※ 本文為 aculirose.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-22 23:56:49
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [閒聊] How to raise your ELO
時間 Mon Oct 22 17:48:50 2012
I did ELO jobs, AMA about how to raise your ELO/improve/etc -- or rage at me. GOGO : leagueoflegends **STREAM PLUG: www.twitch.tv/dye44 -- My team has "practice" tonight at 7PM PST/10 PM EST where you can see me play (I'll be streaming then). EDIT: S... ...
STREAM PLUG: www.twitch.tv/dye44 -- My team has "practice" tonight at 7PM
PST/10 PM EST where you can see me play (I'll be streaming then). EDIT:
SO the other day someone posted in /r/leagueoflegends about their special elo
hell friend or whatever, and I somehow ended up writing this long ass post
about how to get out of certain elo brackets. I was making the argument that
the skill level between 1600 and 2k ELO players is greatly overstated (AKA
there really isn't that much skill difference between a 1600 and 2k ELO
player). Long story short, it was after like 10 replies so it kind of got
buried. However, I still got mass amounts of people asking me to post it here
and then answer questions/do an AMA so thats what I'm doing now. Feel free to
downvote me out of spite, I understand. I'm not doing this for karma so more
power to you.
某天有人在reddit上的LoL板討論他們陷入ELO HELL的朋友,看了讓我有感而發
這篇文章是要討論如何脫離ELO HELL。
是被顯著誇大了(也就是說,其實1.6k跟2k ELO的玩家沒有那麼多技術性的差異)
是被顯著誇大了(也就是說,其實1.6k跟2k ELO的玩家沒有那麼多技術性的差異)
I personally grinded the ELO ladder from as low as 700 elo to as high as
diamond many times this season, so I feel I can offer some decent advice on
how to raise your elo. I get asked how to raise ELO all the time on my stream
so hopefully in the future I can just link to this post when that question is
asked. As far as specific lanes go, I mainly play ad/support/mid so I feel
more comfortable answering questions about champs/roles in those lanes.
我個人在這季曾把700 elo的帳號打到鑽石很多次,所以我覺得我應該可以提供一些
Excuse this long post, I'll try to cover as much as I can. I stream at
www.twitch.tv/dye44 so you can find me there often. Please please PLEASE
upvote questions you want answered as I'll work from the top down. Or just
downvote this thread if you hate me thats cool too, I really don't care for
karma so if this gets downvoted to hell its just time saved for me.
As far as my elo jobs go/went, I boosted about a dozen+ accounts to diamond
and countless others to gold/plat. Before you send me a PM asking for one, no
I don't do them anymore, please do not ask for one. The other day I logged
onto my smurf and within seconds two rioters added me as friends (guys with
RiotXXXXXXXX as their names, I think you have to work for riot to have those
names). They are monitoring my IP apparantly -- so I will not do any more elo
boosts. As far as why I did it, well let me ask you this: if you were going
to be playing LoL anyways and someone offered you a ton of $$ to do so, why
not take it? I'm not trying to justify it, I know it was wrong and I got
banned for it. I was going to be playing anyways and I was offered a way to
make a ton of cash off it in addition to my stream revenue so I took it. I'm
sorry if I made you lose ELO at some point (probably likely given how many I
did), so hopefully this will help you regain it.
Riot never approached me about anything, never asked me for boosted account
names/to snitch etc....they just banned my main account for 2 weeks and some
of the boosted accounts for 1 week. They also banned some of my own accounts
besides my "main" that I played on, probably thinking that they weren't
actually mine (as a streamer I have been given tons of accounts from people
who quit/switched to EUW etc...many of them high ELO). Also they banned some
accounts that I didn't even boost but played on as a joke on my stream which
I found ironic. And before you ask, I know aprhomoo does elo jobs/admitted to
it, but I do not care if he gets banned. I'm not some vindicitive child who
cares about that. I broke the rules and was banned. I do not care what Riot
does to the others. If he was smart enough to change his IP or whatever while
doing it each time then good for him, he beat the system. Meanwhile I'm stuck
here with comcast unable to change my IP like spiderman, masterbaiting.
The one thing I do disagree with in regards to riot is they just fined AZF
20% of their earnings but wouldn't ban them, however they banned us ELO
boosters. Why not just take 20% of our profits and not ban us? huehuehue jk
jk. In all fairness riot has been great for this game and esports so give
them props and people should stop being so harsh on them. EDIT: don't turn
this into a TSM fanboy thread please I was just making a joke. Plus I'm an
ORB fanboy so its annoying for another reason.
