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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-18 21:49:22
看板 Gossiping
作者 goatcheese (goatcheese)
標題 [問卦] 我也很難接受,英文可以怎麼說
時間 Mon May 17 23:43:33 2021







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WeeydhI (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621266215.A.AD2.html
※ 編輯: goatcheese ( 臺灣), 05/17/2021 23:43:47
pinhanpaul: 英文可以怎麼說→YES1F 05/17 23:43
saiya: not my fault2F 05/17 23:44
HeavensFeel: Not my business3F 05/17 23:44
snsdakb48: bu lan ni iau tu kmt?4F 05/17 23:44
slamblock15: None of my business5F 05/17 23:44
iamtendollar: who cars6F 05/17 23:45
Andrew90:  IKEA7F 05/17 23:45
asiaking5566: who car8F 05/17 23:45
deepdish: google很難?9F 05/17 23:45
crimson11: https://i.imgur.com/tGCiciK.gif10F 05/17 23:45
jma306:  りしれ供さ小11F 05/17 23:45
Mazda6: Whatever12F 05/17 23:46
guitar0225: fxxk off13F 05/17 23:46
Aliensoul: i also  hate man  jay  so14F 05/17 23:46
ltytw: hard to accept15F 05/17 23:46
yangwn1234: Taiwan's daily life16F 05/17 23:46
jasperjr7: generate energy by making luv17F 05/17 23:47
pupulady: wa 9 kanko too18F 05/17 23:48
scatliu: blue thin, mushroom~ ( 藍瘦, 香菇)19F 05/17 23:49
rexyeah: 英文會說:我有信心,這次我們一起難受。類似這種屁話。20F 05/17 23:50
Maniacs: Honesty I don’t give a fuck21F 05/17 23:50
newwer: fick me in the ass and make it burst22F 05/17 23:51
Beee09: I’m so sad too23F 05/17 23:52
William1862: qq may show gun more24F 05/17 23:53
hamuguava: i am a fat guy25F 05/17 23:53
Zoology: go home and fxck yourself you fxcking loser26F 05/17 23:54
abola921: hey siri27F 05/17 23:54
tim32142000: 英文說他會點亮台灣28F 05/17 23:56
storyf66014: so ya hen nan so29F 05/17 23:58
yumika: i dont car30F 05/17 23:58
K951753: ask your boss31F 05/17 23:59
aure0914: It's also hard for me to accept the fact32F 05/17 23:59
a6300072: 跟抗中保台的英文一樣33F 05/17 23:59
jimsuda: Actually, I don’t give a damn34F 05/18 00:04
miuccina: Who cares?35F 05/18 00:05
applerunning: i don't give a fuck人家説什麼36F 05/18 00:05
q5228859: what the fuck?37F 05/18 00:07
icou: I too very hard catch receive38F 05/18 00:08
turkeyma: I can’t take it either39F 05/18 00:08
pipi8696044: how do you turn this on40F 05/18 00:08
yosaku: world yeah henan jasou41F 05/18 00:11
shinny1206: Taiwan number 142F 05/18 00:15
tiltheday: sorry I can't help43F 05/18 00:15
sunner717: DPP=awesome44F 05/18 00:16
BeNative: I am fat45F 05/18 00:18
poki5566: 笑死46F 05/18 00:19
redial: XD47F 05/18 00:28
vdml: it wasn't easy for me48F 05/18 00:35
beta0907: fuck your mother Xi!49F 05/18 00:37
vking223: 咪兔me too50F 05/18 00:40
loopdiuretic: I am a fat pig51F 05/18 00:47
laliga: looking at your fucking ass52F 05/18 01:09
pcshgod: put me a horse53F 05/18 03:52
thomas: it's all Han's fault54F 05/18 04:57
perry201046: go fuck yourself55F 05/18 06:10
chu1830: it’s a hard pill to swallow56F 05/18 06:38
ppm467: 「大家都很難接受短時間兩次停電,連我也很難接受。」”Tw57F 05/18 13:14
ppm467: o major blackouts in such a short time is not only har
ppm467: d for everyone to accept, it is also hard for me to ac
ppm467: cept.”

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 219 
作者 goatcheese 的最新發文:
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1樓 時間: 2021-05-18 22:01:57 (台灣)
  05-18 22:01 TW
?? !! ?? Ohhhhh~ Zzzzzz
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