※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-19 12:50:17
看板 Military
作者 標題 [情報] 烏克蘭政府:俄軍今晨發動頓巴斯會戰
時間 Tue Apr 19 05:00:43 2022
Oleksiy Danilov
@OleksiyDanilovThis morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive set off almost along the entire front line, the occupiers tried to break through our defenses. Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories.
@OleksiyDanilovThis morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive set off almost along the entire front line, the occupiers tried to break through our defenses. Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories.
Illia Ponomarenko 🇺🇦
@IAPonomarenkoThe Battle of Donbas has begun
@IAPonomarenkoThe Battle of Donbas has begun
Marko Mihkelson
@markomihkelsonThe Battle of Donbas has begun. Next few weeks would decide in which direction the war will go. Ukraine needs help immediately from all Western allies.
@markomihkelsonThe Battle of Donbas has begun. Next few weeks would decide in which direction the war will go. Ukraine needs help immediately from all Western allies.
Velina Tchakarova
@vtchakarovaNSDC's Danilov: "Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories.“ „The Russian military was tasked to occupy the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by Easter," he said, referring to Orthodox Easter on April 24, "as a gift to its Fuhrer."
@vtchakarovaNSDC's Danilov: "Our military is defending, we are not surrendering our territories.“ „The Russian military was tasked to occupy the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts by Easter," he said, referring to Orthodox Easter on April 24, "as a gift to its Fuhrer."
Anders Åslund
@anders_aslundZelensky: The battle of the Donbass has started.https://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2022/04/18/7340546/ …
@anders_aslundZelensky: The battle of the Donbass has started.https://www.pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2022/04/18/7340546/ …
Conflict News
@ConflictsBREAKING: Very heavy Russian shelling reported along the front line in the Donbas region. There are indications that the Russian offensive has begun.
@ConflictsBREAKING: Very heavy Russian shelling reported along the front line in the Donbas region. There are indications that the Russian offensive has begun.
Christopher Miller
@ChristopherJMA major Russian offensive has begun in the Donbas. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of @NSDC_ua: "This morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive began almost along the entire frontline [in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv regions]. The occupiers tried to break through our defenses."
@ChristopherJMA major Russian offensive has begun in the Donbas. Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of @NSDC_ua: "This morning, an active phase of the Russian offensive began almost along the entire frontline [in Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv regions]. The occupiers tried to break through our defenses."
You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: victory. Victory at all
costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the
road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
~ Winston Churchill, 13 May 1940
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1650315653.A.BA5.html
推 : 光榮歸烏克蘭 !1F 04/19 05:03
推 : 考驗的時刻來了2F 04/19 05:03
推 : 榮光歸與烏克蘭!3F 04/19 05:09
推 : 莫非 ISW 戰報到現在還沒出來是在整理最新消息4F 04/19 05:43
推 : 德國:看我幹嘛5F 04/19 06:00
推 : 等德國的軍援到,孩子還真的都能生出來了6F 04/19 06:10
推 : 烏克蘭撐住,一定要贏7F 04/19 06:12
推 : 終於開始了 希望一鼓作氣打倒俄羅斯8F 04/19 06:21
推 : 德國:zzzzz 基輔淪陷再叫我9F 04/19 06:32
→ : 德國:zzzzz 你們不是只剩幾小時了嗎?10F 04/19 06:42
推 : 聖盔谷之役結束了,但中土之戰才正要開始,一定要11F 04/19 06:45
→ : 撐到洛汗援軍來啊!
→ : 撐到洛汗援軍來啊!
