※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-12-13 01:20:34
看板 joke
作者 標題 [影片] 外國網路正妹Jenna Marbles
時間 Tue Dec 11 21:16:15 2012
但是他每部影片真的是超好笑阿!! (重點人也好正~
(女生在做愛時想的事) http://ppt.cc/dgUE
Jenna Marbles - 女生在做愛時想的事 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
(男生開車做的事) http://ppt.cc/pP_O
Jenna Marbles - 男生開車做的事 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
(女生再用網路時做的事) http://ppt.cc/zZHO
Jenna Marbles - 女生在用網路時做的事 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
(迪士尼電影是這樣敎我的) http://ppt.cc/wFtS
Jenna Marbles - 迪士尼電影是這樣敎我的 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
(當不想和某人對話時請這樣做) http://ppt.cc/b6C~
Jenna Marbles - 當不想和某人對話時請這樣做 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only becau...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only becau...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :不錯笑1F 12/11 21:38
推 :頗好笑的阿 為何沒人喜歡2F 12/11 22:55
Jenna Marbles - 如何讓人誤以為妳很正 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
Jenna Marbles - 簡訊解碼小幫手 - YouTube
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
I do not own the right to this video. Please refer to and view the original one. I did this translation only because I admire Jen...
推 :XDD5F 12/11 23:21
推 :XDXDXD6F 12/11 23:47
推 :XD7F 12/11 23:50
推 :蠻正的XDD8F 12/12 00:01
推 :PUSH9F 12/12 00:10
推 :超好笑的啦~怎麼這麼少人推?10F 12/12 00:50
推 :有趣推:D11F 12/12 01:10
噓 :拍影片就拍影片一堆f words,不喜歡12F 12/12 01:34
推 :蠻有趣的 推一個13F 12/12 01:37
推 :諧星XD14F 12/12 01:58
推 :酒醉畫妝也很好笑XDDDD15F 12/12 01:59
→ :少人推的原因我想是這之前好像PO過~"~16F 12/12 02:13
推 :滿好笑的阿XDDD17F 12/12 02:53
推 :都蠻中肯的 XD18F 12/12 08:54
推 :推個XDD19F 12/12 09:31
推 :XDDDD20F 12/12 10:01
推 :我也喜歡她XDDDDDDD21F 12/12 12:29
推 :獨眼巨人XD22F 12/12 13:57
推 :哈哈哈23F 12/12 14:00
推 :fap fap fap fap24F 12/12 14:56
噓 :OP25F 12/12 19:31
推 :我覺得她好man 喔26F 12/12 21:10
推 :哪邊能買到那本簡訊解碼?27F 12/12 22:42
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4135
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