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作者 標題 [新聞] LAPD與Tesla將Model S P85D改裝成警車
時間 Mon Oct 17 07:48:52 2016
LAPD(洛杉磯警局)目前正與Tesla合作要將Model S P85D改裝成巡邏用的警車。
而今年夏初時已經分配了100輛BMW i3到LAPD去
但是這些BMW i3只用來做為警官的交通車與社區展示用途(這是因為性能的關係嗎?)
而Model S P85D的高性能(0-60mph 2.8秒)與高續航力(250 miles)更適合拿來作為巡邏車
如果未來Tesla有降價的話,可能就會直接將Model S列入採購計劃
Model S P85D的黑白塗裝警車扮相看起來也很帥氣啊
Tesla and LAPD working to retrofit a Model S with equipment for police patrol | Electrek
Earlier this year, we reported on the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) testing Tesla Model S sedans as ‘high-pursuit’ police cruisers. The automak ...
Earlier this year, we reported on the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
testing Tesla Model S sedans as ‘high-pursuit’ police cruisers. The
automaker loaned two Model S P85Ds to the department, but they were testing
the vehicles stock without any police equipment other than what has been done
on the exterior as seen on the pictures above.
After a few months of evaluation, we now learn that the LAPD and Tesla are
going forward and working together to retrofit one of the loaned Model S’s
with equipment for police patrol.
The initiative is part of a city-wide effort to convert the municipal fleet
to electric transport.
Last year, the city of Los Angeles announced that it will lease 288 electric
vehicles, including 160 fully-electric vehicles (BEVs), which resulted in Los
Angeles operating the largest city-owned fleet of pure electric vehicles.
A lot of those vehicles went to the LAPD which started taking delivery of 100
BMW i3s earlier this summer, but unlike the Tesla vehicles, BMW’s cars are
only used “as transportation vehicles for officers and in community outreach
Vartan Yegiyan, irector of Police Transportation at City of Los Angeles,
is overseeing the deployment of the BMW i3 fleet and he told NBC-LA last week
that “in many cases [the EVs] are driven by sworn officers to crime scenes
or in the course of investigations”, which is a first for electric vehicles
in LA.
Yegiyan notes that the i3 is better suited for its use than the traditional
gas-powered car it replaced, but also that faster acceleration and longer
range is needed for patrol vehicles.
That’s why they are using the Tesla Model S to benchmark electric vehicles
as potential patrol vehicles.
Yegiyan says that they are now working with Tesla on an agreement to retrofit
one of the Model S P85Ds with all the necessary equipment for police patrol:
“They will have an active role equipping this vehicle,”
The Tesla Model S P85D with Ludicrous mode is capable of accelerating from 0
to 60 mph in just 2.8 seconds and has a range of around 250 miles, which
makes it better suited to be a police patrol car.
Of course, it’s only for benchmarking electric vehicles as potential patrol
vehicles since the $100,000+ price tag of the P85D is not in LAPD’s price
range, but if the tests are successful, the department would then be tracking
other future performance electric vehicles, possibly from Tesla, at better
price points.
They have to look at the entire ownership cost since with potential savings
on gas and maintenance, they can afford to look at vehicles with higher price
tags than the $30,000s and $40,000s cars they are currently buying from
Ford, Chevrolet, and Dodge.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1O117dqX (car)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1476661735.A.D21.html
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