※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-23 22:54:29
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 研究者認為大麻是有潛力的武漢肺炎藥物
時間 Thu Jul 23 01:26:07 2020
CBS NEWS(美國哥倫比亞廣播公司:CBS晚間新聞開始播出於1950年,是美國最早
Researchers look into cannabis as a potential COVID-19 treatment
As new daily coronavirus infections continue to break records in the U.S.,
researchers are considering whether the cannabis plant has the potential to
be used in the treatment of COVID-19.
Experts from the University of Nebraska and the Texas Biomedical Research
Experts from the University of Nebraska and the Texas Biomedical Research
Institute are recommending that scientists study the anti-inflammatory
properties in CBD as a potential treatment for lung inflammation caused by
the coronavirus.
There is no scientific evidence that cannabis or its compounds can help with
COVID-19 specifically, but in a peer-reviewed article in Brain, Behavior, and
Immunity, the authors said further research is needed to understand if CBD
can help patients infected by the virus.
但在【Brain, Behavior, and Immunity】這本期刊裡面一篇通過同儕
但在【Brain, Behavior, and Immunity】這本期刊裡面一篇通過同儕
Emily Earlenbaugh, a Forbes contributor and co-founder of Mindful Cannabis
Consulting, joined CBSN to discuss the study. She explained that in severe
cases of COVID-19, the body's immune system overreacts and releases too many
cytokines, which is called a "cytokine storm."
"Cytokines will normally help to create inflammation to fight off
infections," Earlenbaugh said. "But in these extreme cases, you see so much
cytokines being released into the system that it creates a cytokine storm.
You might see high fever, inflammation, severe fatigue and nausea, and in
serious cases, it can lead to death through organ failure."
Earlenbaugh said CBD is known from previous research as an IL-6 cytokine
inhibitor, meaning it helps reduce the production of cytokines.
富比世雜誌作家、Mindful Cannabis Consulting共同創辦人Emily Earlenbaugh
The authors of the study wrote that one drug, Tocilizumab, resulted in the
"clearance of lung consolidation and recovery" in 90% of the 21 treated
patients. The drug, however, resulted in adverse side effects like pancreas
inflammation and hypertriglyceridemia.
Researchers then turned to cannabis, specifically CBD. The authors said that
several cannabinoids in the cannabis plant have anti-inflammatory properties.
They said CBD "has shown beneficial anti-inflammatory effects in pre-clinical
models of various chronic inflammatory diseases" and noted that the FDA
approved one CBD product to treat certain forms of epilepsy.
"CBD has very few side effects, so it's something that's being looked at as a
much more mild treatment that still has a lot of anti-inflammatory powers,"
Earlenbaugh told CBSN.
Earlenbaugh告訴CBSN:“ CBD幾乎沒有副作用,因此它是一種更溫和的治
The authors of the study said that CBD can help reduce anxiety in patients
and increase the production of interferons, a protein that helps the body
fight infections.
But given the early stages of this research, Earlenbaugh said she would
"definitely express caution" against using cannabis as a treatment for
COVID-19. She said some researchers have warned using the drug early on in
the infection stages could cause negative side effects.
"We're pretty far away from human research that could really definitively
answer those questions for us," Earlenbaugh said. "The other reason for
