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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-16 09:28:47
看板 Gossiping
作者 arumi416 (maki)
標題 [新聞] 川普說他想要跟中國斷絕關係
時間 Fri May 15 09:56:33 2020


Doina Chiacu, David Brunnstrom

Trump says he doesn't want to talk to Xi right now, could even cut China ties


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump signaled a further
deterioration of his relationship with China over the novel coronavirus,
saying he has no interest in speaking to President Xi Jinping right now and
going so far as to suggest he could even cut ties with the world’s second
largest economy.


In an interview with Fox Business Network broadcast on Thursday, Trump said
he was very disappointed with China’s failure to contain the disease and
that the pandemic had cast a pall over his January trade deal with Beijing,
which he has previously hailed as a major achievement.

“They should have never let this happen,” Trump said. “So I make a great
trade deal and now I say this doesn’t feel the same to me. The ink was
barely dry and the plague came over. And it doesn’t feel the same to me.”

川普接受Fox Business Network的專訪,表示對中國非常失望,因為中國讓疫情失控,造

Trump’s pique extended to Xi, with whom the U.S. president has said
repeatedly he has a good relationship.

“But I just – right now I don’t want to speak to him,” Trump said in the
interview, which was taped on Wednesday.

Trump was asked about a Republican senator’s suggestion that U.S. visas be
denied to Chinese students applying to study in fields related to national
security, such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence.


“There are many things we could do. We could do things. We could cut off the
whole relationship,” he replied.


“Now, if you did, what would happen? You’d save $500 billion,” Trump said,
referring to estimated U.S. annual imports from China, which he often refers
to as lost money.


The remark drew ridicule from Hu Xijin, editor in chief of China’s
influential Global Times tabloid, who referred to Trump’s much-criticized
comments last month about how COVID-19, the disease caused by the
coronavirus, might be treated.

“This president once suggested COVID-19 patients inject disinfectants,” Hu
said on Twitter. “Remember this and you won’t be surprised when he said he
could cut off the whole relationship with China.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Fox Business Network China needed
to provide a lot more information about the coronavirus and Trump was
reviewing his options.

“The president is concerned. He’s reviewing all his options. Obviously, we’
re very concerned about the impact of this virus on the economy, on American
jobs, the health of the American public and the president is going to do
everything to protect the economy and protect American workers,” Mnuchin


Trump says doesn't want to talk to Xi, could even cut China ties - Reuters
U.S. President Donald Trump signaled a further deterioration of his relationship with China over the coronavirus outbreak, saying he has no interest i ...



