※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-26 09:00:24
看板 Military
作者 標題 [情報] 情報數則:波蘭承認有提供T-72給烏克蘭
時間 Tue Apr 26 07:13:02 2022
The Kyiv Independent
@KyivIndependentPoland confirms sending tanks to Ukraine.
Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed it on April 25 without disclosing the amount. The U.K. previously confirmed sending tanks to Poland, allowing Warsaw to supply Kyiv with Soviet T-72 tanks.
@KyivIndependentPoland confirms sending tanks to Ukraine.
Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed it on April 25 without disclosing the amount. The U.K. previously confirmed sending tanks to Poland, allowing Warsaw to supply Kyiv with Soviet T-72 tanks.
Euromaidan Press
@EuromaidanPressPolish PM Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed that Poland delivered tanks to Ukraine
@EuromaidanPressPolish PM Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed that Poland delivered tanks to Ukraine
"Yes, Poland has donated tanks to Ukraine, but for the safety of our Ukrainian friends, we won't talk about their numbers," he said on Polsat.https://twitter.com/PremierRP/status/1518644097652871169 …
Premier @MorawieckiM w #GośćWydarzeń: Tak, Polska przekazała czołgi na Ukrainę, ale ze względów bezpieczeństwa naszych ukraińskich przyjaciół nie będziemy mówić o ich liczbie.聶斯特河畔首府驚傳有人以火箭攻擊其「國土安全部」大樓
Euromaidan Press
@EuromaidanPressExplosions have been reported in Tiraspol, the capital of Moldova's Russian-occupied Transnistrian region
Those occurred near the building of Transnistria's "Ministry of State Security."
@EuromaidanPressExplosions have been reported in Tiraspol, the capital of Moldova's Russian-occupied Transnistrian region
Those occurred near the building of Transnistria's "Ministry of State Security."
Steve Herman
@W7VOAForeign Ministry Lavrov says @NATO is "essentially" engaging in war with #Russia through a proxy which it is arming.
@W7VOAForeign Ministry Lavrov says @NATO is "essentially" engaging in war with #Russia through a proxy which it is arming.
Steve Herman
@W7VOAUS on Tuesday, at @RamsteinAirBase in #Germany, hosting 40+ countries for #Ukraine-related defense talks that will focus on further arming Kyiv so it can continue to withstand the invasion by #Russia.
@W7VOAUS on Tuesday, at @RamsteinAirBase in #Germany, hosting 40+ countries for #Ukraine-related defense talks that will focus on further arming Kyiv so it can continue to withstand the invasion by #Russia.
Euromaidan Press
He says a "gas leakage" is to blame
@EuromaidanPressAn explosion in the mayor's office of recently-occupied Kreminna destroyed the Russian occupiers and local collaborators after they gathered for a "meeting" - RegHead Haidai in telethon
He says a "gas leakage" is to blame
@welt„Wir wollen Deutschland nicht in den dritten Weltkrieg hineinziehen“ http://to.welt.de/eNYkwKT
@welt„Wir wollen Deutschland nicht in den dritten Weltkrieg hineinziehen“ http://to.welt.de/eNYkwKT
max seddon
@maxseddonVladimir Putin has lost interest in diplomatic efforts to end the war, according to three people briefed on conversations with the Russian president.
Instead, he appears set on seizing as much Ukrainian territory as possible.
New, with @HenryJFoy:https://www.ft.com/content/a16c4ecd-e835-4e71-a12d-c7bec9f34d7c …
@maxseddonVladimir Putin has lost interest in diplomatic efforts to end the war, according to three people briefed on conversations with the Russian president.
Instead, he appears set on seizing as much Ukrainian territory as possible.
