※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-11 15:12:12
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 那個已經沒用了的英文要怎麼說
時間 Sun Oct 11 07:23:07 2020
非常急 線上等 第一位給你愛的鼓勵
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VWa9Twf (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1602372189.A.EA9.html
→ : It has no used.1F 10/11 07:24
→ : That is useless.2F 10/11 07:24
→ : guess what3F 10/11 07:24
推 : I think I don’t need that anymore 我的話會這樣4F 10/11 07:24
推 : may show gun more5F 10/11 07:24
推 : that's a shit6F 10/11 07:24
→ : 回吧7F 10/11 07:25
推 : shut the fuck up and just go fuck yourself8F 10/11 07:25
→ : "dick, useless"9F 10/11 07:25
噓 : he le yi gin mou hao a10F 10/11 07:26
推 : Nà méi yòng.11F 10/11 07:26
→ : Either throw it out or you can keep it 如果他嫌浪12F 10/11 07:26
→ : 費
→ : 費
→ : 香噴噴好專業14F 10/11 07:27
推 : this is science啊15F 10/11 07:28
推 : 無駄無駄無駄無駄16F 10/11 07:28
推 : as useless as you17F 10/11 07:29
推 : Use C418F 10/11 07:29
推 : how do you turn this on19F 10/11 07:29
推 : That’s trash20F 10/11 07:30
推 : That's trash. 謝謝大家22F 10/11 07:30
推 : fuck you23F 10/11 07:30
→ : 他覺得浪費就回他suck my dick24F 10/11 07:31
推 : 可以給我愛的鼓勵咪>w<25F 10/11 07:31
推 : 為什麼貼文這麼好笑26F 10/11 07:31
推 : that is not use already.27F 10/11 07:32
推 : Zhe jo shi Ke xue28F 10/11 07:32
推 : 香噴噴的那句好像是去蕪存菁30F 10/11 07:33
推 : za warudo31F 10/11 07:33
推 : Muda muda, muda32F 10/11 07:33
噓 : go home,bro33F 10/11 07:34
推 : it is china34F 10/11 07:34
推 : 無駄35F 10/11 07:35
推 : whocare36F 10/11 07:35
→ foolfighter …
推 : I am IQ 15738F 10/11 07:36
推 : Shit, only 4%39F 10/11 07:37
推 : IKEA ? Costco !40F 10/11 07:38
推 : no longer needed41F 10/11 07:38
→ lwamp …
推 : rip43F 10/11 07:41
推 : dpp44F 10/11 07:41
噓 : It’s fucking useless!45F 10/11 07:41
推 : It's science.46F 10/11 07:42
→ ju06080719 …
推 : You are 1450.48F 10/11 07:47
推 : Just a kmt49F 10/11 07:48
噓 : TMD50F 10/11 07:50
推 : ikea51F 10/11 07:51
推 : Tsai Ing-Wen52F 10/11 07:52
推 : That is yours now, just take it home53F 10/11 07:53
推 : 四趴拉希54F 10/11 07:53
推 : 維大力?55F 10/11 07:54
→ : i got huge dick56F 10/11 07:55
推 : That’s a 4% thing.57F 10/11 07:56
→ : TMD58F 10/11 07:57
噓 : 可憐 這麼簡單還要發一篇問59F 10/11 07:57
推 : 姆達姆達姆達姆達姆達姆達60F 10/11 07:58
推 : 我都說costco61F 10/11 07:58
推 : もろよん62F 10/11 07:59
推 : It doesn't need anymore.63F 10/11 07:59
推 : 不就I don’t need it anymore 有時候情境對了就好不用64F 10/11 08:01
→ : 硬翻
→ : 硬翻
推 : 4% is useless66F 10/11 08:02
推 : It`s garbage67F 10/11 08:03
推 : LIKE DPP68F 10/11 08:03
→ beta0907 …
推 : it's just an eraser70F 10/11 08:03
推 : worthless shit, piece of garbage. go burn in hell.71F 10/11 08:05
推 : I love you bro72F 10/11 08:06
推 : Just throw it away.73F 10/11 08:06
→ moy5566 …
推 : Mudamudamuda75F 10/11 08:08
推 : say my name! oh! say my name!76F 10/11 08:09
噓 : ===Is it good to drink?===77F 10/11 08:09
推 : garbage78F 10/11 08:10
推 : u don’t need that anymore 一樓要改use79F 10/11 08:10
