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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-01 13:41:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 EvilisGood (Hustler)
標題 [新聞] 前NBA球員:別上反中陰謀的當
時間 Fri Jul 31 14:35:00 2020


Dan Mennella


Former NBA Star: I Warned Players Not to Support Anti-China Propaganda


Longtime NBA star David West is accusing a group of lawmakers of using NBA
players as pawns in a propaganda campaign targeting China.

征戰球場多年的NBA球星大衛韋斯特(David West)指控,有一群議員正在利用NBA球員作

Conservative senators including Josh Hawley, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton have
publicly called out the league since its high-profile crackup with China over
a pro-Hong Kong tweet posted last year by Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey.

當休斯頓火箭隊總管達瑞爾莫雷(Daryl Morey)去年寫了一則支持香港的推特之後,NBA
和中國之間就出現了裂痕,而Josh Hawley、Marco Rubio、Tom Cotton等保守派議員也為

Those senators and other China hardliners say the league caved when it should
have supported Morey's free speech.


But West says he reached out to some NBA players to caution them that those
urging them to support Morey might have motives other than the professed
liberation of Hong Kong protesters.


"When Daryl Morey, he was with the Houston Rockets, he made comments about
Hong Kong earlier in the year. ... I got on the phone with a bunch of NBA
guys, and I was like 'Don't let them pull you into this bullshit, because
it's the Iraq war-, weapons of mass destruction-type propaganda again," West
recently told Danny Haiphong of Black Agenda Report.


The issue is more complicated than how it's presented in US media, West


"In the late 1940s, when China got its independence -- you know, people don't
even know that in our country. People don't even understand that China was
colonized for 108 years, or whatever it was, and don't realize that that's
what Hong Kong is about -- it's about colonization."


West, a two-time All-Star and two-time NBA champion with the Golden State
Warriors, lamented the lack of understanding about China among Americans,
 and denounced anti-China hawks as "warmongers."


"The only people talking about China are these warmongering hawks who are
using antiquated and outdated manifestos -- or whatever these guys are
reading, I mean these guys are reading colonial manifestos. I mean come on
man, it's plain as day. The idea that these sort of old tricks will work, or
will help us in any way -- the idea that isolationism is going to help us in
any way. There's 300 million people in the US only. And just for context, the
Chinese basketball community is 300 million people."



The NBA's rift with China was back in the headlines recently, when Hawley
accused NBA Commissioner Adam Silver of "kowtowing" to China and censoring
conservative-leaning messages from players' jerseys during the league's
restart at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.


ESPN reporter Adrian Wojnarowski was suspended two weeks for replying to a
press release from Hawley's office with a profane two-word response.

ESPN記者Adrian Wojnarowski因為用粗口回覆Hawley辦公室所發出的新聞稿,因此被停職

West, a native of Teaneck, N.J. who later played his college ball at Xavier
in Ohio, said the old strategy of 20th Century anti-communism will not be
effective in this historical moment.


"We've tried to use these red-scare tactics, and we've tried to use the
propaganda to keep nations at bay, but it's not going to work against a
deliberately organized country like China. And we've got to accept that.
We've just got to accept that we are in a different time in global history --
not just American history."


The 39-year-old West, who retired after winning the NBA title with the Golden
State Warriors in 2018, said a trip to China opened his eyes to the real
China, as opposed to how it is presented in US media.


"As people in the world, as Americans and people in American society, we have
been misled.


"We can no longer feed the idea that people want to be in America or want to
be Americans, just because of who we are. The veil has been ripped off."


5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

David West telling his fellow NBA players not to allow themselves to be baited into speaking against China : nba 2.1k votes, 2.1k comments. 3.4m members in the nba community. A subreddit dedicated for NBA news and discussion. ...


