看板 Modchip
作者 標題 [轉錄][PS3 ] How to Play Online Using a JailBroke …
時間 2010年10月24日 Sun. PM 09:19:43
※ 本文轉錄自 snowwolf725 信箱
作者 標題 [PS3 ] How to Play Online Using a JailBroke …
時間 2010年10月24日 Sun. PM 09:19:02
※ 收件者: snowwolf725
看板 Modchip
作者 標題 [PS3 ] How to Play Online Using a JailBroken PS3 with XLink Kai
時間 Sun Oct 24 21:06:41 2010
Dukio.com 有人貼了如何透過 XLink Kai 來網路連線對戰,
1. 支援 port forwarding 的路由器一台
1. 到下面的連結, 註冊 XLink 的帳號
2. 到下面的網址下載 XLink Kai, 並安裝
3. 開啟你路由器(router) 的 port forwarding 設定頁面
下面的網址有各種路由器如何設定 port forwarding 的說明
4. 在 port forwarding 頁面設定
UDP & TCP 的 30000 port 轉到 34522 port
5. 點選"Start Kai" 執行程式,
如果你的作業系統是 win7 需要到 C:\Program Files(x86)\XLink Kai
設定 kaiEngine.exe 的相容性為 windows xp sp2,
6. 這時應該會出現設定視窗要求你輸入帳號密碼,
(在這步 XLink Kai 也有可能是開啟 Web GUI,
7. 點選綠色箭頭登入,
將網路線接上 PS3,
使用 PS3JB 模式啟動 PS3,
在開機的時候會提示 DNS 錯誤,
8. 點選「?」資料夾並點選放大鏡圖示
成功的話應該會顯示 「PS2/PS3 is configured successfully」
原文連結 :
Yeah, yeah, it's not as perfect as PSN, but at least you can play online
before the anticipated release from PSJailbreak for newer firmware support.
That if you are desperate enough to get it online as there are only handful
of thousand gamers of different consoles online at the same time. I will put
the tutorial here anyway since i think there are some who are interested to 『
break』 online.
1. First, you must register an account with XLink at
http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/signup.php. You don't have to fill out all
details, only * are important.
2. Then, download XLink Kai which is in
http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/downloads.php/ and simply run the installer.
3. Here comes the difficult part, which is forwarding your port. It is quite
different depending on the type of your router. By default, its usually goes
at You must login and go into the port forwarding section. See
how to port forward your router below:
4. Just set protocol to 「both」 (UDP & TCP) and the port from 30000 to 34522
then save and apply.
5. Now run the Xlink Kai Evolution VII program, if your are running Windows 7
right click -> properties -> run in Windows Xp SP2 and check run as
administrator. (Click allow if there is any prompt window about firewall)
6. This time, it should open up a configuration page. Simply entering your
username and password from the XLink account you have created before, also
check application GUI if it is set into the web GUI. This is optional as it
will have an easier navigation.
7. Click the green arrow to login (If your not already logged into XLink),
power on your Jailbroken PS3 console and you should get a DNS Error on
startup. You don』t have to worry about this as it is normal.
8. Finally, click on the magnify glass with the folder icon below the 「?」.
If it says 「PS2/PS3 is configured successfully」 , I must congratulate you
as you are now connected to XLink and can host LAN parties.
Supported PS3 Games For This Method:
‧ Borderlands
‧ Call of Duty 4
‧ Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
‧ Call of Duty W@W
‧ Condemned 2
‧ F.E.A.R
‧ Haze
‧ OFP Dragon Rising
‧ Rainbow Six Vegas
‧ The Darkness
‧ TimeShift
‧ Unreal Tournament 3
‧ Armored Core 4
‧ Blazing Angels 2
‧ Blur
‧ DiRT
‧ DiRT 2
‧ F1 2010
‧ Formula 1 Championship
‧ H.A.W.X 2
‧ Dark Sector
‧ Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
‧ Kane & Lynch Dead Man
‧ Red Dead Redemption
‧ Red Fraction Guerrilla
‧ Saints Row 2
‧ Warhawk
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 來源: Disp BBS (http://disp.cc)
※ 作者: snowwolf725 時間: 2010-10-24 21:19:43 來自: 114-32-118-136.HINET-IP.hinet.net
※ 看板: Modchip 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1515