※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-04-01 21:43:14
看板 movie
作者 標題 [片單] 特別的片頭
時間 Sat Mar 30 22:27:23 2013
1. 請描述欲尋找電影的類型或特徵(請盡量描述清楚)
(我是把片頭定義在影片還沒開始 還在介紹演員 工作人員那邊 片頭是這樣解釋的?!)
2. 已知符合需求的電影或偏好的電影類型(為避免重複推文,請至少列舉一部)
蜘蛛人第一集 (漫畫式風格 紅色藍色黑色顏色相當強烈)
還有一片忘了叫啥 (是用早餐風格 然後工作人員名字是用蕃茄醬寫出來的)
還有一片恐怖片也忘了叫啥 (撕壁紙出現工作人員名字)
還有哪些有創意 特別的片頭?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :變形金剛怎麼說1F 03/30 22:28
→ :早餐風格應該是拿破崙炸藥2F 03/30 22:29
→ :我忘了耶~3F 03/30 22:29
→ :還有超完美告別也不錯 一開始地圖與棺材 XD
→ :還有超完美告別也不錯 一開始地圖與棺材 XD
推 :銘謝吸菸是香菸盒包裝5F 03/30 22:31
推 :軍火之王6F 03/30 22:41
→ :瘋狂理髮師7F 03/30 22:50
推 :守護者的片頭也不錯8F 03/30 22:50
Lola Rennt - Opening Credits - YouTube
An artistically interesting, if somewhat of a stylistic patchwork quilt, opening credit sequence.
An artistically interesting, if somewhat of a stylistic patchwork quilt, opening credit sequence.
title sequence of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - YouTube
Very interesting title sequence indeed, which is created by, none other, Danny Yount. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a 2005 crime/comedy film, which follows many con...
Very interesting title sequence indeed, which is created by, none other, Danny Yount. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is a 2005 crime/comedy film, which follows many con...
推 :星際大戰 簡單到不行的字幕特效13F 03/30 22:56
Lord of War opening title - YouTube
More videos: Lord of War, Lord of War opening sequence, Lord of War title sequence, opening sequence, movie opening sequen...
More videos: Lord of War, Lord of War opening sequence, Lord of War title sequence, opening sequence, movie opening sequen...
Catch Me if You Can Opening Title Sequence - YouTube
Kuntzel and Deygas's memorable and idiosyncratic title sequence to Steven Spielberg's comedy drama thriller Catch Me if You Can (2002), starring Leonardo DiC...
Kuntzel and Deygas's memorable and idiosyncratic title sequence to Steven Spielberg's comedy drama thriller Catch Me if You Can (2002), starring Leonardo DiC...
MK12 // Stranger Than Fiction: Opening HD - YouTube
MK12 // Stranger Than Fiction: Opening (© 2006 MK12)
MK12 // Stranger Than Fiction: Opening (© 2006 MK12)
推 :芬奇的片19F 03/30 23:02
推 :撕壁紙是靈異孤兒院吧20F 03/30 23:04
推 :黑暗騎士黎明昇起21F 03/30 23:07
推 :超完美告別!22F 03/30 23:16
推 :不可能的任務423F 03/30 23:18
推 :接觸未來(從地球往外拉遠,慢慢聽到越以前的無線電波)/異24F 03/30 23:23
推 :開麥拉驚魂片頭的假預告算嗎?25F 03/30 23:24
→ :次元駭客(我思,故我在)/致命ID(那首詩)26F 03/30 23:24
推 :龍紋身的女孩美國版27F 03/30 23:26
Full Zombieland Intro [HD] - YouTube
Like it if you want to see another Zombieland movie! Zombieland, ™ & © 2009 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Zombieland, the mobile game © 2009 Sony Pictur...
Like it if you want to see another Zombieland movie! Zombieland, ™ & © 2009 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. Zombieland, the mobile game © 2009 Sony Pictur...
James Bond 007 | Casino Royale Opening Credits - YouTube
James Bond 007 - Daniel Craig | Casino Royale (Film) ~ Opening Credits.