David West在Reddit上已經被罵翻了。

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1V8xkMQo (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596177302.A.6B2.html
elec1141: 白癡黑鬼1F 07/31 14:35
zoeapezoo: 錢才是真理2F 07/31 14:35
mikehu: 人民幣真香3F 07/31 14:36
bill403777: 黑人不意外4F 07/31 14:36
skaterboy13: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$5F 07/31 14:36
ARCHER2234: 人民幣真香6F 07/31 14:36
waningmoon: 一般講這種話就是去中國收了不少錢..再回美國宣揚7F 07/31 14:36
Jaroz: 舔共舔起來8F 07/31 14:37
steven12615: 髒勇垃圾不意外 可憐9F 07/31 14:37
rebai: 黑鬼就是沒下限11F 07/31 14:38
jeff0025: 真香12F 07/31 14:38
kevin870325: 早就說了,美國的智障左派都是中共的狗13F 07/31 14:38
ericinttu:   它誰?14F 07/31 14:38
guitarmoon: 人民幣真香~15F 07/31 14:38
giggleboy: 只會打籃球的尼哥頭腦很簡單 看到人民幣就是舔16F 07/31 14:39
prettyna: 腦袋真單純 去中國都是安排好的行程看的都是最好的17F 07/31 14:39
CoolShow: 可憐哪18F 07/31 14:39
pponywong: 黑人>黃種人 當然反白人19F 07/31 14:39
birdy590: 去中國旅行一趟 就以為比一輩子都在看中國的人更懂 @@20F 07/31 14:39
antiyahoo: Who the fuck he is??21F 07/31 14:41
MagicSword: 就向 $$$$$$ 低頭嘛,說這麼多22F 07/31 14:41
e49523: 中國什麼時候被殖民了23F 07/31 14:41
ESL63: 人民幣真香24F 07/31 14:42
all0624: 他智商應該不高吧25F 07/31 14:42
※ 編輯: EvilisGood ( 臺灣), 07/31/2020 14:43:40
JimK0511: 別上黑人的當26F 07/31 14:43
prettyna: 1940年代末中國取得獨立以來被殖民100多年這是說啥27F 07/31 14:43
nightwing: 人民幣真香28F 07/31 14:43
sjlee1127: $$$$$$$$$$$$$29F 07/31 14:43
jetalpha: 這球員哪國人啊?身為美國人幫中國講話,不覺得怪嗎?30F 07/31 14:44
samonella: 連基本歷史都不知道的人,還1940年代中國獨立??31F 07/31 14:44
lh02219: the跪32F 07/31 14:44
nightwing: 美國人的歷史   都是誰在教的啊    殖民108年   XDDD33F 07/31 14:45
keane9112: 又一個因利益發聲 籃球人口三億又怎樣?34F 07/31 14:45
cp3bg32: 難怪會加入勇士35F 07/31 14:45
jetalpha: 港版國安法通過,香港執法單位已經可以抓捕全世界的人了36F 07/31 14:45
lwrwang: 尼哥不EY37F 07/31 14:46
jetalpha: David West是故意裝作沒看到嗎?38F 07/31 14:46
ThreekRoger: 需要made in china的鞭子而已39F 07/31 14:47
samonella: 事實上他可以移民中國,親身體會在共產國家當他失去宣40F 07/31 14:47
samonella: 傳功用後的下場。
kice1204: 中國史讀太少XDDD42F 07/31 14:48
allen0118: 無腦黑鬼43F 07/31 14:48
sdiaa: 這論點很可以  反共產黨其實是反法西斯44F 07/31 14:49
woaifafewen: 尼哥真的智商低45F 07/31 14:49
kixer2005: 黑人的命才重要  其次是人民幣46F 07/31 14:49
hw1: 這個就是自以為懂中國歷史的左膠在放他媽的狗屁47F 07/31 14:49
birdy590: 我也不懂這位的中國史到底是在哪裡學的48F 07/31 14:50
SEVEnMonth: RMB真香49F 07/31 14:51
antiyahoo: Fuck the fuckin nigga...go to hell MF50F 07/31 14:52
VVizZ: 笑死尼哥51F 07/31 14:52
TsaiMoshia: 尼哥money 重要!52F 07/31 14:52
hw1: 五(二)毛教的吧 他的觀點跟支那賤畜嘴巴吹的新中國很雷同53F 07/31 14:52
ice4564: 腦包尼哥54F 07/31 14:54
tokyoto: 中國在1940年代末期取得獨立?中國已經被殖民長達108年?55F 07/31 14:54
tokyoto: 你在說什麼
LarryKu: 大家都搶著舔中,有錢人使黑鬼推磨57F 07/31 14:56
ironaxe: 千人計畫,智財剽竊,疫病傳播,人權傾軋時,你是閉嘴的58F 07/31 14:56
