※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-08-31 09:18:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] Adele要發新專輯了!?
時間 Sun Aug 30 23:46:01 2015
Adele 全球大賣2600萬張的 Adele
為大家複習Adele 熱門金曲
Chasing Pavement
Adele - Chasing Pavements - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Chasing Pavements. 2008 XL Recordings Limited.
Music video by Adele performing Chasing Pavements. 2008 XL Recordings Limited.

Hometown Glory
Adele - Hometown Glory - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Hometown Glory. (C) 2009 XL Recordings Limited
Music video by Adele performing Hometown Glory. (C) 2009 XL Recordings Limited

Rolling in the Deep
Adele - Rolling in the Deep - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Rolling In The Deep. (C) 2010 XL Recordings Ltd. #VEVOCertified on July 25, 2011.
Music video by Adele performing Rolling In The Deep. (C) 2010 XL Recordings Ltd. #VEVOCertified on July 25, 2011.

Someone Like You
Adele - Someone Like You - YouTube
Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2011 XL Recordings Ltd
Music video by Adele performing Someone Like You. (C) 2011 XL Recordings Ltd

Adele - Skyfall (Lyric Video) - YouTube
Buy Skyfall now: Written by ADELE and Paul Epworth. Skyfall is the official theme song to the James Bond film of the same nam...
Buy Skyfall now: Written by ADELE and Paul Epworth. Skyfall is the official theme song to the James Bond film of the same nam...

有沒有Adele要出新專輯的八卦?? 有鄉民知道嘛!?
Adele's Long-Awaited New Album: Everything We Know About the Follow-Up to '21' | Billboard
Is Adele, the artist behind the biggest album of the 2010’s, finally ready to follow it up? ...
恐懼是政府的終極武器。 思想是不怕子彈的。
強迫你隨主流,強迫你服從。 V for Vendetta
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LuoL2CB (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1440949570.A.30B.html
推 : 我都念Adobe1F 08/30 23:46
→ : 你說Adobe嗎2F 08/30 23:46
推 : 我都念ㄟ波3F 08/30 23:47
推 : 好聽!聲音超有感染力4F 08/30 23:47
→ : 我都念阿搭馬5F 08/30 23:47
→ : Adobe要更新?6F 08/30 23:47
推 : 阿的力7F 08/30 23:47
推 : 新專輯叫 268F 08/30 23:48
→ : 阿嚕巴9F 08/30 23:48
→ : Adobe 哈哈10F 08/30 23:48
推 : Adobe已更新11F 08/30 23:49
推 : 不覺得她的歌好聽12F 08/30 23:50
推 : someone like you13F 08/30 23:50
→ : 專輯名稱:183 (pounds)14F 08/30 23:50
→ : Adobe又出新軟體了!?15F 08/30 23:50
推 : AbuDhabi16F 08/30 23:50
→ : 他的歌很有感染力 好聽17F 08/30 23:51
推 : 推Adobe18F 08/30 23:51
推 : 聽過小孩都叫他胖阿姨19F 08/30 23:51
推 : 聽一下覺得蠻難聽的20F 08/30 23:51
推 : 2721F 08/30 23:52
推 : 我比較喜歡Birdy22F 08/30 23:52
推 : 我都念哈特利23F 08/30 23:52
推 : Adobe 的 flash要被封殺了24F 08/30 23:52
推 : 好聽25F 08/30 23:52
推 : 我都念阿達力26F 08/30 23:53
推 : 她才幾歲有這種嗓音有點太神27F 08/30 23:54
推 : 我都唸____28F 08/30 23:55
推 : flash能支援網頁阿 不過ae也是adobe 也沒差啊29F 08/30 23:56
→ : adobe30F 08/30 23:57
→ : HTML5比Adele好用多了31F 08/30 23:57
噓 : 我只聽Florence + the machine32F 08/30 23:58
推 : 推文又歪了XDD33F 08/30 23:59
→ : Adobe XDDDD34F 08/31 00:01
噓 : 下巴裂開惹.................35F 08/31 00:05
推 : 我們都念Adobe~~~你呢?36F 08/31 00:09
推 : 屁股下巴37F 08/31 00:18
推 : 誰叫我38F 08/31 00:23
推 : 阿肥39F 08/31 00:23
→ : 等一下你把Set fire to the rain放哪裡
→ : 等一下你把Set fire to the rain放哪裡
→ : 不好聽41F 08/31 00:51
→ : Adele最有名的歌明明是Let it go42F 08/31 00:58
推 : 放火燒雨43F 08/31 01:10
推 : 我用Apple44F 08/31 01:41
推 : 我都念Apple45F 08/31 08:05
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 69