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作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 李安:Pi是對信仰的測試
時間 Fri Jan 11 10:56:02 2013
工作偷打的 底子不是很好請見諒
※ 引述《twyes1688 (twyes1688)》之銘言:
: http://tinyurl.com/ao87any
Ang Lee on Why Oscar Nominee 'Life of Pi' Was 'A Test of Faith' - Speakeasy - WSJ
"Life of Pi" director Ang Lee talked with The Wall Street Journal shortly after he learned of the film's 11 nominations, including Best Director. ...
: Picture and Best Cinematography, in addition to Best Director. Lee talked
: with the Journal shortly after the announcement to discuss “Life of Pi,”
: and the possibility of directing “Cleopatra” next.
: Congratulations on your nominations.
少年PI在禮拜二早上獲得了11項提名 其中包含最佳影片、最佳攝影以及最佳導演
: It’s a good morning for us. Thank you.
: How did you hear the news?
: I was awakened by my assistant. That early, I thought it might be good,
: because I was having a dream actually.
: Were you dreaming you were nominated?
: No, no, about something else. I don’t remember, then I woke up [laughs]. I
: just arrived in L.A. last night for the Broadcasting Critics Award tonight.
: So I’m in a hotel.
: You won the Best Director Oscar for “Brokeback Mountain.” How did directing
: “Life of Pi” differ from that experience?
: This movie [“Life of Pi”] seemed like everything was uphill. I worked for
: four years. It was the hardest movie I made. “Brokeback” is probably the
: easiest [laughs], or easier at least. This was really hard and 3000 people
: worked on it. It’s like a test of faith. Everything was uphill. Difficult
: elements, turning a philosophical book into an expensive movie. A lot of
: pressure. I carried it [to] the only place I think I could do it, my
: hometown, Taiwan, to create a new facility to make it. First acting boy,
: tiger, 3-D, water. It was all difficult. And how to put it together? To be
: viable commercially?
這是我拍過電影中拍的最艱辛的一部了. "斷背山"搞不好是最簡單的(笑)
在爬上坡般的那樣喘死你. 困難的元素、把一本哲學書變成一部費用龐大的電影
這真的讓我壓力很大. 所以我把它帶到了一個我覺得我能完成他的地方,
: How long did “Brokeback Mountain” take?
: Two months shooting, and everything went well. The script was great, the
: actors brilliant. You can do the easiest thing but it turns out to be
: difficult. But that one just happened. Everything went smoothly. From the
: first cut on, people just melted over that movie [laughs]. Actually, after “
: The Hulk” I thought I would do something easier, and I thought that was
: going to be strictly arthouse. When it hit the shopping mall, I got worried.
: What did you have to learn or perfect specifically for “Life of Pi”?
: Well, India. Religion. It’s about God, not necessarily religion, but I still
: needed to get into it somewhat. Water. A lot of study about how to do water,
: except you’re paying for it. You’re not studying and doing research, and
: then the work. You’re doing the work while you’re learning. So, that
: actually turned out to be the most painful part. 3-D is new to me. It’s a
: new cinematic language, new to everyone. Nobody can really give you advice.
: So, we were groping along the way.
一大堆跟水有關係,以及如何製造出水的研究 反正就是邊做邊學,雖然蠻辛苦的
: How did you study religion? Through texts?
: Yeah, texts. I’m not like Pi, practicing all the religions [laughs]. I
: talked to people, to the faithful. Particularly India, the Hindus I’m not
: familiar with, so I had to get into it. Visiting temples.
: I half-expected Richard Parker, the Bengal tiger, to get a nomination.
: [Laughs]
對了,我希望richard parker這隻孟加拉虎可以獲得一個提名(笑)
: Was that one of the most challenging aspects?
: Yeah, to have the tiger not only be realistic but to behave like a tiger.
: That took a lot of work. Our visual effect guys really did some
: groundbreaking work.
: You also built a water tank at a former airport near Taichung.
: I wanted to simulate the open ocean. I wanted to control it somehow. A big
: part of the movie is out on the ocean, and I wanted the water to be a
: character. It’s an adrift movie without Tom Hanks, so you gotta visually
: grab them somehow [laughs]. The water has to speak. I have to have some kind
: of control. If I go out to the real ocean or the conventional way, of just
: showing the wave and it bounced back from the wall and go up and down, up and
: down, it just wouldn’t work. So I had to create something new.
: It’s something quite abstract, like everything. Just the sheer chance that
: people took a leap of faith on this one, whether the filmmakers or Fox. Even
: when I was doing it I thought god, what are we doing? I think that part is
: most special.
這是一部沒有TOM HANK的漂流電影,所以在視覺上你必須要抓住觀眾的心(笑)
這很抽象, 我不知道該怎麼翻譯, 有請大大
: Are you going to direct “Cleopatra”?
: I don’t know. They say they’re going to send me the script. I think okay,
: good, I’ll read it. They have not sent the script. It’s a very attractive
: idea.
: Have you and Angelina Jolie ever discussed working together before?
: Not face to face but we exchanged emails a little bit.
: How was it filming in your hometown, Taiwan?
: I was born in Pingtung. My mother is in Tainan. I reconnected to Taiwan.
: Since I left I had not spent that much time working, reconnecting to society.
: The help I got was just incredible, from government to just everybody in
: Taiwan.
: Will you film there again?
: Oh yeah, yeah. It’s my hometown.
: Each of your films is so different. Is there a type of film, like a musical
: or a biopic, you’d like to do in the future?
: Well, the elements of a project have to grab me. Normally that grabs me
: before genre. Then I choose genre to fit the subject matter. I don’t have a
: checklist. I’m not a movie buff type of filmmaker.
與其說我在嘗試不同的風格 不如說是那些風格在勾引我拍攝的慾望吧.
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