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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 玉米片吉祥物"東尼虎"受到獸迷的性騷擾
時間 Fri Jan 29 01:46:53 2016
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Tony the Tiger is getting harassed on Twitter by sexually aroused furries
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔!
They’re gr-r-ross.
Chalk it up to the weirdness of the internet, but some super-excited fans
have been harassing Frosted Flakes mascot Tony the Tiger, sending him
sexually explicit tweets and hitting on him in bizarre and unexpected ways.
Furries — adults who dress up in animal costumes, sometimes for sexual
purposes — have been asking Tony for everything from X-rated pics to a
little lovin’.
The cereal-loving tiger responded with equanimity: “I’m all for showing
your stripes, feathers, etc. But let’s keep things gr-r-reat – &
family-friendly if you could. Cubs could be watching .”
That wasn’t enough, though, so Tony had to start blocking some of the
creepers — and some furries were pretty ticked about it.
One user wrote, “Tony, stop blocking random furries :P We're not all after
your frost."
Others weren’t so offensive: “I really feel like apologizing for the people
damaging our image with all of this. Most of us are gr-r-eat.”
Some tried victim-blaming, suggesting that maybe Tony should put on some
Then, in an even weirder twist, Cheetos mascot Chester Cheetah jumped in
after furries started tweeting at him.
One asked, “What would @ChesterCheetah think of being called Daddy by his
adoring fans???”
User WitchyCats wrote, “Cast out from our homedad, we wander, in search of a
new life, in search of a new... Daddy.”
The cheeky cheetah replied, “I welcome all fans to my twitter feed. Scales,
feathers, or fur, if you enjoy my tweets then welcome!”
Poor Tony — looks like he’s losing his fans to a cheetah.
It’s already been a tough year for the tiger. A few months ago, some
pranksters released an unauthorized ad in which the broad-shouldered feline
was trying to comfort down-on-their-luck adults, including a 43-year-old
prostitute named Candy.
Candy has not weighed in on the latest controversy — nor has she revealed
the nature of her relationship with the striped cat.
因此東尼虎表示"我歡迎大家表達自己的熱誠 只是請記得有可能會有幼獸們在看這些推"
不過這樣沒辦法阻止那些獸迷 因此他只好開始封鎖他們
"別再封鎖我們了 我們不是每個都對你的'糖霜'有興趣"
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
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Tony the Tiger is getting harassed on Twitter by furries - NY Daily News They’re gr-r-ross! Some Twitter users are sexually harassing Tony the Tiger. ...
※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
→ Microscft:北七 你去找一個要按ctrl-alt-del來登入的系統給我看 09/27 11:18
→ Microscft:找不到你就學大和田那樣跟我下跪 09/27 11:19
→ Microscft:幹你們一堆人是用哪個平行宇宙的電腦? 睜眼說瞎話 09/27 11:23
→ Microscft:從dos玩到win8 就剛好win的server版沒玩過啊 09/27 11:29
→ Microscft:去做簽名檔啊 如果你們樂意這隻蛆爽到升天的話 09/27 11:35
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MgbGHCl (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1454003217.A.32F.html
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 01/29/2016 01:47:23
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 01/29/2016 02:56:27
推 : (づ′・ω・)づ 樓下好色龍 沒蛋蛋1F 01/29 01:47
推 : 樓下好色龍2F 01/29 01:47
推 : 推文果然開始推好色龍3F 01/29 01:49
推 : 你完蛋了Tony4F 01/29 01:50
推 : 樓下好色龍5F 01/29 01:50
推 : (」・ω・)」召喚好色龍!(/・ω・)/6F 01/29 01:52
※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 01/29/2016 01:52:43推 : 糖霜 XDDDDDDDDD7F 01/29 01:53
推 : (」・ω・)」召喚好色龍!(/・ω・)/8F 01/29 01:56
推 : 好色龍4ni?9F 01/29 01:57
推 : 看起來甲甲der10F 01/29 01:57
推 : 奇多不要白目!11F 01/29 01:58
推 : 註:都是貓科 註2:東尼發明者表示吃了可以防自慰過12F 01/29 02:08
→ : 度…
→ : 度…
推 : (」・ω・)」召喚好色龍!(/・ω・)/14F 01/29 02:09
推 : XDDDDDD15F 01/29 02:12
推 : 奇多沒有Tony來得性感好身材16F 01/29 02:12
→ : 貓有乳糖不適症嗎?奇多都是起司味還有老虎又不吃玉17F 01/29 02:14
→ : 米片…
→ : 米片…
推 : 幹有夠髒XDDDDDDD19F 01/29 02:18
推 : 糖霜存量還夠嗎20F 01/29 02:19
推 : 其實他的R圖真的很多wwwwww大約40幾張已上21F 01/29 02:23
推 : 簽名檔是哪個文章 怎麼白目到有剩XD22F 01/29 02:36
推 : ......23F 01/29 02:37
推 : 你他媽wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww24F 01/29 02:46
推 : \召喚成功/25F 01/29 02:51
推 : 不過原文對於Furry的解釋根本......唉。26F 01/29 02:52
超中肯der啊 你要否認嗎ob'_'ov※ 編輯: Pony5566 (, 01/29/2016 02:56:27
推 : XDDD27F 01/29 03:01
推 : 正常 獸迷很多都是甲啊28F 01/29 03:04
→ : 為什麼獸迷跟甲會重疊阿29F 01/29 03:20
推 : 欸你不要把Furry和Fursuiter混在一起...靠北30F 01/29 03:22
→ : 我跟你認真這個根本沒用啊幹wwwwwww
→ : 我跟你認真這個根本沒用啊幹wwwwwww
噓 : 臭gunjia32F 01/29 03:37
推 : 內容真的把Fursuiters跟Furries搞錯了......34F 01/29 07:03
推 : ......................35F 01/29 07:58
噓 : 噁心獸甲36F 01/29 08:52
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 880
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