James Bond 007 - Daniel Craig | Casino Royale (Film) ~ Opening Credits.
Natural Born Killers opening credits - Music by Leonard Cohen - YouTube Opening credits from the 1994 masterpiece Natural Born Killers. Directed by Oliver Stone. Waiting For The Miracle performed by Leonard Cohen.
→ :Juno 鴻運當頭32F 03/30 23:45
推 :守護者33F 03/30 23:50
推 :近期推奧茲大帝的片頭34F 03/30 23:55
推 :殺客同萌35F 03/31 00:05
推 :人工進化36F 03/31 00:08
推 :奧茲大帝的片頭也很棒,符合復古又奇幻的感覺~~37F 03/31 00:08
推 :劍魚38F 03/31 00:15
推 :黑暗騎士39F 03/31 01:08
推 :龍紋身的女孩美國版 非常棒40F 03/31 01:11
→ :皇家夜總會的片頭真的很棒,看過不會忘記41F 03/31 01:13
推 :推不可能的任務442F 03/31 01:30
推 :魔鏡魔鏡43F 03/31 01:56
推 :Juno44F 03/31 01:59
推 :不得不提水世界45F 03/31 02:04
推 :龍紋身美國版超棒!!大衛芬奇導的片頭都很特殊46F 03/31 02:04
Die Another Day Opening Title Sequence HD - YouTube
Die Another Day performed by Madonna By far the worst Bond theme in the whole series, this belongs in a dance club, not a James Bond movie.
Die Another Day performed by Madonna By far the worst Bond theme in the whole series, this belongs in a dance club, not a James Bond movie.
推 :Skyfall!! 神祕又具視覺美感 配上Adele的歌聲 很完美49F 03/31 02:12
推 :推皇家夜總會~每次有人問我腦中第一個就是想到這個:)50F 03/31 02:18
推 :所以總歸就是丹尼爾演的電影的片頭XD51F 03/31 02:42
推 :粉紅豹 神鬼交鋒52F 03/31 02:55
推 :法國片 巴黎拜金女 晚餐遊戲(客人變成豬)53F 03/31 03:34
推 :廣島之戀 長達十多分鐘類紀錄片的拍法 我還以為我拿錯片54F 03/31 03:38
推 :我記得之前有篇跟本篇一樣的主題56F 03/31 08:06
→ :空降危機的片頭...其實把劇情都爆光了XD57F 03/31 09:26
→ :奪魂鋸1,用開頭貫穿全片,連片頭都成為拼圖的一部份58F 03/31 11:09
推 :推一個59F 03/31 11:36
→ :可見很多,應該夠你參考了60F 03/31 12:24
推 :殺客同萌61F 03/31 12:46
推 :推宇宙兄弟!62F 03/31 12:59
推 :太極163F 03/31 13:35
推 :一路向西64F 03/31 15:03
Best Opening Scenes in Movies
The 50 Best Opening Scenes of All Time Video Show ...
The 50 Best Opening Scenes of All Time Video Show ...
推 :母侵的也不錯66F 03/31 18:44
推 :最近的無敵破壞王67F 03/31 21:43
→ :藥命效應68F 03/31 21:50
推 :港片:小小小警察~福星高照69F 04/01 01:15
推 :美味關係....XDD70F 04/01 02:01
推 :洛基恐怖秀 烈焰紅唇開場秀XD71F 04/01 04:02
推 :JUNO~72F 04/01 11:41
推 :拿破崙炸藥73F 04/01 12:22
作者 moneybuy 的最新發文:
- 高院是不是沒在看 自由廣場有多少人啊 每個人都是自由的 跟自由作對的都是壞人 今天去吹風吹爽的嗎 太可惡了 氣氣氣 又要睡不著了 有沒有八卦142F 49推 6噓
- 集會15萬人的怒吼 是不是太猛了 全民站出來 這下子很多人睡不著了吧 上次30萬人凱道十字架 一堆人嚇尿嘻嘻 笑死196F 87推 11噓
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