※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-11 15:05:08
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作者 標題 [閒聊] 新道具Hullbreaker真的會讓小兵喊Ahoy!!
時間 Fri Jun 11 14:25:21 2021
新的分推道具 Hullbreaker
Riot Brightmoon
We're replacing Sanguine Blade with Hullbreaker, a broader item that'll be tempting for AD splitpushers.
It's going to ship 11.13 and you should see it on PBE tomorrow. As always we're glad to hear any feedback on the item!
Shoutout to @srrafles with the great VFX!
@RiotBrightmoonThis item was inspired by the huge weapons you'd need to take down the giant beasts of Bilgewater. Grab your Hullbreaker, venture out on our own, and be brave!https://twitter.com/RiotPhlox/status/1402767686786977793 …
Hey all! We're replacing Sanguine Blade with Hullbreaker, a broader item that'll be tempting for AD splitpushers.
It's going to ship 11.13 and you should see it on PBE tomorrow. As always we're glad to hear any feedback on the item!
Shoutout to @srrafles with the great VFX!
根據 Rioter 的解說,設計靈感是比爾吉沃特用來獵殺巨獸的巨型武器
剛剛上 PBE 測試服去看,那個帶海賊帽士兵真的會喊 Ahoy!! 欸
(被動 Boarding Part y的狀態欄)
Ahoy!! ☆ Ahoy!! ☆ Ahoy!!
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wmm7MgO (LoL)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1623392726.A.A98.html
推 : Ahoy!1F 06/11 14:26
噓 : VT豚滾2F 06/11 14:27
→ : Ahoy!!
推 : Ahoy!!
→ : Ahoy!!
推 : Ahoy!!
推 : Ahoy!!5F 06/11 14:29
→ : 臭死了 嘔嘔嘔
→ : 臭死了 嘔嘔嘔
推 : 幹 這篇不是偷渡 先別噓= =真的會喊8F 06/11 14:32
推 : Ahoy!9F 06/11 14:32
推 : Ahoy!10F 06/11 14:33
推 : VT豚好臭11F 06/11 14:34
推 : 馬的版主亂刪文12F 06/11 14:34
推 : ahoy!13F 06/11 14:34
推 : 話說船長會喊Ahoy嗎 玩了好幾次卻沒印象14F 06/11 14:35
推 : AHOY!15F 06/11 14:35
推 : 好油好過癮16F 06/11 14:36
推 : Ahoy!18F 06/11 14:37
推 : Ahoy!19F 06/11 14:38
→ : 船長以前會喊 現在不知道20F 06/11 14:39
噓 : VT臭宅梗 臭死21F 06/11 14:39
推 : Ahoy!22F 06/11 14:40
→ : 我看的船長每天都會喊23F 06/11 14:40
推 : 好重的油味 ahoy24F 06/11 14:40
→ : 屁眼25F 06/11 14:41
→ : 冤獄啦幹你娘26F 06/11 14:41
→ : ahoy!27F 06/11 14:42
推 : RIOT也臭掉了:(28F 06/11 14:42
推 : 幹臭死29F 06/11 14:43
推 : 釋放 nlnlOUO !30F 06/11 14:43
推 : 好油喔31F 06/11 14:46
推 : 幹又是NL32F 06/11 14:47
推 : Ahoy!! ☆ Ahoy!! ☆ Ahoy!!33F 06/11 14:47
噓 : 幹這篇好臭==34F 06/11 14:48
推 : 想龜專武35F 06/11 14:48
→ : AHOY~ 好油喔36F 06/11 14:48
推 : 我已經可以猜到PCS聊天室會變怎樣了37F 06/11 14:49
推 : AHOY38F 06/11 14:50
推 : 幹。真的ㄝ39F 06/11 14:51
推 : #FREEnlnlOUO40F 06/11 14:52
噓 : 一進板就滿屋子臭味==41F 06/11 14:53
推 : #FreenlnlOUO42F 06/11 14:55
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