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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-09 10:38:25
看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 情報多則:烏克蘭本週開始歐盟申請
時間 Sat Apr  9 05:18:01 2022

Samuel Ramani
Russia publicly threatened countries with "consequences" if they voted to remove it from the UN Human Rights Council

Now that it was thrown out, Russia is accusing the U.S. of blackmailing countries to expel it


Samuel Ramani
Marine Le Pen says she supports sanctioning Russian oligarchs, but opposes sanctions on Russian gas as it will increase prices for the French people

A tailored populist position, which is noticeably less extreme than her praise of Putin in 2017

Samuel Ramani
BREAKING: Japan joins the EU in banning Russian coal and freezing the assets of major banks, such as Alphabank and Sberbank

The Kyiv Independent
 EU officials, Slovak Prime Minister visit Bucha.

Ursula von der Leyen, Josep Borrell, and Slovak Prime Minister Eduard Heger visited Bucha on April 8.

Borrell said earlier that the EU would allocate 7.5 million euros to investigate alleged war crimes in Bucha & other cities.

Samuel Ramani
BREAKING: The EU pledges to give Ukraine the questionnaire that starts its accession process within a week

Ragıp Soylu
EU freezes assets of Russian citizens totalling  € 30 billion, including helicopters, yachts and houses: Gazeta Ru

Samuel Ramani
Finland's Defence and Foreign Ministry websites were downed today in a suspected Russian cyberattack

Russian Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov warned that Finland's NATO membership could mean the "destruction of their country," so more threats and cyber-aggression are likely

Samuel Ramani
The Russian Foreign Ministry transfers its "denazification" rhetoric on Ukraine to Latvia:

"The ruling regime in Latvia has long been well known for its neo-Nazi preferences and attempts to whitewash the atrocities of Nazi Germany 's henchmen"

Anastasiia Lapatina
Read this. All European MPs, all Russian sympathizers, all “but why doesn’t Ukraine just give up Donbas and Crimea to stop the war?”, all “but NATO provoked Russia” individuals that follow me – read this, then read it again.

Illia Ponomarenko  🇺🇦
50 killed at the railway station in Kramatorsk.
Russia fired a missile at a facility full of civilians getting evacuated from war.
Just because it can.
And because we don’t have enough means to make Russia stop firing missiles against us.
Anastasiia Lapatina
Fifty people, including 5 kids, died in a Russian missile strike at a Kramatorsk train station. Fifty innocent people.
AFP News Agency
Read the latest updates on the war in Ukraine:

 Death toll in train station attack rises to 52, including 5 children
European Commission president and EU foreign policy chief in Kyiv
Zelensky warns more atrocities being uncovered

Illia Ponomarenko  🇺🇦
In Makariv west of Kyiv, 132 dead bodies unearthed from mass graves and found in the streets following the Russian occupation, the mayor says.
The town has been destroyed by 40%.

Michael Weiss  🌻 🇺🇸 🇮🇪
Ukrainians are now pulling bodies from the rubble shown above. Officially there are still 200 people missing in Borodyanka. https://twitter.com/revishvilig/status/1512338118229344256 …

Sergey Radchenko
RIP @CarnegieRussia, for many years by far the best source of quality policy analysis and in-depth expertise on Russia. The best and the brightest worked there. And now the Russian government has shut it down. Not surprising of course.



If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we
have to face the final demand, the ultimatum.
        ~ Ronald Reagan, 1964/10/27

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1649452702.A.8A2.html
hinenak     : 法國極右派都是這種嘴臉,當普丁是終生偶像1F 04/09 05:22
hinenak     : 勒龐要不是因為要選舉大概還會繼續舔俄
nctudog     : 俄國已經退出人權理事會了 請人權團體不要得寸進尺3F 04/09 05:24
aicassia    : 德法一個全殘一個半殘 以後歐盟重心要東移了吧4F 04/09 05:26
nctudog     : 普丁很快就來了 這些納粹國家一個都別想跑5F 04/09 05:27
nctudog     : https://i.imgur.com/eziiEh6.jpg
kmte019     : 拉脫維亞,要來新的特別軍事行動嗎 = =7F 04/09 05:29
nctudog     : 火車站被轟完當下烏克蘭民族主義者恐慌的錄影 :8F 04/09 05:36
nctudog     : https://twitter.com/i/status/1512498064342269958
The first minutes after the shelling of the railway station in #Kramatorsk.
chewie      : 澳洲www10F 04/09 05:54
BrianTN17   : "在布查有男孩在被綁住的母親面前遭侵犯" .....11F 04/09 06:17
BrianTN17   : 記得之前有在孩子面前被侵犯的母親?!
tsgd        : 半獸甲有什麼好意外的13F 04/09 06:22
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/09/2022 06:29:10
Eriri       : 其實不只是法國極右派把普丁當偶像14F 04/09 06:49
hirokofan   : 是一群比較高大的哥布林吧...15F 04/09 07:04
cross980115 : 極左極右基本上都不會有什麼正常論述16F 04/09 07:36
illegalmad  : 德國本來就軸心骨,法國則是爛跟更爛17F 04/09 07:51
berserkman  : 布丁:全世界都是納粹18F 04/09 07:53
rommel1     : 拿破崙.希特勒都輸俄國阿19F 04/09 07:57
hlsone      : 拉脫維亞是北約成員國,俄羅斯惹不起20F 04/09 07:59
superjames  : 半獸人真的該死!連雞姦這種事都他媽的幹的出來!!21F 04/09 07:59
superjames  : 再護航俄爹侵略合理的真的都該下地獄!!
Y1309       : 樓上可以看看台灣政論節目,會發現地獄會太擠23F 04/09 08:01
geordie     : 戰場上各種性侵害在歐美的近代文學裡常出現,人跟24F 04/09 08:03
geordie     : 非人都有,戰場只是血淋淋呈現而已
superjames  : 回Y大,看到也只能QQ,我也只能少看這些節目以免血26F 04/09 08:11
superjames  : 壓爆炸!哈哈!
superjames  : 可能我自己也有兩個小兒子,所以對此類行為在情緒上
superjames  : 更難以接受!
s8018572    : 現在有看到無頭的平民屍首了30F 04/09 08:30
andyken     : 只希望各國軍援快到,一定要阻止這隻瘋熊31F 04/09 08:46
LI40        : 哪天會看到俄羅斯把芬蘭跟摩爾多瓦也稱為新納粹國32F 04/09 08:54
LI40        : 家呢
andykingex  : 什麼時候中共也納粹一下?34F 04/09 09:06
jyekid      : 有兒子的找其他地方爸爸或是朋友平時訓練身體培養35F 04/09 09:21
jyekid      : 默契在動亂時可以保護他們比較實在
CHINAVIURSWH: https://youtu.be/0MnIYRMYnpg37F 04/09 09:26
CHINAVIURSWH: 中國已經在納粹化了 總加速師正在猛踩油門
geesegeese  : 不宣戰還是遲早要打仗39F 04/09 10:28
melomelomew : 推40F 04/09 10:30

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