※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-08-02 16:37:46
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] iPhone 5s 新廣告
時間 Sat Aug 2 14:45:44 2014
iPhone 5s新廣告
Apple - iPhone 5s - Dreams - YouTube
With the power of iPhone 5s, you're more powerful than you think. This film is accompanied by a song called “When I Grow Up" by Jennifer O’Connor and is avai...
With the power of iPhone 5s, you're more powerful than you think. This film is accompanied by a song called “When I Grow Up" by Jennifer O’Connor and is avai...

Apple - iPhone 5s - You’re more powerful than you think
[img=100,100]/iphone-5s/powerful/images/og_powerful.jpg?201408012256[/img]With iPhone 5s you have the power to do everyday things in extraordinary ways, and extraordinary things every day. ...
[img=100,100]/iphone-5s/powerful/images/og_powerful.jpg?201408012256[/img]With iPhone 5s you have the power to do everyday things in extraordinary ways, and extraordinary things every day. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iPhone/M.1406961947.A.B96.html
※ 編輯: psp1007 (, 08/02/2014 14:46:31
推 :清庫存啦1F 08/02 14:50
→ :弄成 iPhone 5sc 就好了2F 08/02 14:52
推 :原來有這麼多功能,我買來都只有接聽 囧3F 08/02 14:53
推 : 轉珠4F 08/02 14:54
推 : 傳賴5F 08/02 14:55
推 : 裝潮6F 08/02 14:56
推 :放防潮箱7F 08/02 14:58
→ :其實是在替週邊促銷 測風儀 微距鏡頭 私人飛機(?) 馬(?!)8F 08/02 14:59
→ :投影機 水質檢測儀
→ :投影機 水質檢測儀
推 :這些都是給工作用的10F 08/02 15:07
推 :好棒棒唷~可是都用不到~~~XDD11F 08/02 15:42
推 :忘了提鄉民最在乎的功能:上ptt ~=ˇˇ=~12F 08/02 16:05
推 :感謝分享~13F 08/02 16:18
※ 看板: K_hot 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 50
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