A direct copy paste of what I said in the original post that prompted people
to ask me to repost it is pasted down below. I stream all the time and duo
que with random viewers now that I have nothing to gain the rest of the
season. www.twitch.tv/dye44 is my stream -- it used to be super popular when
I played on my eve smurf (back when eve was fun, now shes op and riot ruined
her) -- so you may remember me for that. beliEVE. Again the post I made was
in response to people asking me to break down the players from 1200-2k ELO.
If your question is about other shit feel free to ask that too.
簡單來說,就是原文作者是個前專業代打玩家,但是因為代打太兇被Riot ban了,
再次強調,本文是針對1.2k到2k ELo的玩家。
1200-1500: People are bad mechanically, and I mean really bad -- but 95% of
them don't realize it. Ad carries rarely get above 200cs even in 40min games.
If you're stuck here, just sit in solo games against bots practicing farming.
Learn how to keep track of every buff/drag/baron timer and be religious about
it. Spam wards, regardless of your role. Even if you're down 20-5, a ward can
win any game in this bracket because I can guarantee you someone on the other
team will be out of posistion every few minutes. Ganking is super OP in this
bracket. The dumbest shit I see people do is win their lane and then sit
there continuing to outfarm their opponent. Sure that helps a little, but if
you take that gold lead and go gank another lane then push a tower/drag..its
10000x times better. Once you get an advantage abuse it for your teams sake,
not just so you can later say "well fuck you guys you suck I won top by
25cs". Nobody cares, and that doesn't do much over the span of a 30min game.
Add to the fact that you know when you gank a lane the other team starts
raging at each other its even better.
1200-1500: 在這層的玩家,基本上就是爛,真的很爛,但95%的人並不覺得自己爛。
像是農了40分還農不破200cs的ADC。如果你不幸落在這層,就去打coop vs AI練農兵。
1500-1800: Same as above really, just players are slightly better at the
basics (farming, objectives, etc). Just don't rage and play as a team. I mean
when I was boosting accounts thru this bracket I could just outfarm and carry
but you can't expect to do that if you are in this ELO on your own. Just ask
yourself if what you are currently doing in the game is helping the team win,
and whats the opportunity cost of doing so (i.e. is there a different thing
you could be doing that helps your team more). I never understand those
players in this game that are like "OH YOU TOOK MY WRAITHS AS AP MID? NOW I
TAKE YOUR BLUE CUZ I PUNISH YOU". No, fucker. This just makes us lose the
game. Basically, just ignore the stupid shit your teamates do and play to
win. People will always do stupid shit, saying stuff and raging about it does
nothing besides make them do more stupid shit. Beauty of streaming is I can
just shittalk them over my mic to my viewers and not worry about the player.
Also just because you saw froggen win with lee sin mid doesn't mean you can.
Play what you're good with, but also what helps your team. Thats not to say
don't have fun because trust me I do fun picks all the time, but if you care
about winning that game/raising your elo, then you might as well maximize
your chances of doing so.
1500-1800: 其實跟上面差不多,只是在這層的玩家會稍微有好一點點的基本技術。
當然不是說叫你都不要玩fun pick,只是當你想要爬分,還是實際點比較好。
當然不是說叫你都不要玩fun pick,只是當你想要爬分,還是實際點比較好。
1800-2k: Mechanics are ok, still pretty bad across the board tho. If you're
here, just work on abusing that point, even in the most simple of ways. I.E.
you see your own creep dying bot lane? Both the ad and support should just
quickly right click their AD who is going to try to farm it. Do little shit
like this everytime, and do it more often than your opponents and you will
win more games. I know thats vague and not too helpful, but its hard to give
more specific advice w/o knowing what you play. Usually people stick to their
best roles in this bracket as they are essentially try hard versions of 1600
players. Just master a few champs and their counters/matchups and you should
be good.
1800-2000: 個人技巧大致是OK,雖然還是會遇到很爛的。如果你在這層,就反向操作吧!
