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作者 標題 [新聞] 茱芭莉摩 慘變賠錢貨
時間 Sun Nov 6 15:21:37 2011
茱芭莉摩 慘變賠錢貨 | 電影世界 | 娛樂追星 | 聯合新聞網
路透報導,雖然有人認為所有明星的價碼都太獅子大開口,但根據富比世網站公布的調查,茱芭莉摩(Drew Barrymore)和艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy)的境界才可說是無人能出其右。<P>
路透報導,雖然有人認為所有明星的價碼都太獅子大開口,但根據富比世網站公布的調查,茱芭莉摩(Drew Barrymore)和艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy)的境界才可說是無人能出其右。<P>
茱芭莉摩 慘變賠錢貨
調查,茱芭莉摩(Drew Barrymore)和艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy)的境界才可說是
Pirates of the Caribbean)狂掃數十億美元票房,那當然怎麼算都划算。但如果電影
茱芭莉摩去年主演浪漫喜劇「真愛零距離」(Going the Distance),票房才1780萬
美元;前年的「天倫之旅」(Everybody`s Fine)和「飆速青春」(Whip It)更是連
美元;前年的「天倫之旅」(Everybody`s Fine)和「飆速青春」(Whip It)更是連
負責編纂排行榜的波莫蘭茲(Dorothy Pomerantz)毒舌評論:「跟茱芭莉摩一比,艾迪
不過艾迪墨菲近作「天才神算」(Imagine That)和「大衛特大號」(Meet Dave)也
沒好到哪去。富比世譏嘲,或許新片「神偷軍團」(Tower Heist)被看好,以及明年
沒好到哪去。富比世譏嘲,或許新片「神偷軍團」(Tower Heist)被看好,以及明年
賺得太超過前十名還包括尼可拉斯凱吉(Nicolas Cage)、妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)
、丹佐華盛頓(Denzel Washington)和瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon)。其中瑞絲
薇絲朋的「愛在心裡怎知道」(How Do You Know)根本是禍害一場。富比世指該片耗資
、丹佐華盛頓(Denzel Washington)和瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon)。其中瑞絲
薇絲朋的「愛在心裡怎知道」(How Do You Know)根本是禍害一場。富比世指該片耗資
至少這回威爾法洛(Will Ferrell)可以稍微好過點了。連續兩年蟬聯第一之後,今年
【2011/11/05 世界日報】
Drew Barrymore, Eddie Murphy Top Forbes Overpaid Actors List
Drew Barrymore, Eddie Murphy Top Forbes Overpaid Actors List - MTV Movie News| MTV
Drew Barrymore, Eddie Murphy and Will Ferrell top Forbes magazine's list of most overpaid actors.
Drew Barrymore, Eddie Murphy and Will Ferrell top Forbes magazine's list of most overpaid actors.
Hollywood's Most Overpaid Actors - Dorothy Pomerantz - Forbes
To compile our list we used information gathered for the Celebrity 100 to look at the last three non animation movies each actor starred in over that last three years. We added each actor's upfront and backend pay on all three movies to come up with a total compensation number. We then added up the operating income of the three movies to come up with a total operating income number and then divided total operating income by total compensation. Each return on investment number represents how much the studio is paid for every dollar invested in the star.<br />
To compile our list we used information gathered for the Celebrity 100 to look at the last three non animation movies each actor starred in over that last three years. We added each actor's upfront and backend pay on all three movies to come up with a total compensation number. We then added up the operating income of the three movies to come up with a total operating income number and then divided total operating income by total compensation. Each return on investment number represents how much the studio is paid for every dollar invested in the star.<br />
1.Drew Barrymore 近作:真愛零距離 回收率:4角(美金)
2.Eddie Murphy 近作:神偷軍團 回收率:2.7
3.Will Ferrell 近作:B咖戰警 回收率:3.5
4.Reese Witherspoon 近作:愛在心裡怎知道 回收率:3.55
5 Denzel Washington 近作:煞不住 回收率:4.25
6 Nicolas Cage 近作:非法入侵 回收率:4.4
7 Adam Sandler 近作:命運好好笑 回收率:5.2
8 Vince Vaughn 近作:劈腿困境 回收率:5.2
9 Tom Cruise 近作:騎士出任務 回收率:6.35
10 Nicole Kidman 近作:非法入侵 回收率:6.7
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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