→ : You.80F 10/11 08:11
推 : it is worthless like china81F 10/11 08:12
推 : 嘎逼菊82F 10/11 08:13
推 : I fucked it up.83F 10/11 08:13
推 : its like you84F 10/11 08:14
推 : No longer needed 比較常用85F 10/11 08:17
推 : That is 4% rules.86F 10/11 08:18
推 : 陳菊 is good87F 10/11 08:18
→ : burn it88F 10/11 08:18
推 : 4% la si89F 10/11 08:19
→ : 下一篇:時空背景不同英文怎麼說90F 10/11 08:19
→ protect6090 …
推 : 回樓上,The context is different92F 10/11 08:20
→ : 是回snopur啦
→ : 是回snopur啦
推 : Do right things,do things right.94F 10/11 08:21
推 : this hole95F 10/11 08:22
噓 : No longer needed 明明就是不再需要,跟沒用不一樣96F 10/11 08:24
推 : 4% is no go97F 10/11 08:24
→ : 抱歉我只看標題沒看內文98F 10/11 08:24
推 : lei mo hao a99F 10/11 08:25
推 : Na Ge Yi Jing Mei Yong Le100F 10/11 08:25
→ : no use101F 10/11 08:25
推 : May Show Gun More102F 10/11 08:25
推 : Dump it103F 10/11 08:26
推 : 這個穴沒用了104F 10/11 08:26
→ : trash it105F 10/11 08:26
→ : take it home if u like
→ : take it home if u like
推 : this is mo dameda107F 10/11 08:29
噓 : I don’t wanna live without you I don’t wanna be al108F 10/11 08:29
推 : あれはもう用済みだ109F 10/11 08:29
→ : one ya110F 10/11 08:30
推 : Worthless as TMD candidates111F 10/11 08:31
推 : 媽的~蔡英文112F 10/11 08:31
推 : uccu113F 10/11 08:34
推 : tsai ing wen is bad114F 10/11 08:35
推 : we care115F 10/11 08:35
推 : XDDD116F 10/11 08:36
推 : make sure gun more117F 10/11 08:36
推 : done, MDFK118F 10/11 08:38
推 : 4%119F 10/11 08:38
推 : YA RA NA I GA?120F 10/11 08:38
推 : that,s gone121F 10/11 08:40
噓 : useless122F 10/11 08:40
推 : 我也覺得她很沒用123F 10/11 08:40
推 : That already no use124F 10/11 08:40
噓 : recycle bin125F 10/11 08:42
推 : 看到74樓我就放心了126F 10/11 08:42
推 : you are ddp127F 10/11 08:43
噓 : Do you think all people here are idiots?128F 10/11 08:44
推 : That is Guo-yu Han129F 10/11 08:44
推 : Mayor Ko130F 10/11 08:45
推 : 那個,useless131F 10/11 08:47
推 : Only 4% useful132F 10/11 08:50
推 : That is wen-he ko133F 10/11 08:50
推 : You are useless.134F 10/11 08:51
噓 : costco135F 10/11 08:53
推 : Muda muda muda136F 10/11 08:54
推 : 更正 that is wen-je ko137F 10/11 08:54
推 : Nigger no used.138F 10/11 08:54
噓 : fuck you all139F 10/11 08:55
→ : 媽的 選什麼字 that is wen-je ko140F 10/11 08:55
噓 : お手は人間をやめるだ141F 10/11 08:56
→ : おれ 打錯
→ : おれ 打錯
推 : 4%is unless143F 10/11 08:57
推 : あなたはもう死んでいる144F 10/11 08:58
推 : gone145F 10/11 08:58
推 : It is useless146F 10/11 09:00
推 : Oh,My God ! This it just a shit.147F 10/11 09:00
推 : Let’s have sex148F 10/11 09:00
推 : 泥哥is useless149F 10/11 09:01
→ : it's muda150F 10/11 09:02
推 : Who car151F 10/11 09:02
推 : that is four percent152F 10/11 09:02
→ : how do u turn153F 10/11 09:03
推 : kp154F 10/11 09:03
→ : 或是 I want to ejaculate155F 10/11 09:03
推 : that's trash, but still more useful than you.156F 10/11 09:05
推 : No one cars it anymoer157F 10/11 09:05
噓 : 幫低調158F 10/11 09:07
推 : Why not just go fucking yourself and delete the post159F 10/11 09:08
→ : .
