※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-15 19:09:25
看板 joke
作者 標題 [XD] 五秒短片翻譯[2]
時間 Sun Jan 15 15:17:16 2012
五秒電影:她的第一次 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:顧客請注意 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:失蹤 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:修行不足的通靈朋友 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:主播生存遊戲 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

五秒電影:機器狗 [中文字幕] - YouTube
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...
*Disclaimer* I do not own this video; all rights belong 5secondfilms.com. This is merely a Chinese translation of the original one. For more 5-second films g...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDD1F 01/15 15:27
推 :這串到底在幹嘛啊XDDDD 超無言的欸2F 01/15 15:47
推 :真的好幽默3F 01/15 15:50
推 :好多看不懂 失蹤蠻有創意的 不過沒笑4F 01/15 15:51
推 :昨天的比較好笑5F 01/15 15:52
推 :無厘頭啦!!!!XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD6F 01/15 15:55
推 :釘書機很靠北7F 01/15 15:58
推 :好靠北的記者,比台灣的猛多了8F 01/15 16:02
推 :記者好好笑9F 01/15 16:06
推 :殺虫XDDDDDDDDDD10F 01/15 16:16
推 :全都好好笑11F 01/15 16:22
推 :每部都莫名其妙XD12F 01/15 16:23
推 :釘書機的後勁很強XDDDDD13F 01/15 16:30
推 :釘書機不錯14F 01/15 16:32
推 :記者超好笑....XD15F 01/15 16:48
推 :訂書機太好笑了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD16F 01/15 16:53
推 :太好笑了XDDDDD18F 01/15 17:18
推 :釘書機XD21F 01/15 17:25
推 :xd22F 01/15 17:31
推 :今天的都超好笑XDD23F 01/15 17:33
推 :預知能力那個超蠢XDD24F 01/15 17:39
推 :原來釘書機是這樣喔 我之前在9gag看完全誤會了XD25F 01/15 17:39
推 :科科26F 01/15 17:52
推 :失蹤跟 記者都不錯!27F 01/15 18:01
推 :這個超讚 不推我阿公會拿拐杖打我28F 01/15 18:30
※ 看板: Joke 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1436