s87995109: 這中國史觀 肯定是自己腦補的59F 07/31 14:57
swbthj: 尼哥不意外 就是愛舔共60F 07/31 14:57
popopal: 沒人反中阿 反共而已 你別混為一談61F 07/31 14:58
Hirano: 智障嗎,說那是哪個平行世界的歷史62F 07/31 14:58
F12: 黑鬼不意外63F 07/31 14:59
rcro: 黑人不意外 打從他們祖先就是走跪舔風格 現在當然改不了64F 07/31 15:00
Kamelie: 人民幣真香65F 07/31 15:01
ironaxe: 說白了,你把維護自己的利益,高放在國家及普世價值上66F 07/31 15:01
ohya111326: 舔成這樣?67F 07/31 15:02
scorpio0920: 人民幣太香68F 07/31 15:04
rada118: 四肢发达 头脑简单 见钱眼开 生性为奴69F 07/31 15:05
ZE553KL: 只會打球沒有腦袋 可憐70F 07/31 15:07
maxmeyer: 一趟中國行 看見了滿滿的$$$$$$$$71F 07/31 15:07
CjackC: 中共同路人72F 07/31 15:09
jjomj666: 不讀書光打球是吧73F 07/31 15:12
cyclohexane: 黑鬼舔共舔起來 BLM吃屎吧74F 07/31 15:16
WAYNE1989: 阿就真的太香啦75F 07/31 15:16
eunhailoveu: 智障 反共不等於反中76F 07/31 15:21
LordOfCS: 支那謹慎有條理?黨說了算,懂?77F 07/31 15:30
ralfeistein: RMB太香了78F 07/31 15:33
bimmers0: 智障79F 07/31 15:37
oklagg: 他應該是不愛錢的,當時可以拿大約.. 為了冠軍戒低薪加入80F 07/31 15:37
oklagg: 勇士, 不知道是在幹嘛
grandwar: 孔子學院學的大外宣版歷史吧82F 07/31 15:39
lostsky93: 建議這群NBA球員就放棄美國國籍加入中國吧,畢竟有3億83F 07/31 15:40
lostsky93: 籃球人口
oklagg: 這個人在NBA最著名的事跡就是為了冠軍戒,放棄好幾千萬鎂85F 07/31 15:40
windblood: RMB真香~去一趟中國吃香喝辣的是懂個屁中國86F 07/31 15:43
luhulord: 不愧是太上皇 父子一個樣87F 07/31 15:49
gz: 有夠蠢88F 07/31 15:50
phoinixa: 太蠢了QQ89F 07/31 15:53
narutotha: 垃圾勇士隊不意外90F 07/31 15:58
mikiworldpea: 體育強的黑人通常腦子都……91F 07/31 15:58
szymwf: 對中國一無所知的是你 腦殘92F 07/31 16:13
brennen: 直接說別反人民幣就好了,說一堆廢話93F 07/31 16:36
tsukasaxx: 和台灣藝人一樣啊 只要人民幣 其它通通可以放棄94F 07/31 16:40
jerrylin: 翻譯 : 不要阻止我撈錢95F 07/31 17:02
wwpuma: 果然四肢發達頭腦簡單96F 07/31 17:19
applewarm: 不讓我賺人民幣?97F 07/31 19:02
alkahest: 人家都到中途島軍演了還在講大規模武器是智障喔98F 07/31 19:37
daniellin999: 果然四肢發達99F 07/31 19:53
Eric0204: $$$,$$$,$$$100F 07/31 20:14
YuenYang5566: 講一堆就是錢嘛101F 07/31 21:34

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -5 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 544 
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( ̄︿ ̄)p tcblow2001, gcobs183874, shinra0815, SKT1022 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2020-08-01 13:43:07 (台灣)
  08-01 13:43 TW
2樓 時間: 2020-08-01 13:46:12 (台灣)
  08-01 13:46 TW
翻譯5個字就好  人民幣真香
3樓 時間: 2020-08-01 14:50:03 (台灣)
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4樓 時間: 2020-08-01 15:04:57 (台灣)
  08-01 15:04 TW
David West himself may well be compromised and a part of pro-CCP propaganda when he should stand out and support human rights.
5樓 時間: 2020-08-01 15:14:17 (台灣)
  08-01 15:14 TW
6樓 時間: 2020-08-01 17:35:24 (台灣)
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7樓 時間: 2020-08-01 17:36:14 (台灣)
  08-01 17:36 TW
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