※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-08-20 09:03:49
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 路透社:抗議民眾擾亂了2017台北世大運
時間 Sun Aug 20 02:36:35 2017
1.媒體來源:路透社 Reuters
※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞
Protests disrupt Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade games for students
※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Opening ceremonies at Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade were
temporarily disrupted on Saturday by protesters who blocked the student
athletes from participating in the parade of nations.
The protesters were demonstrating against reforms in Taiwan's pension system
for government employees and teachers.
Most of the 7,700 athletes invited to the games did not get the chance to
march, as police feared navigating through crowds of protesters would not be
safe, local media reported.
Only teams of nations with names starting with the first two letters of the
alphabet were able to enter the stadium before protesters blocked the
entrance, local media said.
The Taipei police could not immediately be reached for comment.
Countries such as Argentina and Brazil were represented by their entire teams
in the procession, but most nations were only represented by a single
flag-bearer, local TV stations reported.
The Taipei city government and the island's ruling Democratic Progressive
Party issued statements condemning the protesters' actions.
Athletes who could not join the parade were later able to enter the stadium
later in the opening ceremonies.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):https://reut.rs/2vNDIIO
Protests disrupt Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade games for students | Reuters Opening ceremonies at Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade were temporarily disrupted on Saturday by protesters who blocked the student athletes from partic ...
Protests disrupt Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade games for students | Reuters Opening ceremonies at Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade were temporarily disrupted on Saturday by protesters who blocked the student athletes from partic ...
※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
標題 [問卦] 出社會後最重要的實力是什麼?
→ : 屌大03/08 00:25
→ : (づ′・ω・)づ 沒空擁有喇03/08 00:25
→ : 爸爸03/08 00:25
→ : 肛門緊度03/08 00:25
推 : $03/08 00:25
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Pc8Kvkr (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1503167801.A.BB5.html
推 : 下吸下警1F 08/20 02:37
→ : 丟到國外了2F 08/20 02:37
推 : 垃圾支那4F 08/20 02:39
→ Edward76 …
噓 : 這下爽了吧 丟臉丟到全世界6F 08/20 02:40
→ : The Taipei police7F 08/20 02:41
噓 : 讓世界看到台灣8F 08/20 02:41
推 : 真的,治國無方9F 08/20 02:42
推 : 超誇張,世大運選手沒能進場,太扯了,那些反年改的真是夠10F 08/20 02:42
噓 : wellcome,chinese taipei11F 08/20 02:44
推 : 幸好丟的是中國台北的臉12F 08/20 02:45
→ : 幹 真的丟臉了13F 08/20 02:47
→ : 我們國家名譽永遠陷入深淵了
→ : 國際笑話和負面教材範例
→ : 我們國家名譽永遠陷入深淵了
→ : 國際笑話和負面教材範例
→ : 丟臉丟到國外 我都不知道要噓還是推了 真的是太丟臉16F 08/20 02:49
→ : 了
→ : 了
噓 : 那些抗議者和那些內神通外鬼的18F 08/20 02:50
→ : 取消他們國籍 驅逐出境!
→ : 取消他們國籍 驅逐出境!
【台北市聽障奧運】聽障奧運開幕 台北小巨蛋外200人嗆馬英九下台 - YouTube 【台北市聽障奧運】聽障奧運開幕 台北小巨蛋外200人嗆馬英九下台 台北市聽障奧運開幕式前,台北小巨蛋外200人嗆馬英九下台。國際媒體應該有拍到吧?CNN希望可以轉播! 【馬英九郝龍斌】台北市聽奧揮五星旗vs.【陳菊】高雄世運捍衛台灣尊嚴
推 : 讓世界知道我們有比ISIS更恐怖的東西21F 08/20 02:52
→ : 政府不公義 丟臉國際剛好而已22F 08/20 02:55
→ : 不怕啦 通篇沒taiwan 只有taipei
→ : 不怕啦 通篇沒taiwan 只有taipei
推 : 市警局 要負責到底24F 08/20 02:57
推 : Chinese Taipei不意外25F 08/20 02:58
推 : 甘寧老師 奇葩 共諜又成功了26F 08/20 03:01
→ : 抗議者?乞丐才對吧27F 08/20 03:06
推 : IS: 看來台灣不需要我們28F 08/20 03:18
→ : 說讓全世界知道台灣政府不公義的別自爽鬧補了,全世界
→ : 只知道有當地人鬧場世大運,沒人知道你是誰,只當你是
→ : 暴民。
→ : 說讓全世界知道台灣政府不公義的別自爽鬧補了,全世界
→ : 只知道有當地人鬧場世大運,沒人知道你是誰,只當你是
→ : 暴民。
→ : ISIS怎不來譴責一下32F 08/20 06:06
推 : is用命拼比這些老米蟲有用多了33F 08/20 06:08
→ : 現場不只維安有問題,聯繫也沒做好...才會只有旗子上場34F 08/20 07:06
推 : 丟中國的臉 中國會出來切割嗎35F 08/20 07:08
推 : 台灣警方就是最大的漏洞!36F 08/20 07:15
→ : 垃圾台北警察,給我出來講37F 08/20 07:30
推 : 鴿子不評論,是因為他們也暗中幫忙?38F 08/20 09:02
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 57
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