→ : .
推 : Useless n****r161F 10/11 09:09
推 : ccp is good party162F 10/11 09:09
推 : fuck up163F 10/11 09:10
推 : 你的名字164F 10/11 09:10
推 : shut up mdfk165F 10/11 09:11
→ Imagine15 …
推 : it is not used167F 10/11 09:12
→ : 干我屁事168F 10/11 09:13
→ : Holila169F 10/11 09:16
推 : You have too many opinions. 這樣比較霸氣170F 10/11 09:18
推 : that's we care171F 10/11 09:19
推 : 4%防爆少年團來了172F 10/11 09:22
推 : IEKA173F 10/11 09:23
噓 : 可憐174F 10/11 09:24
推 : no Shao low yong175F 10/11 09:24
推 : That is not useful.176F 10/11 09:25
推 : that's like your dick177F 10/11 09:25
推 : it's back back back and槓~~~178F 10/11 09:28
推 : dickless179F 10/11 09:28
噓 : Mei u iong181F 10/11 09:30
→ : It's useless.182F 10/11 09:30
推 : Fuck off183F 10/11 09:31
推 : Come on, guys184F 10/11 09:31
噓 : It is shit. (重音在is)186F 10/11 09:32
噓 : englishit187F 10/11 09:33
→ : Chinese spinach188F 10/11 09:34
推 : holy shit! We are 4%....189F 10/11 09:35
推 : it's rekt.190F 10/11 09:37
→ : It is of no use to me.191F 10/11 09:38
推 : President Xi192F 10/11 09:39
噓 : NMSL193F 10/11 09:40
推 : garbage194F 10/11 09:43
推 : 之前同事都說get rid of it195F 10/11 09:43
推 : 4%196F 10/11 09:46
推 : fuck you very more197F 10/11 09:46
推 : It is presidency198F 10/11 09:47
推 : fuck that off199F 10/11 09:47
推 : 404 not found200F 10/11 09:48
推 : burn them all202F 10/11 09:49
推 : 404203F 10/11 09:50
推 : muda muda muda da204F 10/11 09:52
推 : 改變成真 進步價值205F 10/11 09:54
推 : you won't need it206F 10/11 09:55
→ : wryyyyyyyyyyy207F 10/11 09:56
→ : DPP208F 10/11 09:57
推 : Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyy209F 10/11 09:57
推 : Put president XI into trash can210F 10/11 09:58
噓 : 簡單阿 ingwen-tsai212F 10/11 10:00
推 : we don't need that no more.213F 10/11 10:03
推 : mudamudamuda214F 10/11 10:04
推 : that a shit may young ra215F 10/11 10:04
推 : useless216F 10/11 10:04
推 : 菜啦217F 10/11 10:08
→ a0986188522 …
→ : scrap221F 10/11 10:14
推 : we cares222F 10/11 10:15
推 : You, useless223F 10/11 10:17
噓 : Arewa mouth dameda224F 10/11 10:18
推 : it’s fucking rawwww225F 10/11 10:18
→ : 樓下肛門怎麼了226F 10/11 10:20
推 : don't wanna close my eyes. don't wanna fall asleep227F 10/11 10:25
→ : cause I miss you babe
→ : cause I miss you babe
推 : This hole is already uesless229F 10/11 10:26
推 : we don’t need that anymore230F 10/11 10:26
噓 : 484浪費版面der廢文231F 10/11 10:31
→ : nigger is useless232F 10/11 10:33
噓 : 網軍製圖要用的喔233F 10/11 10:38
噓 : is it good to drink234F 10/11 10:39
推 : Alt+f4 沒用?235F 10/11 10:39
推 : muo how la236F 10/11 10:45
推 : Show me the money237F 10/11 10:45
推 : Muda Muda238F 10/11 10:49
推 : もういらないよ239F 10/11 10:50
推 : ha mo howa240F 10/11 10:50
推 : garbage,rubbish,trash,waste241F 10/11 10:53
推 : china chicken242F 10/11 10:53
推 : Dump that / throw that in the trash243F 10/11 10:55