ELO HELL OPINION: It doesn't exist. There are 10 players in every league
game, 5 on each team. You are 1 of the players on your team. Therefore, there
are 9 players you cannot control. 4 on your team, 5 on the other. AKA, if
there is a troll in the game there is a 44% chance he is on your team, but a
55% chance he is on the other. If you yourself are never the cause of a loss,
overtime you should win much more than you lose and your ELO will continue to
rise. If someone on your team is just that bad, you shouldn't care too much
and just move on to the next game because chances are the next troll that is
in one of your games is going to be on the other team.
ELO HELL之我見: 沒這回事。一場遊戲有10個玩家,扣掉你自己,你不能控制的玩家
But overall, regardless of your ELO, the most important thing about solo Q is
avoiding/reducing your chance of throwing. Past 25minutes you should never go
solo farm a lane unless you are certain its ok. Never check a brush unless
certain its safe. Just always stay together, push towers, and steamroll. If
you lose the game because you lost a teamfight thats cool, you're going to
lose games now and then. BUT if you lose because you got caught then that
really sucks and is completely avoidable. Overall, if you yourself avoid
throwing the games in stupid fashion, and you just win 50% of the games where
a teamfight loss loses it, over time you WILL gain elo. Its that simple when
broken down.
Also, when you yourself do throw, recognize what you did. Don't sit there
raging at your teamates because they gave first blood 30 minutes ago. That
doesn't help anyone. Realize your mistake, write it down, do whatever you
need to, then don't repeat it. Everyone fucks up, everyone throws at times.
Its just about minimizing them. I'm pretty new to LoL as I just started
playing this year (2012). I came from a DotA background (top competitive
scene), and when asked what the difference is between the two games I've
always said that DotA rewards individual skill/big plays more, while league
punishes mistakes more. Thats a very simplified assessment of the two games
and in no way is it a diss to either game, but once you realize solo q is
about not making mistakes you'll be surprised how easy it is to climb the
TLDR: I boosted accounts, I can answer your questions about how to gain ELO
fast since I grinded the ladder so many times this season. AMA or rage at me,
if that's what you're into. I'll be checking this thread often throughout the
day/weekend so post your shit. Also please realize everything I say is my
opinion, none of it is fact (besides stuff like X item gives X ap, derp). I
could very well be wrong, its just the way I see things and I believe to be
true based on experience.
STREAM PLUG: www.twitch.tv/dye44 -- My team has "practice" tonight at 7PM
PST/10 PM EST where you can see me play (I'll be streaming then).
