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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 墨女以為照片中的小三而弒夫,其實是她
時間 Sat Feb 20 06:26:29 2021
Daily Mail 每日郵報
Jealous wife stabs her husband multiple times after finding pictures of him
having sex with 'another woman' - without realizing images were of HER taken
years earlier
A jealous wife has been arrested in Mexico after she reportedly stabbed her
husband in a blind rage when she found old photos on his cell phone of him
having sex with ‘another’ woman - failing to realize the images were
actually of her.
張和陌生女子嘿咻的照片 - 但是,她並沒有意識到照片中的女子是她自己。
The woman, identified by police only as 'Leonora R', was arrested last week
after law enforcement were summoned to a home in the municipality of Cajeme,
Sonora, to reports of a domestic dispute.
When officers arrived they found that Leonora’s husband, identified as 'Juan
N', had been stabbed multiple times on his legs and arms.
這名女子已被警方確認為Leonora N,於上周被逮捕。警察被呼叫到Cajeme, Sonora一處
的民宅調解糾紛,當他們抵達發現Leonora的丈夫Juan N腿部和肩膀已中數刀。
The violent attack was reportedly sparked after Leonora found explicit photos
on Juan’s cell phone, showing him having sex with whom she believed to be
another woman.
Without giving him time to explain himself, Leonora allegedly began stabbing
Juan over and over again, while hurling insults at him.
Police said Juan was eventually able to wrestle the knife out of his incensed
wife’s hands, and asked her what photos she was talking about.
He then explained to her that the photos were actually of him and Leonora
taken years earlier when they were just dating.
Leonora reportedly didn’t immediately recognize herself because the woman in
the images was younger, thinner and wearing make-up, according to Dossier
Juan told police he then explained to his wife that he had recently found the
images in an old email and saved them to his phone.
She soon realized she was the woman depicted, reports say.
據Dossier Politico稱,Leonora並沒有立即認錯,因為照片中的女子年輕、苗條、且
Leonora was immediately taken into custody and remains behind bars pending
charges, local media say.
The case has reportedly been referred to the Public Ministry of the State
Attorney General's Office.
The extent of Juan’s injuries have not yet been disclosed by officials.
However the man was taken to hospital to be treated for multiple stab wounds
but is expected to recover.
Police were reportedly notified to the scene after neighbors heard screaming
and shouting inside the couple's home.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Wife stabs her husband multiple times after finding pictures of him with woman - which was her | Daily Mail Online The woman, identified by police only as 'Leonora R', was arrested last week after police were summoned to a home in Cajeme, in Mexico, to reports of a ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WC3iQCd (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1613773594.A.327.html
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推 : 肥到連自己都認不出來,老公就算真出軌我也不意外5F 02/20 06:32
※ 編輯: Gandalf ( 英國), 02/20/2021 06:44:21→ : 不要再po端火鍋了!!?6F 02/20 06:43
推 : 墨西哥 合裡7F 02/20 06:43
→ : 嗑藥了吧8F 02/20 06:45
→ : 越想越不對勁9F 02/20 06:46
推 : 寫個慘字10F 02/20 06:48
推 : 女大十八變,認不出來了11F 02/20 06:57
→ : 沒想到最後 小三竟是我自己12F 02/20 07:13
推 : 這女的不是有精神疾病就是嗑藥了,連自己都不認得13F 02/20 07:15
→ moy5566 …
→ : 自己都認不出來15F 02/20 07:41
→ godofsex …
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噓 : 舊聞了吧18F 02/20 07:55
推 : 這真是太呱張了吧!……呱張新聞講過了19F 02/20 08:01
→ : 她到底有多鏘20F 02/20 08:04
→ : 事情永遠不會是媒體報導的這麼單純21F 02/20 08:15
噓 : op了兄弟22F 02/20 08:17
噓 : op23F 02/20 08:27
噓 : OP24F 02/20 08:30
噓 : 腿多久的舊聞25F 02/20 08:40
→ : 英國的鴿子腳程真他母親的慢26F 02/20 08:47
推 : 肥到是自己都認不出從來了27F 02/20 09:08
→ : 考古?28F 02/20 09:09
→ : 超悲劇29F 02/20 09:36
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→ : 我怎麼感覺前幾個禮拜看過同一個事件的新聞32F 02/20 09:58
推 : 思覺失調 無罪33F 02/20 10:03
推 : 原來那是手術前的我 @@34F 02/20 10:33
推 : 啥鬼..35F 02/20 11:24
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推 : 盲目的憤怒 + 不聽解釋 + 報復攻擊 = 腦殘去吃屎啦幹!37F 02/20 12:00
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 233
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