New, with @HenryJFoy:https://www.ft.com/content/a16c4ecd-e835-4e71-a12d-c7bec9f34d7c …
Alex Luck
@AlexLuck9Minor details on endless drama re German Marder IFV for Ukraine as pushed by industry: first 20 vehicles ready in 6 to 8 weeks, another 50 within five to six months. Meanwhile Scholz will answer questions of defence committee re Ukraine on May 11 (!). https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deuts...ba-74c0-498c-ae58-a6dddb327a9f …
@AlexLuck9Minor details on endless drama re German Marder IFV for Ukraine as pushed by industry: first 20 vehicles ready in 6 to 8 weeks, another 50 within five to six months. Meanwhile Scholz will answer questions of defence committee re Ukraine on May 11 (!). https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deuts...ba-74c0-498c-ae58-a6dddb327a9f …
Paul McLeary
@paulmclearyFirst Lt. Ivan Skuratovsky, serving in Ukraine's 25th Airborne Brigade: “the situation is very bad, [Russians] simply destroy everything with artillery, shelling day and night." @ChristopherJM's first one for @politicohttps://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/25/ukraine-weaponry-russia-war-00027406 …
@paulmclearyFirst Lt. Ivan Skuratovsky, serving in Ukraine's 25th Airborne Brigade: “the situation is very bad, [Russians] simply destroy everything with artillery, shelling day and night." @ChristopherJM's first one for @politicohttps://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/25/ukraine-weaponry-russia-war-00027406 …
Matthew Luxmoore
@mjluxmooreRussia has lost thousands of weapons in Ukraine & faces Western sanctions designed to impede their replacement. Two years of tank production erased. “We don’t have the men, we don’t have the equipment, we don’t have the components." Story w/@DanMichaelsWSJhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/russian...stroyed-in-ukraine-11650879002 …
@mjluxmooreRussia has lost thousands of weapons in Ukraine & faces Western sanctions designed to impede their replacement. Two years of tank production erased. “We don’t have the men, we don’t have the equipment, we don’t have the components." Story w/@DanMichaelsWSJhttps://www.wsj.com/articles/russian...stroyed-in-ukraine-11650879002 …
Above all, we must realize that no arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of
the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and
women. ~ Ronald Reagan, 01/20/1981
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YPoiREI (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1650928411.A.392.html
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/26/2022 07:14:23
推 : 推一個1F 04/26 07:16
推 : 烏軍彈藥用這麼兇阿..2F 04/26 07:17
推 : 小綠人自己就是代理人戰爭3F 04/26 07:18
→ : 俄國也用維和的名義入侵烏克蘭
→ : 俄國也用維和的名義入侵烏克蘭
→ : 密約這種東西不存在了吧。那是討論中的東西而已。5F 04/26 07:18
推 : 萊茵金屬快瘋了 到底哪時才能賺這波6F 04/26 07:20
→ : 烏克蘭也需要密約 逃....7F 04/26 07:20
→ : 強生:沒關係,我會送一批給你們波波的8F 04/26 07:21
→ : 東部戰況緊繃啊9F 04/26 07:30
推 : 烏東包圍圈內 應該死傷很慘重 QQ10F 04/26 07:30
推 : 兩年就能生產回來 看來打的不夠多11F 04/26 07:30
→ : 普丁從頭到尾都沒打算用外交解決吧12F 04/26 07:30
推 : 最理想估算蕭茲在5/11赴國會報告。德國國會花一個月13F 04/26 07:31
→ : 吵架,再一個月壓制蕭茲。再等6週軍火商送出20輛。
→ : 吵架,再一個月壓制蕭茲。再等6週軍火商送出20輛。
推 : 這麼剛好天然氣爆炸15F 04/26 07:32
噓 : 推特上的西方訊息真實性真的很低!16F 04/26 07:32
→ : 可以有別的資訊來源嗎?XD
→ : 可以有別的資訊來源嗎?XD
推 : 有啊,中國的俄軍已經登錄傲德薩跟澤倫司機已經逃跑18F 04/26 07:34
→ : 七次可信度超高
→ : 七次可信度超高
推 : 那個加拿大中將呢,你用可信的俄國資料幫我們找找被20F 04/26 07:37
→ : 抓到哪裡了吧
→ : 抓到哪裡了吧
→ : 天然氣爆炸XD 魔術協會也介入了嗎22F 04/26 07:37
推 : 大本營戰報可以找天使川啊23F 04/26 07:38
→ : 這裡只有fake news 據信俄軍已於2/27攻陷基輔
→ : 這裡只有fake news 據信俄軍已於2/27攻陷基輔
推 : 有,中國消息,2月時俄軍已經接受烏克蘭的投降了25F 04/26 07:40
推 : is,又沒說你不能貼文,別只當伸手牌,趕快分享你認為26F 04/26 07:41
→ : 真實性高的貼文
→ : 真實性高的貼文
推 : 根據中俄情報早就打完了啊28F 04/26 07:42
推 : 等德國補給送到,孩子都生出來了29F 04/26 07:46
推 : 傀儡政客不是遭到刺殺就是死於事故 看誰還敢背骨30F 04/26 07:48
→ : 天然氣爆炸XD31F 04/26 07:48
推 : 歐洲老大-波蘭32F 04/26 07:51
推 : 哈哈哈,還有人在崩潰33F 04/26 07:51
推 : 綏靖照片好用,拿來貼在德國討論串下面34F 04/26 07:54
推 : 兩年的前提是後續制裁解除且再無戰事,不過就現在而35F 04/26 07:55
→ : 言是不需要去討論的事
→ : 言是不需要去討論的事
推 : 可以去參考前版主的可靠資訊來源37F 04/26 08:06
推 : 俄羅斯好意思說人家 自己也用維和名義入侵阿38F 04/26 08:11
推 : 再怎樣都比isud40401說的話可信度高40F 04/26 08:19
→ : isud40401就是丟個兩句話就落跑的腳色
→ : isud40401就是丟個兩句話就落跑的腳色
推 : 天然氣爆炸 XD42F 04/26 08:22
推 : 烏軍軍官是要普丁再繼續梭哈的既視感43F 04/26 08:23
推 : 德國這個報告的近況可以用兩個禮拜,太賺了吧44F 04/26 08:25
推 : 真.歐陸大哥45F 04/26 08:30
推 : 波蘭終於找到不見的t-7246F 04/26 08:45
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