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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-11 21:49:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 driftingjong (長空浪子雁)
標題 [新聞] 共和黨團長表明放棄川普!
時間 Tue Oct 11 20:23:26 2016



US election: Top Republican Ryan 'won't defend Trump'


The most senior elected US Republican official has said he will not defend Donal

House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan vowed to focus on defending seats in

Mr Trumpweetedhat Mr Ryan should not waste his time fighting him.

Earlier Democratic rival Hillary Clinton cast doubt on Mr Trump's apology for the 11-year-old remarks.

On Sunday, Mr Trump described his words as "locker-room talk".

In a bitter televised debate, a month before the US presidential election, Mr Trump denied he had groped anyone.

Mrs Clintonweetedn Monday that, if he stood by this assertion, he was "clearly not sorry".

A 2005 video released on Friday revealed Mr Trump describing how he had sought to have sex with a married woman and making obscene comments about women.

Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking Republican officeholder, has officially given the signal. The SS Trump is sinking, and it's time for members of his party to calmly, quietly head to the lifeboats.

Republican control of Congress must be maintained at all costs, the House speaker asserted in his call to congressional rank-and-file on Monday, lest Hillary Clinton have the ability to advance her party's legislative priorities and seat sympathetic Supreme Court justices without opposition.

It's notable that after reports he was mulling a full unendorsement of the Republican nominee, Mr Ryan is apparently trying to a walk a fine line between abandonment and loyalty to his putative standard-bearer. His decision evokes shades of 1996, when Republican nominee Bob Dole's doomed presidential campaign rolled along, oblivious to a party apparatus that was focusing exclusively on local races.

It's worth keeping in mind that while Mr Ryan is sounding the abandon-ship alarm, Donald Trump may not play the stoic captain watching from the bridge. He's shown no loyalty to a Republican establishment that never truly embraced him and may have no qualms with lashing out at erstwhile friend and foe alike in the campaign's final, turbulent days.

Asked about the video in the debate, Mr Trump turned his fire on Mrs Clinton's husband, ex-President Bill Clinton, whom he described as "abusive to women". She refused to address the comments.

At least 38 senior Republicans - including senators, members of Congress, and state governors - have withdrawn their support since the video surfaced on Friday.

But late on Monday Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said "nothing has changed" in relation to the campaign.

"I think the issue [of the remarks about groping] was taken care of at the debate," he said, quoted by the Politico website, after a conference call with committee members.

'No blank cheque'

According to sources familiar with a conference call he held with congress members on Monday, Mr Ryan appeared to have accepted that Mrs Clinton would win the White House and wanted to make sure Republicans in Congress were strong enough to challenge her.

Mr Ryan said he would spend "his entire energy making sure that Hillary Clinton does not get a blank cheque with a Democrat-controlled Congress", the source said.

"You all need to do what's best for you in your district," he was quoted as telling colleagues.

He, however, faced some resistance from colleagues for his approach.

California Representative Dana Rohrabacher, called party leaders "cowards" during the call for distancing themselves from the Republican's official nominee, reports say.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
US election: Top Republican Ryan 'won't defend Trump' - BBC News
Paul Ryan, the most senior elected US Republican, says he will no longer defend Donald Trump after outrage over his remarks about groping women. ...



