※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-12-01 23:16:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Google 100%太陽能和風力發電
時間 Fri Dec 1 22:49:38 2017
Google is officially 100% sun and wind powered – 3.0 gigawatts worth
Google is officially off-setting 100% of its energy usage with either wind or
solar power. The company signed contracts on three wind power plants in
recent days to bring them over 3GW of production capacity.
總之他東買西買 現在辜狗用的 3GW電力 都可以算是從太陽能和風力來的了
Google’s energy infrastructure investments have totaled over $3.5 billion
globally, with about two-thirds being in the US.
它的能源投資總共超過35億美金 大約2/3在美國
Per an announcement made via Twitter and the LinkedIn page of Sam Arons,
Google’s Senior Lead, Energy & Infrastructure at Google:
535 MW more wind brings Google over 3 GW worldwide — 2*98 MW with Avangrid
in South Dakota, 200 MW with EDF in Iowa, and 138.6 MW with GRDA in Oklahoma
— cementing Google as the largest corporate purchaser of renewables on the
planet @ 100% renewable in 2017!
這消息是由辜狗的能源基礎建設部門的 Sam Arons 公布
Citing a cost decrease of 60%-80% in wind and solar as the driving factor,
Google has been investing heavily in renewables. They first signed an
agreement in 2010 to purchase all of the production per year from a 114MW
wind farm in Iowa. As of November of 2016, they’d participated in 20
renewable energy projects. The company announced that they’d break 100%
renewable back in December of 2016.
主要歸功於風力和太陽的成本減低 辜狗一直在重金投資綠色能源
Google is the world’s largest corporate buyer or renewable energy, totaling
over 3.0GW. This is nearly twice as much as the next largest purchaser of
renewables, Amazon, at about 1.5GW. Jeff Bezos showed off on one of his
recent wind power installations.
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Google is officially 100% sun and wind powered – 3.0 gigawatts worth | Electrek
Google is officially off-setting 100% of its energy usage with either wind or solar power. The company signed contracts on three wind power plants in ...
Google is officially 100% sun and wind powered – 3.0 gigawatts worth | Electrek Google is officially off-setting 100% of its energy usage with either wind or solar power. The company signed contracts on three wind power plants in ...
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推 : 說到做到1F 12/01 22:50
→ : 不適用於台灣 ㄏ Google裡面的人比較有腦 臺灣則...2F 12/01 22:50
推 : 覺青文組不意外,咦?3F 12/01 22:51
→ : Google 彰化資料中心也是用綠電喔?4F 12/01 22:52
推 : 這種格局 支那想要超越 再一百年都很難5F 12/01 22:52
→ : 米國綠能產能可以供給google但鬼島購嗎?6F 12/01 22:52
→ : 國情不同民情不同環境不同人種不同7F 12/01 22:52
→ : 從總統府開始搞阿 來看看一年數千萬的電費有沒有政客8F 12/01 22:53
→ : 敢用來讓自己落選
→ : 敢用來讓自己落選
推 : Google毛利高用綠電當表率很正常啊10F 12/01 22:54
→ : 一堆人自以為用綠電就比較高尚是好事喔?11F 12/01 22:55
推 : 永和人:鬼島不適合12F 12/01 22:56
推 : 失智的文組不知道台灣已被颱風颳壞多少太陽能板和風電柱13F 12/01 22:56
推 : 一千億台幣的投資而已,不怕不怕14F 12/01 22:57
推 : 有錢就是任性15F 12/01 22:59
→ : 別說什麼國情不同了,這是私人企業丟1000億台幣只供應自己16F 12/01 22:59
→ : 所需,台灣有企業能丟這預算?不會又要政府支出了啊
→ : 所需,台灣有企業能丟這預算?不會又要政府支出了啊
推 : google是理組 台灣反核是文組 台灣反核先天不良注定失敗18F 12/01 23:01
推 : 沼氣發電算綠的吧19F 12/01 23:11
推 : 綠電的設備是怎麽生產的?綠能比較環保跟全球暖化一樣20F 12/01 23:12
→ : ,世紀騙局
→ : ,世紀騙局
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