推 : use c4是啥小哈哈哈哈244F 10/11 11:01
推 : It's done245F 10/11 11:07
→ : Soft dick246F 10/11 11:08
推 : me show gan mo247F 10/11 11:09
推 : It’s garbage and you are248F 10/11 11:13
推 : That is muda already249F 10/11 11:14
推 : garbage250F 10/11 11:14
推 : muda muda muda muda muda muda !!!!251F 10/11 11:16
推 : kp shit253F 10/11 11:20
推 : nigger is useless254F 10/11 11:26
→ : Taiwan girl are easy255F 10/11 11:29
推 : muda muda muda muda muuuuuudaaaaaa256F 10/11 11:30
推 : it doesn't working257F 10/11 11:36
推 : Why are we still here ? Just to suffer .258F 10/11 11:38
→ : that is useless259F 10/11 11:40
→ : no hp260F 10/11 11:41
推 : It doesn't matter. It's like you. (X)261F 10/11 11:41
→ : welcome in to taiwan262F 10/11 11:41
推 : no what three small road use263F 10/11 11:42
推 : Trash264F 10/11 11:43
→ : It's garbage265F 10/11 11:45
推 : 阿北政績+1266F 10/11 11:47
推 : it guestwhat267F 10/11 11:49
推 : That is broken cunt268F 10/11 11:51
推 : We don’t need it anymore269F 10/11 11:51
推 : 30cm is not enough for me270F 10/11 11:52
推 : I don't need it anymore,if you want,you can take it.271F 10/11 11:57
推 : It’s Daniel Han272F 10/11 12:02
→ : DPP273F 10/11 12:02
推 : 新加坡人就說this one no need lah274F 10/11 12:07
推 : TMD seafood275F 10/11 12:11
推 : dpp276F 10/11 12:11
推 : She is Tsai ,Ing-Wen277F 10/11 12:21
推 : mudamudamudamudamuda278F 10/11 12:21
→ hyakkiyagyo …
推 : forget it280F 10/11 12:28
推 : May yong ler281F 10/11 12:29
噓 : why so series282F 10/11 12:33
→ : how do you turn this on283F 10/11 12:37
推 : May show gun more284F 10/11 12:37
推 : this pussy is useless285F 10/11 12:39
推 : 幫統整鄉民意見=I don’t need that useless piece of286F 10/11 12:39
→ : shit anymore
→ : shit anymore
推 : Winter is coming288F 10/11 12:40
推 : ptt289F 10/11 12:43
推 : DL is useless. Time to swim back290F 10/11 12:43
噓 : i feel strong291F 10/11 12:49
推 : I have no use for that292F 10/11 12:55
→ eeccms …
推 : useless as my dick295F 10/11 13:14
→ oops119 …
→ : Costco297F 10/11 13:19
推 : WTO298F 10/11 13:21
推 : muda muda299F 10/11 13:32
推 : It is worthless like china300F 10/11 13:37
推 : that is china301F 10/11 13:38
→ : useless302F 10/11 13:43
推 : That's Hong Kong303F 10/11 13:51
→ : ikea304F 10/11 13:54
推 : KMT305F 10/11 13:58
推 : that already no use 了306F 10/11 14:01
推 : 咲死307F 10/11 14:06
噓 : redundant308F 10/11 14:08
→ : no use309F 10/11 14:08
→ : The cunt is no more useful310F 10/11 14:23
推 : i don’t need it anymore311F 10/11 14:28
噓 : suck it off,bi.....312F 10/11 14:35
推 : hey mom how rrr313F 10/11 14:40
推 : mou dameda314F 10/11 14:44
推 : This time is different. 那個已經沒用了315F 10/11 14:46
→ : costco316F 10/11 14:53
推 : useless!useless!useless!useless!317F 10/11 15:03
推 : No need to keep it318F 10/11 15:05
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 941