推 : 時間壓力在俄羅斯那邊 烏克蘭撐住13F 04/19 07:04
推 : 烏克蘭加油14F 04/19 07:04
推 : 榮耀歸於烏克蘭15F 04/19 07:06
推 : 等好久了 想看裝甲會戰16F 04/19 07:10
推 : 這場戰役完 戰爭大概就平衡點尾聲了
推 : 這場戰役完 戰爭大概就平衡點尾聲了
推 : 烏克蘭加油,侵略者2D快敗18F 04/19 07:19
推 : 俄軍不再兵分三路 集中攻勢一定不容小覷19F 04/19 07:19
推 : 加油,希望晚上回來可以看到烏軍捷報20F 04/19 07:23
推 : 俄爹加油21F 04/19 07:43
推 : 烏軍突擊一番!武運長久!22F 04/19 07:46
→ : 烏克蘭加油!23F 04/19 07:55
推 : 烏克蘭武運昌隆24F 04/19 08:03
推 : 烏克蘭加油!!!25F 04/19 08:04
推 : 希望烏克蘭好好守住這一場26F 04/19 08:25
推 : 願榮耀歸於烏克蘭27F 04/19 08:25
推 : 半獸人大軍總攻了28F 04/19 08:28
推 : 最後會有人皇帶著死靈部隊出現嗎29F 04/19 09:22
推 : 烏東防線烏軍主力 而且據點高度要塞化30F 04/19 09:27
→ : 烏方最想看到的就是俄軍來正面撞的頭破血流
→ : 烏方最想看到的就是俄軍來正面撞的頭破血流
推 : 要塞化反而對烏不利吧?俄不是都集中狂轟爛炸再攻32F 04/19 09:32
→ : 的戰術?
→ : 的戰術?
→ : 如果真的是"要塞" 一般攻擊手段效果會很差34F 04/19 09:33
→ : 雙方互轟 一邊掩體非常堅固另一邊臨時挖的 肯定有差
→ : 而且俄軍這邊是攻擊方 應該只有最基本的工事
→ : 雙方互轟 一邊掩體非常堅固另一邊臨時挖的 肯定有差
→ : 而且俄軍這邊是攻擊方 應該只有最基本的工事
推 : 願榮耀歸於烏克蘭!37F 04/19 09:43
推 : 加油 撐過這一波38F 04/19 09:53
推 : 俄軍這個時間點全面開戰太早了,補給重整還沒完成,39F 04/19 09:55
→ : 春雨氣候跟泥濘地形也還沒結束。可能高層訂定的勝利
→ : 時程表真的很趕。
→ : 春雨氣候跟泥濘地形也還沒結束。可能高層訂定的勝利
→ : 時程表真的很趕。
推 : 這次跟上次不一樣惹42F 04/19 10:10
→ : 俄軍補給線短... 但烏軍防線也比之前更硬43F 04/19 10:15
推 : 不是只有俄軍全面砲擊,烏軍現在也全面砲擊烏東。44F 04/19 10:18
→ : 同意上面說的全面開戰太早, 而且還要在4/26前打出45F 04/19 10:25
→ : 一個勝利結果, 這根本天方夜譚
→ : 一個勝利結果, 這根本天方夜譚
推 : 拖久了烏軍裝備會更精良 到時更沒得打47F 04/19 10:38
→ : 俄軍是沒得選擇 只能在裝備科技還有差距時推一波
→ : 俄軍是沒得選擇 只能在裝備科技還有差距時推一波
推 : 鵝肉開戰真的比預期早很多49F 04/19 10:42
推 : 再拖個幾個月我看愛國者都會出現50F 04/19 10:42
推 : 硬仗開始...51F 04/19 10:54
推 : 烏東戰線很高機率會變成38度線的僵局52F 04/19 10:59
→ : 不過俄國稱的著長期制裁
→ : 撐不住制裁 就只能撤兵
→ : 不過俄國稱的著長期制裁
→ : 撐不住制裁 就只能撤兵
推 :55F 04/19 11:11
→ : 俄軍沒得選擇,越早決戰越好,不然等美規武器訓練好56F 04/19 11:14
→ : 俄軍就不用打了
→ : 俄軍就不用打了
推 : 雨停了馬上總攻 應該早就下令了 態勢圖 13路箭頭同59F 04/19 11:42
→ : 時進發
→ : 時進發
※ 看板: Military 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 35
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