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※ 本文為 knight32907.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-31 09:44:15
看板 Gossiping
作者 Wangdy (蒙古人)
標題 [分享] 什麼是 TPA?
時間 Mon Mar 31 01:55:23 2014

朋友請代po八掛版,想了解米國的 TPA 的朋友可以參考一下

美國 TPA : Trade promotion agreement (國與國貿易協定)
資料來源: http://www.ustr.gov/trade-topics/trade-promotion-authority

TPA does not provide new power to the Executive Branch. TPA is
a legislative procedure, written by Congress, through which Congress
defines U.S. negotiating objectives and spells out a detailed
oversight and consultation process for during trade negotiations.
Under TPA, Congress retains the authority to review and decide
whether any proposed U.S. trade agreement will be implemented




Key elements of TPA—
(1) TPA outlines Congressional guidance to the President on trade
    policy priorities and negotiating objectives.

(2) TPA establishes Congressional requirements for the Administration
    to notify and consult with Congress, with the private sector and
    other stakeholders and with the public during the negotiations of
    trade agreements.

(3) TPA defines the terms, conditions and procedures under which
    Congress allows the Administration to enter into trade agreements,
    and sets the procedures for Congressional consideration of bills to
    implement the agreements.


(1) 提供總統在簽署TPA的時候,那些貿易優先性,跟品項。












ps. 第一次翻譯,如果有不對的地方,歡迎直接改

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1396202125.A.31C.html
birdy590:我記得有黃國昌老師的投影片, 還有一個是某智庫的研究1F 03/31 01:56
gino0717:打LOL的隊伍,拿到冠軍後就改組了2F 03/31 01:56
meredith001:早該解散了 服不起的阿斗3F 03/31 01:56
美國快速立法制度之介紹 - 國家政策研究基金會
美國的快速立法程序最著名者為「快速通關立法」,亦即美國國會透過立法,授權總統就特定之貿易、關稅減讓等事項與他國進行判並簽署協議,此協議若符合該立法之授權者,得以特殊之快速程 ... ...

lexch6605:\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/5F 03/31 01:58
payton00045:真名:丁PA6F 03/31 01:58
birdy590:別忘了還有這篇笑話 http://www.npf.org.tw/post/1/134067F 03/31 01:58
審自貿協定 國家威信vs.公民監督 - 國家政策研究基金會
最近有學者贊同學生抗爭立場,認為服貿協議黑箱決策,立院又未盡把關責任,學生挺身而出應予高度肯定,還特別舉美國「貿易促進授權法案」(TPA)立法為例,認為商貿談判就應仿效該法原則,不僅過程必須公開透 ... ...

snowdream:丁8F 03/31 01:59
shinglala:馬:人家已經跟中共說好惹~ 改了會失去信用啦9F 03/31 01:59
erosyang:楊泰順:我沒聽過什麼TPA啦 也不相信有這種東西!10F 03/31 01:59
erosyang:黃國昌笑歪了 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
imdai:\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/\TPA/ 為廷傻笑時和bebe好像喔<312F 03/31 02:00
birdy590:上面證明了一點, 國民黨的智庫根本在浪費時間13F 03/31 02:00
kudoe:楊:TPA什麼的沒聽過啦 (扭~~14F 03/31 02:06
mig:Tissue plasminogen activator15F 03/31 03:14
philip571:楊泰順查到了沒,還是鴿子封包比較慢?16F 03/31 03:38
fiftydollar:台北暗殺星17F 03/31 03:49

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