴9F 06/27 12:08
fasthall:等下 X-MEN應該是在福斯那邊啊XD
FallenAngelX:可能是300壯士第三集吧11F 06/27 12:09
bigappleman:可能是要演唐老大13F 06/27 12:16
bigappleman:等下  他本來就是唐老大
lifehunter:應該就是路克凱吉!!15F 06/27 12:29
frafoa:黑豹16F 06/27 12:36
rocahoward:luke cage不是確定給毛遂自薦的the rock了?17F 06/27 12:56
diru:黑豹不是黑人嗎...18F 06/27 13:20
owenkuo:演Thanos啊19F 06/27 13:24
ertapenem:Thanos XDDDDDDDDDDDD20F 06/27 14:05
Bigcookie2:找他演luke cage? Rock比他適合多了...21F 06/27 14:20
candice625:XD22F 06/27 14:38
RushMonkey:Red-Hulk?23F 06/27 16:01
togmogo:查維茲教授24F 06/27 16:27
biglafu:演Conan25F 06/27 17:22
CalYang:Riddick26F 06/27 17:52

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