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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-03 20:37:23
看板 Gossiping
作者 PrinceKanto (生田絵梨花は俺の嫁)
標題 [問卦] <他可以 你不行>的英文跟日文要怎麼翻?
時間 Wed Feb  3 19:36:41 2021

打擱賀! 大家好~ 大家晚安~ 米娜桑空半蛙~

本肥想請問大家,<他可以 你不行>這句話的英文跟日文要怎麼翻啊~


坂道最強 乃木坂46神選一期
https://i.imgur.com/kwG16Sa.gif https://i.imgur.com/ySBjDKZ.gif
https://i.imgur.com/u0CuVTp.gif https://i.imgur.com/m7ZLb8Q.gif

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1W6ehDKZ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1612352205.A.523.html
snow3804: OK,NO OK1F 02/03 19:37
rickphyman42: He can You no2F 02/03 19:37
horseorange: ikea nokia3F 02/03 19:37
pure9502: Only you don’t touch me4F 02/03 19:37
lux2668: you ugly !! 選我正解...5F 02/03 19:38
GetMoney: 我都念costco給你參考6F 02/03 19:38
derrick1220: 普利斯東踏取蜜7F 02/03 19:38
wwvvkai: 東踏取蜜8F 02/03 19:38
liudwan: You cannot, but him9F 02/03 19:38
mjj90138: He is rich, tall and handsome. you fat piece of shit10F 02/03 19:38
mjj90138: , FUCK OFF !
qweertyui891: FUCK ME / FUCK YOU12F 02/03 19:38
ryoma1: Yes, I Can!  NO,Thank You!13F 02/03 19:38
ilove640: He is doctor.14F 02/03 19:38
TISH12311: 翁立友15F 02/03 19:39
susanna026: only u no16F 02/03 19:40
allenatptt: grt out of here, fat ass17F 02/03 19:41
zz25678606: 君触ったら超気持ちいいけど お前くそ死ぬお宅19F 02/03 19:42
railman: only u20F 02/03 19:42
salix: only you cannot21F 02/03 19:42
qers4609: 彼が大丈夫だけと君は駄目だ22F 02/03 19:43
ntlutw: we care can, they don't care can't23F 02/03 19:44
piyieen: fat 宅 go to die24F 02/03 19:44
cocolico: 阿累挖阿累,摳累挖摳累25F 02/03 19:44
ntlutw: taiwan can help26F 02/03 19:44
ntlutw: I ok, you don't touch
eDrifter: he handsome u ugly28F 02/03 19:47
minagoroshi: 彼有能w君無能29F 02/03 19:47
t1e2s3t4: タコい にぶしん30F 02/03 19:48
alex00089: no money no touch?!31F 02/03 19:48
Pixma258: he is ok, but you are not32F 02/03 19:50
fgh81113: fuck me, fuck ypu33F 02/03 19:55
Krishna: He OK, you NG34F 02/03 19:59
AGIknight: 誰もできるじゃない35F 02/03 20:04
ssd860505da: Taiwan can help but can't join WHO36F 02/03 20:04
wolve: yes  we can37F 02/03 20:04
allenthu: he can you pay38F 02/03 20:08
powerworld21: He is handsome, You are ugly.39F 02/03 20:09
porlat: free / money40F 02/03 20:10
Degfxlog10: Everyone is fine,but you41F 02/03 20:11
Degfxlog10: Er ist  OK, aber du bist nicht
LoveFood: he帥ok,you醜no43F 02/03 20:14
pigoilstand: he ok,you no ok44F 02/03 20:14
sina1: he can fuck, you can not45F 02/03 20:16
charlie0112: Heeee,YOU SUCK46F 02/03 20:21
reppoc: 東踏取蜜 西OK47F 02/03 20:25
ironkyoater: he is rich,you are fucking poor48F 02/03 20:30
qqoooo: cau dai kun mai dai ka49F 02/03 20:32
wbsinger: delicious buffet50F 02/03 20:32
baddad: He pass you get out51F 02/03 20:34

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