※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-20 15:05:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [問卦] 美國啓動核彈的密碼是多少?
時間 Fri Jan 20 13:54:00 2017
※ 引述《hellohiro (☁☁☁☂)》之銘言:
: 全世界最關鍵的一組密碼
: 世界首富也買不到的密碼
: 關鍵人類存亡的密碼
: 會是多少?有八卦嗎
美國總統隨身攜帶的密碼叫做"餅乾-The biscuit",也就是一般大眾所認知的"核彈密碼"
,它其實不是專門用來發射核彈的,除此之外它還可以透過"Nuclear football"行使其他
公事包為"Nuclear football"。包包內有衛星電話,還有其他美國軍事行動相關東西
之所以是"理論上可發射核彈"是因為Two-man rule,也就是美國總統要下達這個命令時
source: http://www.businessinsider.com/nuclear-weapons-trump-clinton-2016-9
How nuclear weapons can be launched — and stopped - Business Insider
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have both made the issue of whether the other can be trusted with the nuclear codes a core component of their campaig ...
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have both made the issue of whether the other can be trusted with the nuclear codes a core component of their campaig ...
Gold Codes - Wikipedia
The Gold Codes are the launch codes for nuclear weapons provided to the Presidents of the United States in their role as Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces.[1] In conjunction with the nuclear football, the Gold Codes allow the president to authorize a nuclear attack.[2] Gold Codes, ...
The Gold Codes are the launch codes for nuclear weapons provided to the Presidents of the United States in their role as Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces.[1] In conjunction with the nuclear football, the Gold Codes allow the president to authorize a nuclear attack.[2] Gold Codes, ...
The Nuclear Football - United States Nuclear Forces
It follows the President where ever he goes and is never more that a few steps from his side. It is carried by a military officer who must undergo the ...
It follows the President where ever he goes and is never more that a few steps from his side. It is carried by a military officer who must undergo the ...
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推 : 有趣推1F 01/20 13:56
推 : 推 漲姿勢2F 01/20 13:57
推 : 好,長知識3F 01/20 13:58
推 : 長知識優文推4F 01/20 13:59
→ : 長知識推推5F 01/20 14:03
→ : 密碼12346F 01/20 14:08
推 : 總統假如死了怎模辦?7F 01/20 14:09
推 : 總統死了 副總統代行啊8F 01/20 14:11
推 : 副總統沒有密碼啊9F 01/20 14:14
推 : 幹長知識10F 01/20 14:17
→ : w大 總統死了 副總統就是總統了........11F 01/20 14:18
→ : 抱歉 我想問的是如果緊急狀況總統戰損 副總統臨時也沒餅乾12F 01/20 14:25
→ : 啊
→ : 啊
推 : 副總統從總統身上拿餅乾或是國安再給副總統一張新餅乾14F 01/20 14:30
推 : 按電影來看 國防部隨時有很多餅乾預備著15F 01/20 14:42
推 : 可以參考電影 恐懼的總和16F 01/20 14:43
→ : 餅乾撕開來則可以參考赤色風暴中核對電文真假那邊
→ : 餅乾撕開來則可以參考赤色風暴中核對電文真假那邊
→ : 說不定是真的餅乾 然後裡面有紙 別吞下去囉18F 01/20 14:48
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 54
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