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GrimmNotes: 嘴砲而已 第一天認識川普?1F 05/15 09:57
tml7415: 根本不敢 到時候還是要舔中國 XD2F 05/15 09:57
flux: 還有一個中國在這3F 05/15 09:57
s72005ming: 不可能4F 05/15 09:57
abram:  不可能啦 放話嚇嚇中國而已5F 05/15 09:57
Sinful: 沒見過川普這樣對中國的,以前都還有人當白臉啊6F 05/15 09:57
※ 編輯: arumi416 ( 日本), 05/15/2020 09:58:03
james732: 要切八段了ㄇ7F 05/15 09:57
s72005ming: 美國不可能斷交8F 05/15 09:58
mooc0102: 直接跟台灣建交不是更快==9F 05/15 09:58
Sinful: 至少都會留一個人當白臉啊,現在美國誰想當白臉?10F 05/15 09:58
ams9: 民主黨不該當煞車皮11F 05/15 09:59
Leeba: 講講的12F 05/15 10:00
horsehead: 他選完就合好了啦13F 05/15 10:00
shadow0326: 做一個倒數計時器嗆他14F 05/15 10:01
cosmite:15F 05/15 10:01
hoanbeh: 選舉語言16F 05/15 10:01
magamanzero: 民主黨一定會當剎車皮的 最近連演都不演了17F 05/15 10:01
Szss: 俄爹怎麼看,習包是不是要先割東北才能跟美國爸爸翻臉。18F 05/15 10:02
Sinful: 俄國疫情嚴重,不會想要接收同樣嚴重的東北19F 05/15 10:02
laladiladi: 他講話要反著看20F 05/15 10:02
Sinful: ㄟ...我錯了,反正把中國人趕走之後東北還是很好用的21F 05/15 10:03
Szss: 俄爹:留滿不留人。22F 05/15 10:03
XJY13: 嘴啦23F 05/15 10:05
decorum: 來個雙重承認吧 要搞一中一台 畢竟也是得由美國開個頭24F 05/15 10:05
decorum: 不可能斷交 美蘇對峙時 雙方還是有邦交
aprilsheep: 他可能說給選民聽吧,畢竟美國人民普遍認為錯在中國,26F 05/15 10:07
aprilsheep: 而且百姓死很多人
toyota2211: 打死支那,往死裡打28F 05/15 10:07
kissa0924307: 要氣死中國 只要跟台灣建交就好啊~29F 05/15 10:07
aidansky0989: 幹話王31F 05/15 10:08
bladog: 民主黨=美國國民黨32F 05/15 10:08
Fino5566: 芒果乾賣起來33F 05/15 10:08
sulaman: 講講看中國反應而已吧34F 05/15 10:08
Sinful: 所有人都知道川普在講幹話,但中國這下真的超緊張35F 05/15 10:09
klagalas: 跟俄爹聯手吧36F 05/15 10:10
x6urvery: 他說的話當屁話聽就好37F 05/15 10:11
CruiseTom: 不可能38F 05/15 10:12
everOrz: 川普平常講話真的有點老番癲。39F 05/15 10:12
Howard61313: 給你錢,快點斷40F 05/15 10:12
coldcolour: 利益擺在那邊 不可能斷41F 05/15 10:13
gg1huang: 嘴而已吧 先把長城毀了 中共會自己滅了42F 05/15 10:13
overno: 我OK,你快斷43F 05/15 10:14
higashi: 來歐,三民主義統一中國44F 05/15 10:16
pooznn: 哪兩國會先被兩陣營推上前線 去打代理人戰爭呢!?45F 05/15 10:17
Sinful: 正在打啊,台灣藍營正在攻擊台灣人46F 05/15 10:21
wheateardoll: 還想斷歐洲日本加拿大對吧,美國利益都你被丟光了47F 05/15 10:21
leochang: 是斷絕貿易關係 不是外交關係吧48F 05/15 10:21
computerqqq: 肛交啦49F 05/15 10:25
JER2725: 嘴砲而已50F 05/15 10:26
JER2725: 你把川普想成韓國瑜的唬爛嘴,就知道嘴砲而已52F 05/15 10:27
Dovahkiin: 支8毛氣急敗壞。53F 05/15 10:31
polun: 笑你不敢啦54F 05/15 10:34
aaronfv: 如果川普不是嘴炮,中共就要被鎖國了。世界工廠的位置,55F 05/15 10:42
aaronfv: 很多開發中國家再等,五毛抓緊時間轉移資產跟親人到國外
dannyao: 美國韓國瑜 嘴砲 笑你不敢斷交拉57F 05/15 10:43
q10242: 川普只是嘴嘴而已58F 05/15 10:46
demitri: 可是川普背後的大老闆不會願意59F 05/15 10:47
chivale: 跟台灣建交啊XD 保證中國氣噗噗60F 05/15 10:50
cloudyoyo: 嘴泡無腦川61F 05/15 10:53
kensues: 小孩子哦XD62F 05/15 10:54
aki55j: 現在不可能,說久了,就有可能XD63F 05/15 10:55
yongsyuan: 笑你不敢64F 05/15 10:58
same815: 什麼時候要建交65F 05/15 11:05
kice1204: 嘻嘻,不愧4我三歲以前莫名奇妙夢裡唯一能知道名字的人X66F 05/15 11:14
kice1204: D
Void956: 說個笑話 美中建交68F 05/15 11:15
sincere77: 跟民進黨一樣選前打嘴砲,選後整身跪舔69F 05/15 11:30
popopal: 剛去看 真的會跟中共斷交 等看戲 這是台灣機會 哈 選美國70F 05/15 11:34
popopal: 隊就是了 會先凍結老共高官在美資產
aeoleron: 爸爸趕快跟維尼絕交72F 05/15 11:38
SupCat: 習維尼跪著喊求饒73F 05/15 11:45
atwin0613: 推推74F 05/15 12:12
drinkmuffin: 不就警告中共75F 05/15 12:16
c24253994: 呵呵笑死不可能啦76F 05/15 12:33
bcmaple: 先跟台灣建交 就信你77F 05/15 13:07
VVax: 讚78F 05/15 13:09
rayonwu: 推79F 05/15 13:47
huijun: 嘴砲80F 05/15 14:11
gwenwoo:  勤洗手  戴口罩  別恐慌  保持社交距離81F 05/15 14:38
sai2100sai: 這傢伙做事跟三歲小孩吵架一樣82F 05/15 14:52
seanhiroshi: 說說而已83F 05/15 15:03
MW1220: 雖然只是嘴砲而已 但是這代表這個立場在美國是有市場的84F 05/15 15:34
MW1220: 川普對於民意風向這一塊 應該有不錯的敏銳度
MW1220: 支八毛繼續酸 沒關係
evolution862: 美國小菸87F 05/15 16:46
devilsabre:88F 05/15 17:06
devilsabre: 垃圾支那禍害全世界  垃圾9.2支八毛助紂為虐
stw0975: 先跟台灣建交91F 05/15 19:07
boycome: 垃圾廢青,垃圾川普肺炎禍害全球92F 05/15 22:29

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( ̄︶ ̄)b JosephC0227, zoohoods, AS2000 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2020-05-15 11:42:05 (台灣)
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拜託 快做
3樓 時間: 2020-05-15 17:22:26 (台灣)
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至少敢這麼說 比之前幾任有擔當
4樓 時間: 2020-05-16 12:28:58 (台灣)
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