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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-06 21:59:08
看板 joke
作者 aifam (′︵‵ )
標題 [XD] 育兒等級:絕地大師
時間 Wed Mar  6 14:09:40 2013




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
snickle:你覺得這真:溫馨1F 03/06 14:13
VoyagerKid:狀態顯示為溫馨2F 03/06 14:23
yef7591:溫馨<33F 03/06 14:31
aoeandy:♥ 4F 03/06 14:34
ruokcnn:萬能老爸 讓我想起小時候老爸都幫我修鋼彈5F 03/06 14:43
anan1411:Luke, I am your father, and I am FABULOUS!7F 03/06 16:18
summerstorm:了不起的老爸 我爸爸反而只是很會修電器呵呵8F 03/06 16:29
kh9340203:我爸只會修理我...9F 03/06 16:39
will1118:你覺得這真:溫馨10F 03/06 17:04
ckpioneer:推推 @@11F 03/06 17:23
lukelin15:讚12F 03/06 17:27
gotohikaru:溫馨13F 03/06 17:47
jerryklu:這太感人了~~~~~~~~~~~14F 03/06 17:49
alpachino:Luke, I am your father, and I am FABULOUS! XDDDDDD15F 03/06 18:06
Tenging:萬能老爸啊16F 03/06 18:13
s20092:溫馨17F 03/06 18:17
william5h:溫馨~好強的老爸啊18F 03/06 18:27
azbl:老爸真男人 バカ親だな.....19F 03/06 18:42
sizkacoder:推 溫馨20F 03/06 18:56
Refauth:Luke, I am your mother, and I am RIDICULOUS! XDDDDDD21F 03/06 19:00
Birdy:    kh9340203:我爸只會修理我...       那你現在好了嗎?22F 03/06 20:14
GETpoint:溫馨23F 03/06 20:29
MartinLK:http://youtu.be/d5mK7dzyUkM          as you wish24F 03/06 20:49
Sariah Gallego Joins the Dark Side (Star Wars) - YouTube
The Gallego family takes a trip to Disneyland and Sariah and Alex are chosen to join Jedi Academy!!!! Sariah decides to bow to Darth Vader and joins the Dark...

a31906109:老爸技能點滿了....25F 03/06 21:20

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