www.twitter.com/dye44 ---> automatic tweets when I stream
www.twitter.com/godhands44 ---> for my famous blitz
Ghostcrawler: Kalgan's always been NICE to paladins,
there must be something mistaken.
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◆ From:
→ :OP1F 10/22 17:50
→ :不過還是謝謝翻譯2F 10/22 17:50
推 :NA+200分=TW3F 10/22 17:51
推 :1800的那個舉例怎麼覺得在地獄也看得見4F 10/22 17:51
→ :我最近超想玩Lee跟J4 mid XDDD5F 10/22 17:52
→ :重點:爬分請練AD/AP(喂6F 10/22 17:52
推 :如果你不幸落在這層,就去打coop vs AI練農兵 好慘7F 10/22 17:52
※ 編輯: zooxalju 來自: (10/22 17:53)推 :打遊戲打歡樂的...爬分只會累死自己= = 我都打NG8F 10/22 17:54
→ :官方認證 美服1500 = 台服14509F 10/22 17:59
→ :真要轉換 去戰績網站查分佈%數吧
→ :真要轉換 去戰績網站查分佈%數吧
推 :還是推你的翻譯11F 10/22 18:02
推 :台服水準最高=最難爬 (讚12F 10/22 18:03
→ :我剛38min農250隻 會不會很慘 = = 樓下猜我在幾樓13F 10/22 18:04
推 :謝謝翻譯姬,造福人群14F 10/22 18:04
推 :karma是因果報應吧?15F 10/22 18:04
推 :有人頭CS可以減阿 現在下路很少在互農的16F 10/22 18:05
→ :karma是reddit上面類似GP的東西吧17F 10/22 18:05
推 :我喜歡這句:不要只會怪一個30分鐘前被FB的隊友。18F 10/22 18:05
→ :也不對,應該說像是plurk那種的影響力指標19F 10/22 18:05
→ :都馬要死要活的poke 抓到失誤就帶走 一方被打到沒血20F 10/22 18:05
→ :就被Zone out
→ :就被Zone out
→ :karma是因果沒錯 但好像也是一種代幣22F 10/22 18:05
→ :總之就是karma越高這篇文章越有影響力23F 10/22 18:05
→ :我朋友他們玩GW2的也常常會說用karma買東西XD24F 10/22 18:05
→ :如果你把對手K回家 贏他15CS 跟殺他一次也差不多了25F 10/22 18:06
→ :是喔,我對於reddit沒有太了解,所以有錯請指正:D26F 10/22 18:06
→ :karma: 人口販子壞壞 (?)27F 10/22 18:06
推 :喔對 好像就是reddit上的讚 我錯了sorry28F 10/22 18:08
推 :韓福水準比台福高29F 10/22 18:09
推 :真的 有人在最後一個會戰幹蠢事,然後怪隊友輸線的XD30F 10/22 18:12
推 :翻了也沒啥用 相信ELO HELL的根本不會看或是相信這篇31F 10/22 18:15
→ :這篇也不只給hell的看阿..32F 10/22 18:16
推 :真正的HELL反而沒提到(?)33F 10/22 18:23
→ :有提到他,他說他覺得根本沒hell阿XD34F 10/22 18:24
→ :你如果爬不上去,代表你實力就這樣
→ :你如果爬不上去,代表你實力就這樣
→ :之前看苗木誠實況 我確定有地獄存在啊XD36F 10/22 18:29
→ :苗木誠不是被發現根本假troll了嗎37F 10/22 18:30
→ :所以elo hell是要以人來看,你爬不出去代表實力
→ :所以elo hell是要以人來看,你爬不出去代表實力
→ :所以稱之為地獄 信者恆信 不信者也不會去信 :)39F 10/22 18:30
→ :苗木誠現在幾分啊= =?40F 10/22 18:31
→ :就跟你去問基督徒有沒有天堂 跟問佛教徒有沒有判官41F 10/22 18:31
→ :是一樣的 這種由人心態投射到主觀認知的東西就是這樣
→ :是一樣的 這種由人心態投射到主觀認知的東西就是這樣
→ :所以說這篇有提到阿,串主認為沒這回事 如此而已43F 10/22 18:33
→ :其實我見到的地獄玩家對線真不差 但是團戰卻腦X....44F 10/22 18:35
→ :在關鍵時刻作出最壞的抉擇 就算15分100隻也沒用了
→ :在關鍵時刻作出最壞的抉擇 就算15分100隻也沒用了
推 :翻譯推!46F 10/22 18:37
推 :苗神這個月rank勝率69.70% ire還上專精榜 根本就是看47F 10/22 18:40
→ :他哪時上白金了
→ :他哪時上白金了
→ :...49F 10/22 18:41
→ :阿糗了 那是勝率ng 囧50F 10/22 18:42
推 :西門五天2000 問他最快51F 10/22 18:47
推 :台服難爬不是HELL 是水準太高(?) S2已經證明52F 10/22 18:51
→ :所以大家在說台服>>>美服到底是在酸還是真的=.=a53F 10/22 18:52
→ :我都快搞糊塗了QQ 我自己打NG是覺得真的挺地獄的
→ :我都快搞糊塗了QQ 我自己打NG是覺得真的挺地獄的
→ :2k以下應該是比美服略向上調整個50~150elo沒錯55F 10/22 18:53
推 :推56F 10/22 19:04
推 :韓服>台>美 目前是這樣57F 10/22 19:15
推 :TW>>>>NA一半是酸吧 誰叫NA代表隊S2打成這樣58F 10/22 19:18
→ :沒有喔 台服1200-1800的實力比同等美服高個1-200分59F 10/22 19:22
→ :我兩邊都有玩 有差異
→ :我兩邊都有玩 有差異
推 :95%都不認為自己有錯 這邊太中肯61F 10/22 20:06
推 :NAZ開小號也是輕鬆打上去 再爛的場都能CARRY62F 10/22 20:21
→ :打不上去的真的是自己爛 沒有任何理由
→ :打不上去的真的是自己爛 沒有任何理由
→ :之前說TW+200=NA沒人要信zzz64F 10/22 21:01
推 :超棒65F 10/22 22:25
推 :美服我輕鬆上1600 台服我現在還在1200徘徊.. T^T66F 10/22 23:42
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