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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-10-13 09:08:16
看板 MobileComm
作者 notmuchmoney (真的不錯....)
標題 [情報] TSMC Overtakes Samsung in FinFET
時間 Sun Oct 12 23:42:24 2014

TSMC Overtakes Samsung in FinFET
FinFET製程競賽 台積電超車三星

Despite rivalry, both lag behind Intel

TAIPEI, Taiwan — TSMC, which has more than half the global foundry business, has overtaken Samsung in the FinFET race to commercial production that the South Korean company was leading this year, according to industry analysts. Both companies lag Intel, which is making FinFET chips internally.


"Recent developments suggest TSMC has taken the lead over Samsung at developing [16/14nm] FinFET manufacturing technology," Mehdi Hosseini, a San Francisco analyst who covers TSMC and Samsung for Susquehanna Financial analyst, said in an Oct. 1 report.

美國舊金山Susquehanna Financial分析師Mehdi Hosseini在一份最近發佈的報告中指出:「近期發展顯示台積電已經在開發16/14奈米FinFET製程的腳步上超越了三星。」Hosseini表示,來自產業界人士的消息指出,三星的14奈米FinFET製程研發出現延宕,而台積電的16奈米FinFET製程試產則獲得目標客戶越來越多的信心。

Checks with industry experts suggest Samsung's foundry has experienced a setback with its 14nm FinFET project, while TSMC's 16nm pilot line is gaining incremental confidence among prospective customers, Hosseini said in the report. TSMC and Samsung are in a tight race to provide FinFET products to their biggest customers, Apple and Qualcomm, each of which aims to offer improved performance and lower power consumption in smartphones with the higher-density chips. However, the development of 3D-structured
FinFETs has been fraught with difficulty for the two companies.


On Sept. 25, HiSilicon, China's largest fabless company, announced FinFET samples for an ARM-based networking processor manufactured on TSMC's 16nm pilot line. Hosseini said the node will enter mass production in the second half of 2015 at the earliest.


Carlos Peng, an analyst with Fubon Securities in Taipei, says FinFET chips will account for a "high single-digit percentage" of TSMC's revenue by the third quarter of 2015. Initially, TSMC's main customers for the new process technology will be Apple and HiSilicon, followed by Qualcomm, MediaTek, Xilinx, and Altera later in 2015. Apple may choose TSMC to make the A9 processor with FinFET technology.

台北富邦投顧(Fubon Securities)分析師彭國維(Carlos Peng)表示,FiFET製程晶片將在2015年第三季在台積電營收中佔據「高個位數字」比例;第一批採用該新製程技術的台積電主要客戶,將包括蘋果、海思,以及高通、聯發科(Media)、Xilinx與Altera。他並預期蘋果將會委託台積電以FinFET技術生產A9處理器。

"Though Samsung indicates it will begin volume production of 20nm and FinFET at the end of 2014, the yield rate remains low as of the end of 3Q14 as the company is struggling to overcome a steep learning curve," Peng said in a Sept. 25 report. "Meaningful FinFET equipment pull-in for TSMC is likely in early fourth quarter 2014, which also implies potential volume production in the second quarter of 2015, one quarter ahead of schedule, meaning there may be potential for an upside surprise in the first
half of 2015." TSMC's lead in the development of fan-out packaging may give the company an advantage in commercial production.


"We expect the combination of FinFET and fan-out to drive performance improvement among high-end logic products and ensure TSMC's market position for at least the next two to three years, especially as Samsung will require another one and a half to two years to develop its own fan-out technology, and another year to tape out the new integration products," Peng said.


Double patterning and leakage have been tough for Samsung to overcome, since the company's 28nm technology still lags TSMC by one year, he said. The technology gap impacts the schedule for Samsung's 20nm/14nm FinFETs. TSMC may need to revise a prediction chairman Morris Chang made in July: "In 16-nanometer, TSMC will have a smaller market share than a major competitor in 2015." At that time, Chang said FinFET technology will have wide application in baseband, application processors, consumer SoCs, GPUs,
network processors, FPGAs, and CPUs.

Elizabeth Sun, a TSMC spokesperson, would not comment further, citing a quiet period leading up to the company's third-quarter earnings announcement Oct. 16.

據彭國維表示,因為雙重曝光(Double patterning)以及電流洩漏問題,讓三星的28奈米製程技術仍落後台積電一年,此技術差距影響了三星的20/14奈米FinFET時程;因此台積電可能有機會扭轉總裁張忠謀在7月時的說法:「台積電2015年在16奈米節點的市佔率會小於主要競爭對手。」對此台積電發言人表示,該公司因財報發布前的緘默期不便評論。

According to analysts surveyed by EE Times, TSMC may have won a skirmish against Samsung and manufacturing partner Global Foundries, which Apple and Qualcomm have supported in order to pare TSMC's strong pricing power. "Essentially, the concept of a leading edge 'second source' for TSMC has been non-existent for nearly three years," HSBC analyst Stephen Pelayo said in a June report. "Qualcomm (TSMC's largest customer, representing 22% of revenue in 2013), has aimed to work more closely with almost every
other foundry."

