※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-30 07:47:29
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國發現具有爆發大流行潛力的新流感病毒
時間 Tue Jun 30 07:18:56 2020
Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China
A滢ew strain of flu that has the potential to become a pandemic has been ident
ified in China by scientists.
It emerged recently and is carried by pigs, but can infect humans, they say.
The researchers are concerned that it could mutate further so that it can spre
ad easily from person to person, and trigger a global outbreak.
While it is not an immediate problem, they say, it has "all the hallmarks" of
being highly adapted to infect humans and needs close monitoring.
As it's new, people could have little or no immunity to the virus.
Pandemic threat
A bad new strain of influenza is among the top disease threats that experts ar
e watching for, even as the world attempts to bring to an end the current coro
navirus pandemic.
The last pandemic flu the world encountered - the swine flu outbreak of 2009 t
hat began in Mexico - was less deadly than initially feared, largely because m
any older people had some immunity to it, probably because of its similarity t
o other flu viruses that had circulated years before.
That virus, called A/H1N1pdm09, is now covered by the annual flu vaccine to ma
ke sure people are protected.
The new flu strain that has been identified in China is similar to 2009 swine
flu, but with some new changes.
So far, it hasn't posed a big threat, but Prof Kin-Chow Chang and colleagues w
ho have been studying it, say it is one to keep an eye on.
The virus, which the researchers call G4 EA H1N1, can grow and multiply in the
cells that line the human airways.
They found evidence of recent infection starting in people who worked in abatt
oirs and the swine industry in China.
Current flu vaccines do not appear to protect against it, although they could
be adapted to do so if needed.
Prof Kin-Chow Chang, who works at Nottingham University in the UK, told the BB
C: "Right now we are distracted with coronavirus and rightly so. But we must n
ot lose sight of potentially dangerous new viruses."
While this new virus is not an immediate problem, he says: "We should not igno
re it".
The scientists write in the journal嘭roceedings of the National Academy of Sci
ences濳hat measures to control the virus in pigs and closely monitor working p
opulations should be swiftly implemented.
Prof James Wood, Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Universi
ty of Cambridge, said the work "comes as a salutary reminder" that we are cons
tantly at risk of new emergence of pathogens, and that farmed animals, with wh
ich humans have greater contact than with wildlife, may act as the source for
important pandemic viruses
Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China - BBC News
The new strain, scientists say, is carried by pigs but can infect humans and requires close monitoring. ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1U-dRZ-a (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1593472739.A.FA4.html
※ 編輯: muse87131 ( 臺灣), 06/30/2020 07:20:23
推 : 還來啊1F 06/30 07:19
推 : 可控可防啦幹2F 06/30 07:20
推 : 石正麗又立功啦3F 06/30 07:20
→ : 中國大煉蠱4F 06/30 07:20
推 : 可防可控啦5F 06/30 07:20
推 : G4 EA H1N1 遊戲要改版了嗎?6F 06/30 07:20
推 : 發現還是發明啊7F 06/30 07:21
推 : 幹別再鬧了8F 06/30 07:21
→ : 還來啊9F 06/30 07:21
推 : 應該只是跟元老院要錢吧w10F 06/30 07:21
推 : 譚德塞:開啟支線任務11F 06/30 07:21
推 : 相信黨12F 06/30 07:21
噓 : 幹拎涼哩 這麼多病毒13F 06/30 07:22
推 : 相信政府,相信党。先讓高官逃14F 06/30 07:22
→ : 開始狂放毒了15F 06/30 07:22
推 : 大煉蠱16F 06/30 07:22
推 : 希望再多死十倍 我財富自由17F 06/30 07:22
推 : 世界末日近了18F 06/30 07:22
推 : 中國應該拿諾貝爾病毒獎19F 06/30 07:23
推 : 沙小啦 這是真的還假的20F 06/30 07:23
推 : 可防可控n.021F 06/30 07:23
推 : 還沒傳到 搞不好感染沒症狀啊??22F 06/30 07:24
推 : 病毒、戰爭哪個會先毀滅人類呢?23F 06/30 07:25
推 : 口罩又要秒殺了啦幹24F 06/30 07:25
推 : 彈得賽:請給我黃金25F 06/30 07:25
噓 : 支那真的是世界毒瘤 嘔嘔嘔26F 06/30 07:26
推 : 又來了,豬流感27F 06/30 07:26
推 : a流感變異?29F 06/30 07:26
推 : 幹妳媽的中共...30F 06/30 07:27
推 : 羅一鈞快來看!!!32F 06/30 07:27
→ : 如果是的話其實一直常變異一直都對人類有威脅阿 但33F 06/30 07:27
→ : 豬流感以前就有 新變異的吧34F 06/30 07:27
→ flavorBZ …
→ : 疫苗好開發36F 06/30 07:27
→ : 幹 還來阿37F 06/30 07:27
推 : 支二毛:野雞電視台又在瞎說38F 06/30 07:27
→ flavorBZ …
推 : 新的資料片上市囉!這次的倒霉鬼從蝙蝠換豬了40F 06/30 07:28
推 : 中國都發現出來,那應該不會爆發了42F 06/30 07:28
→ flavorBZ …
推 : 支那就是地球的毒瘤44F 06/30 07:28
推 : 新複本開啟,免費DLC強制安裝45F 06/30 07:29
推 : 樓下多益1000滿分46F 06/30 07:29
推 : 中共很努力幫地球消滅人類,不愧是環保大國。47F 06/30 07:30
噓 : 幹48F 06/30 07:30
→ : 早就說過中國是全球公害了哦49F 06/30 07:30
推 : 還在水災 災完後的環境更適合練蠱50F 06/30 07:30
推 : 不過要傳開 還是要長潛伏期 無症狀之類的 沒有的話就好51F 06/30 07:31
推 : 中國根本用病毒清理地球間接改善環境52F 06/30 07:32
→ : 疫苗做不完 QQ53F 06/30 07:32
推 : 可以推爆救台灣嗎?第一百推的板友,我一千P幣給他,謝54F 06/30 07:32
→ : 謝。
→ : 謝。
推 : 即將再一次震驚全世界?56F 06/30 07:32
推 : BBC喔57F 06/30 07:32
推 : 豬流感,台灣是要鎖國到何時?…58F 06/30 07:34
噓 : 幹 講科學家發現都有鬼 支那人真該死59F 06/30 07:34
推 : 也太可怕60F 06/30 07:34
推 : 全境擴散61F 06/30 07:34
推 : 所以 中國現在 雙主線?62F 06/30 07:35
推 : 丟個訊息,假裝自己沒有偷藏病毒63F 06/30 07:35
推 : A流的威力加強版64F 06/30 07:36
推 : 支那可以快滅亡嗎…65F 06/30 07:36
推 : 2020會不會毀滅呢~66F 06/30 07:36
推 : 還來xd67F 06/30 07:36
推 : 中國豬都死光了,假新聞!68F 06/30 07:36
推 : 哇拷還來喔69F 06/30 07:36
推 : 沒事啦!談德賽會說沒事71F 06/30 07:38
噓 : 阿不就H1N1變異型 每年都會有變異株啊72F 06/30 07:38
推 : 不消滅中共就是全人類一起死73F 06/30 07:38
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( ̄︶ ̄)b a0987789369, ayaya520 說讚!
4樓 時間: 2020-06-30 09:16:30 (台灣)
06-30 09:16 TW