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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-17 17:57:56
看板 Gossiping
作者 zero003 (大河痛PSP)
標題 [新聞] 宏都拉斯總統確診武漢肺炎
時間 Wed Jun 17 12:30:59 2020


Reporting by Gustavo Palencia; Writing by Anthony Esposito; Editing by
Muralikumar Anantharaman

Honduran President Hernandez says he is infected with coronavirus
宏都拉斯總統 葉南德茲 宣布自己確診武漢肺炎


宏都拉斯總統 葉南德茲 於周二晚間在電視演講中表示,

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez said late on
Tuesday he has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, but did not immediately
provide further details.

“As president of the nation and a responsible citizen, I want to communicate
that during the weekend I started to feel some discomfort and today I was
diagnosed as having been infected with COVID-19,” Hernandez said in a
televised speech.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Honduran president says he is infected with coronavirus - Reuters
Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez has been diagnosed with the coronavirus, is receiving treatment and will work remotely and through his aides ...


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posted from Nuclear power BBS Reader on my Pipboy 3000

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UwPo7_L (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1592368263.A.FD5.html
snow3804: 北京肺炎1F 06/17 12:31
werlight: 最高層級2F 06/17 12:31
a0986188522: 厲害了3F 06/17 12:31
jameshcm: 口罩呢?你一定不會相信,健康的人不用戴口罩4F 06/17 12:31
q347: 宏都拉斯蔡英文5F 06/17 12:31
s155260: 還敢上綜藝節目啊6F 06/17 12:31
nightwing: 英國強生的學弟7F 06/17 12:32
s555666: 這第幾個總統得病的?8F 06/17 12:32
wjw: 元首級!9F 06/17 12:32
mytoychiu: 嗯 我們在該國的駐外人員是不是滿危險的10F 06/17 12:33
galop: 總統耶,要隔離嗎?11F 06/17 12:33
HAIWEI: 還敢開計程車是吧12F 06/17 12:33
rockon15: 我以為是宏都拉斯13F 06/17 12:34
ccucwc: 淪陷14F 06/17 12:34
gameguy: 居然還沒跟台灣斷交,驚15F 06/17 12:36
OGGY5566: 阿洪之聲17F 06/17 12:37
rayonwu: 高調18F 06/17 12:37
x9420214: 仔上全民大悶鍋ㄚ19F 06/17 12:43
locdan: 總統都中,底下可想而知20F 06/17 12:45
NoteEdge: 大概要搭總統專機來台灣醫了21F 06/17 12:48
popeyewowo: 沒有星海羅盤我隨便22F 06/17 12:51
mayko: 邦交國,若真的飛來治會准許的呀...23F 06/17 12:52
kixer2005: 要內亂了24F 06/17 12:54
bekinoko: 保重25F 06/17 12:57
pokemonoxo: 啊洪之聲,放歌給你聽26F 06/17 13:00
shawncarter: 邦交國幫QQ27F 06/17 13:01
yannjiunlin: 快成立專案小組來台28F 06/17 13:03
astrophy: 宏都拉斯幫QQ29F 06/17 13:03
toolittle: 完了 又要送錢了30F 06/17 13:04
kumori: 我以為是那個藝人31F 06/17 13:05
ha99: 覺得難過QQ32F 06/17 13:08
keane9112: 還敢模仿陳時中啊33F 06/17 13:16
sellgd: 首例,強森那是假生病34F 06/17 13:29
wowjesus: 人家會去 古巴 美國醫啦。灣灣別自己貼金35F 06/17 13:31
rishadan: 北京人:我不能呼吸36F 06/17 14:36
gwenwoo:   防疫優先  共體時艱  武漢肺炎=中國特色之冠狀病毒37F 06/17 15:30

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