caution is that cytokines are important in fighting off infections. So, we
don't want to reduce them as a preventative measure or in early stages of the
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Researchers look into cannabis as a potential COVID-19 treatment - CBS News
Researchers are recommending scientists study the potential use of cannabis-derived CBD in anti-viral therapies, due to its known anti-inflammatory pr ...
醫用大麻幾乎不會爽 製劑更不會
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推 : 謝和弦 被罰了 是不是要退他前1F 07/23 01:26
不能殺死病毒 可降低發炎反應與避免細胞激素風暴所以退不了ㄅ
→ : 用子彈一定有效喇,別怪我沒提醒2F 07/23 01:26
推 : 原來柯建銘的兒子是要研究武漢肺炎疫苗,我們誤會他惹3F 07/23 01:26
藥物 疫苗 傻傻分不清 可憐哪→ : 錢4F 07/23 01:26
→ : 怎ㄇ不統計一下大麻州就好5F 07/23 01:27
推 : 本來就是台灣比較跟世界沒有接軌啊...6F 07/23 01:27
推 : 大麻合法化以外,又多一個理由7F 07/23 01:29
推 : 屎蛋爸又多了個藉口8F 07/23 01:29
推 : 塑膠歌手得一分!!9F 07/23 01:30
推 : 3樓QQ10F 07/23 01:31
→ : 病毒:這批草不錯 多來一點兒11F 07/23 01:31
推 : 大麻救世界12F 07/23 01:31
→ : 柯麻兒:13F 07/23 01:31
推 : 抽到爽14F 07/23 01:32
CBDㄅ會爽→ foolfighter …
推 : 家裡的高CBD大麻確實不會high20F 07/23 01:41
推 : 台灣防疫的關鍵找到了21F 07/23 01:41
→ : 該起飛了22F 07/23 01:42
推 : 抽到ㄎㄧㄤ待在家比較安全23F 07/23 01:43
推 : 很多人喜歡把醫用大麻和娛樂用大麻混為一談24F 07/23 01:45
推 : 對欸,罰6萬那個是不是要跟他道歉25F 07/23 01:45
→ : 包括那些支持大麻合法化的人..26F 07/23 01:45
推 : CBD在台灣不違法 THC才是二件毒品27F 07/23 01:45
推 : 就說做研究時不要呼麻了28F 07/23 01:47
→ Sevorlaga …
幾乎沒打針的 我記得我讀到有打針的是動物研究測試致死劑量的時候
→ : ㄎR扣:30F 07/23 01:48
→ : 左膠的護航論述變成先知了???31F 07/23 01:50
推 : CBD油常見是滴在舌下32F 07/23 01:51
推 : In weed we trust33F 07/23 01:53
推 : 柯麻兒表示治療效果不錯34F 07/23 02:00
推 : 柯麻兒 ……果然是先知 ,事先預防了35F 07/23 02:17
※ 編輯: LOLI5566 ( 臺灣), 07/23/2020 02:22:46→ : 柯兒超前部署?36F 07/23 02:35
推 : 超ㄎ一ㄤ的治療方式37F 07/23 02:53
推 : 謝和弦先知38F 07/23 02:54
推 : 太狂了太狂了39F 07/23 03:28
推 : 北七 那你也要先得武漢肺炎才能抽啊40F 07/23 04:15
推 : 怪不得列藥物 原來是研究41F 07/23 04:46
推 : 覺青:本來就二級藥品了42F 07/23 04:46
推 : 三樓沒唸書被噹的真慘43F 07/23 05:13
推 : CBD就不會嗨,不知道一堆人腦子裝什麼44F 07/23 05:37
推 : 炎p之後,多了一個扣P45F 07/23 05:53
推 : CBD啦 最好會HIGH46F 07/23 06:03
推 : ㄎㄧㄤ起來47F 07/23 06:28
推 : 一堆人搞不清楚就說抽大麻會High48F 07/23 06:34
推 : 柯總召的用心良苦大家終於發現49F 07/23 06:53
推 : 誤會柯兒子了50F 07/23 07:08
推 : 誤會柯建銘兒子了 原來是為了學術研究51F 07/23 07:31
→ : 民進黨政績+1
→ : 民進黨政績+1
推 : 柯兒表示欣慰53F 07/23 07:43
→ : 在台灣會違法,就是黨國體制在搞而已,如果台灣有大麻 我54F 07/23 07:46
→ : 相信一堆滯台支那藥廠一定倒一大堆。
→ : 在擋大麻的都是黨國既得利益者及黨國藥廠,而且這些垃圾
→ : 從1945戰敗到現在沒變過
→ : 相信一堆滯台支那藥廠一定倒一大堆。
→ : 在擋大麻的都是黨國既得利益者及黨國藥廠,而且這些垃圾
→ : 從1945戰敗到現在沒變過
推 : 研究完再來吹啦 一堆早上就在發大夢的58F 07/23 07:48
→ : 看看等等天上會不會掉下鑽石
→ : 看看等等天上會不會掉下鑽石
推 : 難怪柯兒要吸60F 07/23 08:12
推 : 柯建民:我兒子學醫的 拯救蒼生61F 07/23 08:13
→ : weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee62F 07/23 08:24
推 : 台灣政府不考慮一下嗎?其實台灣真的可以靠大麻扳回63F 07/23 08:32
→ : 國際地位!經濟起來自然不用打房了,人民有房住你的
→ : 政府愛怎麼亂搞沒什麼人在意!
→ : 國際地位!經濟起來自然不用打房了,人民有房住你的
→ : 政府愛怎麼亂搞沒什麼人在意!
噓 : 考慮你老母啦66F 07/23 08:35
推 : 誤會中國了 原來用心良苦67F 07/23 08:41
→ : 柯兒只是想預防支那肺炎68F 07/23 09:15
→ : 超廢,台灣已經有清冠一號69F 07/23 09:18
噓 : CBD在台灣沒有違法...70F 07/23 09:19
推 : 先知和弦71F 07/23 09:34
→ : 原來是先知72F 07/23 10:24
→ : 我只想說 抗發炎 免疫抑制劑更有效的比比皆是 選THC73F 07/23 11:24
→ : 是腦袋壞掉
→ : CBD也是 主流現在都是干擾素 單株抗體 是多想種大麻
→ : ?
→ : 是腦袋壞掉
→ : CBD也是 主流現在都是干擾素 單株抗體 是多想種大麻
→ : ?
推 : 又是你 一個還沒成功的研究也在吹 單株抗體免疫抑77F 07/23 11:39
→ : 制劑一大堆 硬要捧大麻 是多想呼麻
→ : 制劑一大堆 硬要捧大麻 是多想呼麻
推 : 柯賤民:快引進台灣79F 07/23 12:02
→ : 開放特許 台灣會變國際大麻王國80F 07/23 12:49
→ : 過去一堆“”自耕農“”人才....
→ : 過去一堆“”自耕農“”人才....
推 : 先知總是孤獨的82F 07/23 14:02
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 360
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