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※ 編輯: driftingjong (, 10/11/2016 20:23:51
johnwu: 美國kmt?1F 10/11 20:23
wa88: 這裡很多團長好嗎 稀罕哦?2F 10/11 20:24
gaym19: 換普3F 10/11 20:24
sky14740: 拍手換普?4F 10/11 20:24
WTF55665566: 川粉表示:5F 10/11 20:24
wl760713: 換柱?6F 10/11 20:25
makakatw: 版上川粉哭哭喔 爛到連自己黨都不挺了 不就美國洪秀柱?7F 10/11 20:25
Landius: 原來三普 = 柱?8F 10/11 20:26
A80211ab: QQ   只能意淫了9F 10/11 20:26
CavendishJr: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD10F 10/11 20:26
moonphase: 打不贏鎖鍊手11F 10/11 20:26
milk7054: 西索的肉便器12F 10/11 20:28
momocom: 召喚D S A三粉13F 10/11 20:29
leov72: 好口年喔14F 10/11 20:29
worshipA: 板上一堆鍵盤美國人川粉被打臉XDDDDD15F 10/11 20:30
hw1: 總統可棄 立委不能丟 一模一樣16F 10/11 20:31
Skeleton7: 柱柱姐表示:17F 10/11 20:31
LinChinHoung: 共和黨這次真的廢到笑  肥蕊躺著上18F 10/11 20:31
kevinkuku: 選上你就慘了XDDD19F 10/11 20:32
fallheart: 看不到超狂美國了⊙_⊙20F 10/11 20:32
moonstrike: 川普再打嘴砲啊 真的爛死還有人挺 大概一樣沒水準沒21F 10/11 20:32
ash9911911: 米國洪秀柱22F 10/11 20:32
dsa3717: 我聽到召喚而來 我川一定能夠逆境求生!23F 10/11 20:32
gh34163: 早就說川普=柱柱姐24F 10/11 20:33
moonstrike: 衛生 被拋棄也只是剛好啦 共和黨也不喜死啊25F 10/11 20:33
silentence: 這屆的共和黨真的他媽的廢  川普爛成這樣還倒川不成26F 10/11 20:33
Oxhorn: 紙牌屋又有新題材了27F 10/11 20:33
scatology: 照樣挺川普 美國的希望28F 10/11 20:33
silentence: 那些錄音錄影早早放出來川普還用玩嗎29F 10/11 20:34
lmf770410: 挺住!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!30F 10/11 20:34
Tenging: 共和黨一群北七31F 10/11 20:34
chocoluv: 哈哈川普哈哈32F 10/11 20:34
jimmy885: 很明顯共和黨這次總統就放推,就算當選也管不動川普吧33F 10/11 20:35
aza0290: 又一個女總統要出來了34F 10/11 20:35
moonstrike: 民主黨就是要放壓軸讓你求死都不得啊 XD35F 10/11 20:35
tearcolor: 希拉蕊真的滿口謊言耶 美國人也喜歡這味的嘛?36F 10/11 20:35
BelaTarr: 一個瘋子 一個說謊 正常人只能不選瘋子37F 10/11 20:36
sleepysheep: 美國柱柱姊38F 10/11 20:37
kuninaka: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD39F 10/11 20:37
versace: 叫他團長好奇怪40F 10/11 20:38
TiggerLin: 男版柱柱姐41F 10/11 20:38
moonstrike: Paul Ryan是眾議院議長 是共和黨目前數一數二重量級人42F 10/11 20:38
moonstrike: 物 他的立場已代表一切 川普就安心上路吧
tearcolor: 川普就是一直把性掛在嘴邊當笑話的那種人阿44F 10/11 20:40
heureuxseed: PTT川粉超多45F 10/11 20:40
Cyclo: 還不是抄台灣的46F 10/11 20:41
tearcolor: 他的口頭禪不就是Bang my daughter嘛47F 10/11 20:41
a2156700: 米國kmt48F 10/11 20:41
juenren11: 還沒那麼簡單 川普比柱柱勝文都還有人氣 等著看狗咬狗49F 10/11 20:41
eas06u4: 果然是美國秀柱50F 10/11 20:42
doom3: 美國換柱失敗51F 10/11 20:46
hihi29: PTT百萬三迷 力挺三普52F 10/11 20:47
aa01081008tw: D.S.A.C這四大川粉跑哪去了...別潛水不出聲啊XDDDDD53F 10/11 20:48
popy8789: 台灣選舉果然是世界風向球 玩什麼學什麼54F 10/11 20:50
popy8789: 共和黨要找一個最愛剪綵的候選人嗎?
vicklin: 就是美國王金平放棄美國洪秀柱的意思56F 10/11 20:55
maesww: 穿普 千萬要挺柱阿阿阿~57F 10/11 20:56
andy108tw: Paul Ryan for 202058F 10/11 20:57
linfon00: 團長是什麼職稱?59F 10/11 20:58
waterskyew: 挺柱阿 阿川60F 10/11 21:02
bakaka: 台灣永遠走在時代的最前面~ 換柱、藍十字會61F 10/11 21:03
macefindu: 團長也只有一票 屌什麼?62F 10/11 21:04
soarling: 倫倫:對不起,我來晚了?63F 10/11 21:08
morphology: 推64F 10/11 21:09
GABA: 結果川普當選65F 10/11 21:11
lovelebron24: KMT領先全球66F 10/11 21:17
vack20534: 美國阿嬤勒67F 10/11 21:38
steve1012: Speed 怎麼不見啦68F 10/11 21:38

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