※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-13 14:08:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 阿公店英文怎麼講?
時間 Thu May 13 10:58:03 2021
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wd9Mz3d (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1620874685.A.0E7.html
→ : 樓下去哪裡當鴨?1F 05/13 10:58
→ : GFS2F 05/13 10:58
→ : Grandpa Store3F 05/13 10:58
推 : 樓上床上4F 05/13 10:58
→ : 可惜
→ : 可惜
推 : grandpa's store6F 05/13 10:59
推 : fuck your grandpa7F 05/13 10:59
→ : TheGrandfather-ColossusBlade8F 05/13 10:59
推 : dirty grandpa9F 05/13 10:59
推 : Grandpa store10F 05/13 11:00
推 : 阿公們去的紅燈區 Red Light District for grands11F 05/13 11:00
→ : A-kong-tiàm12F 05/13 11:00
→ : Grandpa's Shop13F 05/13 11:01
推 : GRANDPA CAN HAPPY SHOP14F 05/13 11:01
推 : Grandpa fucking store15F 05/13 11:01
→ deann …
推 : costco17F 05/13 11:02
推 : old dick in the house18F 05/13 11:02
推 : Old Penis Can Fuck Shop19F 05/13 11:03
推 : old man play loosen pussy20F 05/13 11:05
→ : King crimson21F 05/13 11:06
→ : High temperature tea store22F 05/13 11:06
→ : grandpa store23F 05/13 11:07
→ pcshgod …
→ : play gun store25F 05/13 11:08
→ : Grandpapa’s Juice26F 05/13 11:08
推 : A-gon damn27F 05/13 11:08
→ : 你不是要裸奔嗎?28F 05/13 11:08
推 : sugar grandpa29F 05/13 11:08
推 : momo cha30F 05/13 11:08
推 : Grandpa's happy paradise31F 05/13 11:09
推 : grandpa paradise32F 05/13 11:13
推 : Grandpa's little secret33F 05/13 11:14
→ : milf antiques34F 05/13 11:16
推 : Grandpas get sucked into the coochie35F 05/13 11:17
推 : Grandpa’s paradise36F 05/13 11:21
推 : Mother fucker store37F 05/13 11:22
推 : Grandpa's house.38F 05/13 11:25
→ : Grandpa JIZZZZZZZ! Store39F 05/13 11:27
推 : Grandpa's paradise40F 05/13 11:28
推 : fuck other grandma41F 05/13 11:32
→ : "Hot tea" shop,概念源自GTA:SA的hot coffee42F 05/13 11:35
推 : Grandpa Store43F 05/13 11:38
推 : grandpa's. store直接省略比較時尚44F 05/13 11:38
推 : CumCum Grandpa's45F 05/13 11:39
推 : Grandma unhappy :(46F 05/13 11:39
推 : gentlemen’s club47F 05/13 11:41
推 : 推文笑死48F 05/13 11:47
推 : Sugar grandpa49F 05/13 11:47
→ : GPS: Grandpa Pleasant Store50F 05/13 11:51
推 : Grandmother want to be fucked area51F 05/13 12:04
推 : No country for old man52F 05/13 12:26
推 : 怕Grandpa can help54F 05/13 12:34
推 : live old, play old. 選我正解55F 05/13 13:07
推 : Grandpa gets hard!56F 05/13 13:22
推 : Grandpa Cafe57F 05/13 13:54
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 778