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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-14 02:26:04
看板 movie
作者 teramars ( tomorrow never knows)
標題 [請益] 蝙蝠俠三部曲裡面的名言
時間 Thu Dec 13 20:59:02 2012

            今天中午看了很久沒看的 {開戰時刻}

            裡面瑞秋和韋恩 都有說一句大意是說

            "一個人的外表不是那麼重要  他的所作所為才是決定他的人格所在"

             還有管家跟韋恩說的 " 孩子為什麼會跌倒? 因為要學習怎麼爬起來"

              仔細想想 這三部曲裡面都有一些不錯的名言

             不曉得   蝙蝠俠三部曲裡面  還有哪些是不錯的的名言?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
jjooee1428:Joker:1F 12/13 21:02
creamandy:       I'm Ironman2F 12/13 21:03
pttnowash:With greater power, comes greater responsibility.3F 12/13 21:04
diru:精華區很多可以參考一下4F 12/13 21:05
pttnowash:首部曲有句名言: YOU CANNOT PASS!!!5F 12/13 21:06
ramora28:Why so serious?6F 12/13 21:07
misy4ru3:那是偉恩老爸說的吧7F 12/13 21:08
namenicht:當然是這句"I am your father!"8F 12/13 21:08
Sparksfly:not yet, not everything.9F 12/13 21:09
d200190:You completed me!10F 12/13 21:09
pttnowash:阿蝙對小丑說:"Show me the money!" 還獲選百大電影佳句11F 12/13 21:10
sanshin:那是瑞秋說的吧12F 12/13 21:11
kimogy1111:終於明白被不告而別的滋味 (一整個太好笑了XDD13F 12/13 21:12
Aerialy:My Precious!My Precious!14F 12/13 21:13
MakeAWash:窩不似泛輪~15F 12/13 21:14
sanshin:勒賀go16F 12/13 21:15
pttnowash:kimogy那句是: So that's how it feels like.17F 12/13 21:16
strawberrynn:Bane: No one cared who I was until I put on the m18F 12/13 21:17
strawberrynn:ask. 我超愛這句!!
killer2:ONLY ME(必死名言)20F 12/13 21:18
NakedSnake:Basara!Basara!Deshi!Deshi!22F 12/13 21:21
pttnowash:阿蝙對管家說: 教練 我想打球...23F 12/13 21:26
jxxxx:樓上太好笑了24F 12/13 21:29
james80522:If you're good at something, never do it for free.25F 12/13 21:34
SHINJO575:my precious26F 12/13 21:34
sonnyissonny:Bane在開頭劫機時說的每一句話 每一句都毛骨悚然~@@27F 12/13 21:40
sonnyissonny:最後一句 The fire rises 聽到時真的有阿蝙你準備大
rapnose:Crashing this plane... with no survivors!30F 12/13 21:51
Spartan117:How 'bout a magic trick~31F 12/13 21:51
edleren:布魯斯他爸對他說的跌倒名言真的很不錯32F 12/13 22:06
KYLAT:You Either Die a Hero, or Live Long Enough to See Yourse34F 12/13 22:14
plp:when u are in roman, do as the romans do35F 12/13 22:14
KYLAT:-lf Become the Villain36F 12/13 22:14
john5566:swear to me37F 12/13 22:14
iammyfriend:YOU COMPLETED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!38F 12/13 22:15
john5566:http://ppt.cc/W5A839F 12/13 22:15
Batman Chooses His Voice (from Front Page Films) - YouTube
BEHIND THE SCENES -  See more  He's been workshopping a few things. From Front Page Films. LIKE us on: http:...

KYLAT:路人:這裡沒錢給你搶 Bane:那你們在這裡幹嘛呢?40F 12/13 22:16
Aldousphyx:what doesn't kill you make you stranger.41F 12/13 22:16
katoai:Some men just wanna watch the world burn.心有戚戚焉42F 12/13 22:24
phantom78626:Not yet,not everything 超感動的43F 12/13 22:29
icecold52:Welcome to the rock !!! (咦....好像跑錯棚了 XD44F 12/13 22:46
Rusty99:iammyfriend:YOU COMPLETED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!45F 12/13 23:27
dengekioh:Nice coat!!!!46F 12/13 23:29
kkkppp:You Have My Sword, And My Bow, And My Axe!!47F 12/13 23:30
dengekioh:It's not who you are underneath, but what you do48F 12/13 23:32
dengekioh:that defines you
c1089:丁丁爆炸爆炸 丁丁爆炸爆炸 丁丁爆炸爆炸 丁丁爆炸爆炸50F 12/14 00:01
togmogo:I believe what doesn't kill you will make you ~51F 12/14 00:37
MoonMan0319:樓上那句真的超有黑色幽默感 原本是stronger53F 12/14 00:47
tetsu2008:原來是這種感覺54F 12/14 01:09
robin2691:口齒不清的where are they?55F 12/14 01:32

※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2274 
作者 teramars 的最新發文:
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b varg, blazeartist 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2012-12-17 10:13:44 (台灣)
  12-17 10:13 TW
2樓 時間: 2012-12-18 22:07:55 (台灣)
  12-18 22:07 TW
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