※ 本文為 Luby 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-20 09:48:32
看板 StarCraft
作者 標題 [VOD ] 解凍 FPVOD
時間 Thu Nov 10 19:16:45 2011
Jaedong vs Bisu
[FPVOD] Jaedong vs Bisu @ WCG 2009 1st Set 1/2 - YouTube
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Destination Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Destination Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.

[FPVOD] Jaedong vs Bisu @ WCG 2009 1st Set 2/2 - YouTube
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Destination Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Destination Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.

[FPVOD] Jaedong vs Bisu @ WCG 2009 2nd Set - YouTube
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Colosseum II Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.
FPVOD of Jaedong playing against Bisu in the 2009 WCG. Map: Colosseum II Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless.

Jaedong vs Sea
Show me the MSL E19 Jaedong vs Sea[Shield] [18 March, 2008] - YouTube Show me the MSL Episode 19 Jaedong vs Sea[Shield] @ Blitz X

Jaedong vs Free
Show me the MSL E11 Jaedong vs Free [19 February, 2008] - YouTube Show me the MSL Episode 11 Jaedong vs Free @ Longinus

Jaedong vs Stork
[FPVOD] Jaedong vs Stork @ WCG 2009 1set 1/2 - YouTube
Map: Tau Cross Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless at WCG China 2009
Map: Tau Cross Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless at WCG China 2009

[FPVOD] Jaedong vs Stork @ WCG 2009 1set 2/2 - YouTube
Map: Tau Cross Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless at WCG China 2009
Map: Tau Cross Match commentated live by Artosis and Tasteless at WCG China 2009

Jaedong vs Nada
Jaedong(FPVOD) vs NaDa @ Super Fight 5 Part 1/2 - YouTube
March 31, 2007 SuperFight 5 - Race Wars Round 1 - Zerg vs Terran - Game 1 Part 1/2 Map - Monty Hall Jaedong - blue zerg @ 5 NaDa - orange terran @ 11 Not man...
March 31, 2007 SuperFight 5 - Race Wars Round 1 - Zerg vs Terran - Game 1 Part 1/2 Map - Monty Hall Jaedong - blue zerg @ 5 NaDa - orange terran @ 11 Not man...

Jaedong(FPVOD) vs NaDa @ Super Fight 5 Part 2/2 - YouTube
March 31, 2007 SuperFight 5 - Race Wars Round 1 - Zerg vs Terran - Game 1 Part 2/2 Map - Monty Hall Jaedong - blue zerg @ 5 NaDa - orange terran @ 11 Regular...
March 31, 2007 SuperFight 5 - Race Wars Round 1 - Zerg vs Terran - Game 1 Part 2/2 Map - Monty Hall Jaedong - blue zerg @ 5 NaDa - orange terran @ 11 Regular...

Jaedong vs ShEis
Show me the MSL E17 Jaedong vs ShEis [11 March, 2008] - YouTube Show me the MSL Episode 17 Jaedong vs ShEis @ Longinus

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :沒打SC1純推推1F 11/10 19:17
推 :推推推2F 11/10 19:20
推 :傳說中的三線飛龍3F 11/10 19:25
推 :大萌王 不推怎行呢4F 11/10 19:27
推 :不就是我問的!! 紅包已寄給您 感謝FA大的熱情幫忙5F 11/10 19:37
推 :三線飛龍,是哪一場阿(沒看過問一下)6F 11/10 19:43
推 :解凍~希望下季ZvZ能回穩...7F 11/10 19:49
→ :WCG的轉播好熟悉,原來是 Artosis and Tasteless XD
→ :WCG的轉播好熟悉,原來是 Artosis and Tasteless XD
推 :推解凍10F 11/10 20:08
推 :推SC111F 11/10 20:16
推 :推魔王視角12F 11/10 20:17
推 :期待他在sc2三線甩飛龍13F 11/10 20:25
推 :魔王視角看了也許會吐14F 11/10 20:28
推 :推15F 11/10 20:28
→ :不太敢看太多16F 11/10 20:28
推 :你可以期待他在sc2三線送飛龍17F 11/10 20:34
推 :SC1 永恆的經典 精彩瞬間集錦 9:25也有他的飛龍micro18F 11/10 20:37
推 :推19F 11/10 21:26
→ :永恆的經典讓我嚇到最多的是一個三角槍兵(忘了叫啥)
→ :永恆的經典讓我嚇到最多的是一個三角槍兵(忘了叫啥)
推 :三角槍兵打死lk那個嗎?21F 11/10 21:37
推 :可惜沒有包哥的運輸機操作、矩陣空投和地雷操作22F 11/10 22:06
推 :三角槍兵表演的性質比較多, 真的比賽太浪費操作了= =23F 11/10 22:15
2005 Starleague Best Highlights - YouTube
"2005's best Korean StarCraft highlights - 15 minutes required to see for every StarCraft fan! Finally it's here; a 15 minutes of pure entertainment with the...
"2005's best Korean StarCraft highlights - 15 minutes required to see for every StarCraft fan! Finally it's here; a 15 minutes of pure entertainment with the...

推 :不得不推!26F 11/10 22:52
→ :當初的地圖好大 礦好多阿27F 11/10 23:06
推 :激粉淚推!!!28F 11/10 23:40
推 :推文的05年hightlight好懷舊啊 古早戰術大媽宇宙天空流
推 :推文的05年hightlight好懷舊啊 古早戰術大媽宇宙天空流
推 :暴君蟲王!!!!!!!!30F 11/11 22:31
推 :地表最強蟲族 沒有之一31F 11/12 14:02
※ 看板: Luby 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 189
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