※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-17 17:14:13
看板 movie
作者 標題 [情報] 復仇者聯盟2 暫定2015/05/01
時間 Fri Aug 17 01:33:13 2012
Robert Downey Jr. Injured On 'Iron Man 3' Set, Production Delayed
Robert Downey Jr. has suffered an injury on the set of "Iron Man 3," Disney said Thursday. The incident will delay production. ...
Robert Downey Jr. has suffered an injury on the set of "Iron Man 3," Disney said Thursday. The incident will delay production. ...
特攻聯盟2 於2013/06/28 上映
05/03 鋼鐵人 3
06/14 超人:鋼鐵之軀
06/28 特攻聯盟 2
11/08 雷神索爾 2
04/04 美國隊長 2
05/02 蜘蛛人 2
07/18 X-MEN FC 續集- Days of Future Past
08/01 銀河守護者
05/01 復仇者聯盟 2
三國志大戰 ~ 從一代就最萌的王異姐姐
セイバー・リリィ ~全て遠き理想郷~
飯糰謙信 可脫才是觀賞跟實用兼具的王道
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :X-MEN SC1F 08/17 01:34
※ 編輯: ooic 來自: (08/17 01:35)推 :想看X-MEN2F 08/17 01:35
推 :全都想看 好HIGH的一年!!!!!3F 08/17 01:39
推 :每年都很嗨XD4F 08/17 01:44
推 :蜘蛛人也拍太快了吧 ....5F 08/17 01:45
※ 編輯: ooic 來自: (08/17 01:48)※ ooic:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes 08/17 01:48
推 :@@6F 08/17 02:05
推 :推 每年都很嗨XD7F 08/17 02:08
推 :傷到腳… 他不是有高級義肢嗎(誤)8F 08/17 02:13
推 :都是續集…9F 08/17 02:15
→ :超人和銀河守護者不是續集10F 08/17 02:17
推 :會不會那時候英雄系列已經不紅了11F 08/17 02:22
推 :只要有男人跟男孩 超級英雄永遠不退.....12F 08/17 02:24
推 :沒浩克2就直接復仇者喔 我要浩克.....13F 08/17 03:03
→ :浩克要拍成影集,導演是Guillermo del Toro14F 08/17 03:07
※ 編輯: ooic 來自: (08/17 03:09)推 :特攻聯盟!!!15F 08/17 03:11
推 :那還是MARK演的嗎? 改成影集喔....爽度會減一些吧16F 08/17 03:21
推 :都好想看歐!!!!!17F 08/17 05:28
推 :太酷啦18F 08/17 05:31
推 :每年都超嗨!XDDDDD19F 08/17 08:07
推 :2015要幫小熊隊復百年大仇嗎20F 08/17 08:47
推 :全都是英雄片,看爽爽XD21F 08/17 09:45
推 :KICK ASS 2要在暑假拼這些片喔..好硬Q22F 08/17 10:34
推 :KICK ASS超期待XD23F 08/17 10:52
推 :真假Guillermo del Toro要拍浩克影集? 主角勒?24F 08/17 11:06
→ :還是Mark Ruffalo????
→ :還是Mark Ruffalo????
Disney CEO: Joss Whedon to write and direct Avengers 2 and create Marvel series for ABC
Disney CEO and Chairman Bob Iger told analysts during a stockholders conference call today that Joss Whedon has been signed to direct and write Avengers 2 and that the veteran TV talent will create a Marvel based series for ABC. ...
Disney CEO and Chairman Bob Iger told analysts during a stockholders conference call today that Joss Whedon has been signed to direct and write Avengers 2 and that the veteran TV talent will create a Marvel based series for ABC. ...
推 :只要有男人跟男孩 超級英雄永遠不退27F 08/17 11:41
推 :期待KICK ASS 228F 08/17 11:57
→ :沒梗了~再怎麼演還是這些英雄片…29F 08/17 13:26
推 :美漫能用的梗還很多呢30F 08/17 14:14
推 :X-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!31F 08/17 14:18
推 :明年夏天也太嗨XDD 就算暫時退燒 到時候上映又會燒起來XD32F 08/17 14:51
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 650
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