產業分析師的看法是,台積電可能已經小勝三星以及另一家晶圓代工廠GlobalFoundries;為了削弱台積電強大的定價能力,蘋果與高通都有支持第二家代工夥伴。「基本上,做為台積電先進製程“第二供應來源”的概念已經消失近三年;」HSBC分析師Stephen Pelayo在一份6月發表的報告中表示:「高通的目標就是與其他每一家代工業者更密切合作。」

Still, Apple is ramping up aggressively with TSMC this year, Pelayo said. Apple's apps processor business alone could account for approximately 10% of TSMC's revenue this year, or nearly $2.4 billion, compared with nothing last year. Nevertheless, TSMC's customers may be skittish about betting on a still unproven process technology.


BNP Paribas analyst Szeho Ng said in a Sept. 19 report: "It may be hard for Apple to aggressively switch to FinFET in 2015 if it keeps to its cadence of a product refresh in the third quarter every year, and there is uncertainty about Apple's genuine interest in FinFET mass production in 2015."

BNP Paribas分析師Szeho Ng則在9月19日發表的報告指出:「若蘋果繼續保持每年第三季推出新一代產品的步伐,對該公司來說要在2015年大舉轉向FinFET製程可能有困難,而且也不確定蘋果是否真的有興趣在2015年量產FinFET晶片。」

Peng said in a July report: "We believe Apple abandoned the latest FinFET technology and maintained the 20nm design for its A9 processor due to concerns about low yield rates." TSMC is the only foundry that can integrate fan-out for application processors and mobile RAM, he said, so Apple's A9 and upcoming high-end application processors will follow this trend over the next two years.


EE Times - TSMC Overtakes Samsung in FinFET
TSMC has overtaken Samsung in the FinFET race to commercial production, according to industry analysts. Both companies lag Intel, which is making FinFET chips internally. ...

台積電在晶圓代工領域的統治地位 的確十分強大
如文中所述 已經三年找不到能打的對手了
but 這個最厲害的but
實際上 在晶圓代工領域三星也已經排老二了

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※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1413128549.A.ED2.html
WrathWizard : 之前某案子碰過同一個狀況TSMC做的晶片沒問題1F 10/12 23:49
WrathWizard : GF做的會莫名死機還要軟體WA的 完全昏倒 XD
Go2         : WW大!!3F 10/12 23:52
kira925     : 某8X6XA嗎XD4F 10/12 23:52
Dissipate   : 先進製程的使用者居然看不到AMD還有NV 怪哉5F 10/12 23:54
eray0206    : NV都在tsmc下,t有ㄧ座12吋的產能大部分都包給NV6F 10/12 23:57
eray0206    : amd因為合約關係必須把gf餵飽才能再其他廠下
twinmick    : 問題是三星賺大錢的手機開始跌停了,而手機又養了8F 10/13 00:01
twinmick    : 三星自己其他的許多部門,沒東牆沒石油挖的話怎麼辦
game0502    : 十萬青年十萬肝,GG輪班救台灣。10F 10/13 00:05
trywish     : 就算一直跌,但三星還能再撐很久吧,就像HTC一樣,11F 10/13 00:06
trywish     : 我比較擔心是對岸、政治或內鬥,把台灣自己鬥倒。
tmchardawa  : 還好intel對代工沒完全投注~不然台GG會頭殼抱著燒13F 10/13 00:11
miha80425   : 輪班星人都是怪物嗎14F 10/13 00:24
miha80425   : 三星發現不賺大虧大概立刻像割盲腸一樣 切割掉
DiChik      : 個人覺得只要還有賺 三星要倒很難...畢竟它有國家撐16F 10/13 00:27
WrathWizard : not 8260A ... 是規格上看不到的東西 XD17F 10/13 00:33
WrathWizard : 那個案子大概也沒什麼人買 (嗚嗚)
passionyeh  : 目前三星在DRAM的市場裡看不到對手, NAND的市場裡只19F 10/13 00:43
passionyeh  : 有韓國和同胞再加個東芝和Intel吧. 最近擴大DRAM產
passionyeh  : 能來補一下行動裝置的缺口了.DRAM又要大跌價了.相信
miha80425   : 三星怎麼想都是要去搞DDR4了 DDR3能降?我打個大問號22F 10/13 00:46
passionyeh  : 手機的DRAM價格也會被砍到,算是,不錯的消息吧23F 10/13 00:46
miha80425   : 我已經捏著等很久的便宜8G  就是死豬價 悶不吭聲24F 10/13 00:46
kira925     : 我一開始還想Intel跟NAND...然後才想起來是說美光XD25F 10/13 00:46
passionyeh  : DDR4應該未來一年都是小眾市場,擴產DDR4有意義嗎?26F 10/13 00:49
oxasshole   : GF第二吧...27F 10/13 01:22
ctotw       : 三星會倒給其他韓國場買的 不用擔心28F 10/13 01:32
kira925     : 其他韓國廠互相也是各種打架的..29F 10/13 01:42
APC         : 推30F 10/13 06:04

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