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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 韓哈佛演講:蔡政府的暴力流血非人民所
時間 Fri Apr 12 08:13:26 2019
08:00 2019/04/12 中時電子報 李俊毅
附上 韓國瑜演講英文版全文:
The Power of Down to Earth —
They Talk the Talk, I Walk the Walk
Good afternoon, Director Szonyi, Director Goldstein, ladies and gentlemen,
this is my greatest honor and pleasure to be here today and to begin with, I
would like to express my appreciation for the long term friendship between
the United States and the R. O. C., and for the support from the US
government and its people, so we can engage and cooperate closely. I am more
than honored to have this amazing opportunity standing at this podium, in
front of the distinguished scholars at the Fairbank Center for Chinese
Studies, the most esteemed institution of Chinese Studies in the world, to
share my story and to talk about what I think and what I want to do as Mayor
of Kaohsiung.
In Taiwan, there are a lot of people calling me a “produce vendor.” Mainly
because I worked in a local agricultural products marketing company before I
ran in the Mayor election. The media often describes me with the term “down
to earth,” and few individuals even name me “country bumpkin” for my
humble origins, and my rather direct and unrefined language. Well today, this
bald country bumpkin from Taiwan is standing before you, on the campus of one
of the most prestigious universities in the world: Harvard! A few months ago,
many could not have imagined this, even in their wildest dreams!
What brings me to Harvard today, is the fact that last November, I won an
election in Southern Taiwan that nobody thought I could possibly win.
Besides, people are saying that I single-handedly reshaped the politics of
Taiwan. They are calling this wide-spread political current the “hanliu” or
“Han wave.”
However, I don’t believe in “hanliu” or “Han Wave” because I know very
well that what brings me to the Mayor position and to speak to you today, is
not me as an individual, but is the will of the people. People in Taiwan,
especially in Kaohsiung, have had enough of the unproductive government,
enough of all the nonsense of ideological manipulation, and enough of
pathetic politicians who only talk without making worthy actions.
The reason behind our success, is not because I am at any rate a great
person. It is because Taiwans current ruling party is not doing a good job.
They have disappointed the people, so the people want something different. In
fact, the people of Taiwan dislike not just the DPP, but they are tired of
all of traditional politicians. Especially those politicians who come up with
fancy slogans and empty promises. They dont know, and they dont care what the
people really need. They only talk the talk, but me, I walk the walk.
I walk to the people from all walks of life, with an emphasis on socially
vulnerable groups. I insist to stay overnight in different folks’ places
once a month, to get close to their real life. I have stayed in an orphanage,
a fisherman’s association, a taxi driver’s home and will stay in many others
’ places as well. I also walk to the world, to Mainland China, to Southeast
Asia, to America and hopefully to more other places in the world. This is not
because I like to be Mr. Fogg who travelled around the world in 81 days, but
because Kaohsiung deserves more visibility and opportunities. Kaohsiung has
been isolated and closed off for too long. As a result, the economy and
population are sadly declining. We need to walk out to the world to promote
our produce and products, to attract more visitors, and to carry out what I
advocate loudly for, “Export Goods Out, Welcome People In, Let Kaohsiung
Prosper!” 貨出得去、人進得來、高雄發大財!
You might be curious how come I am so down to earth and not a stereotypical
politician. Actually, once, I was one of the politicians people look down on.
I had been councilor and congressman for over 10 years. And one day, I came
to face the truth that I didn’t do a good job as a politician, so I just
decided not to run for the next round of elections. Therefore, I fell out of
the upper down to the earth. I have been down to earth ever since and stayed
on it as a Mayor now. I know what the people really want – I was one of
them, I had hope for the government, that the people in power can do good
things for us. I know deep down peoples needs are simple and humble. People
want to enjoy peace and security; want a government that can get things done;
want to make money; and most importantly, want to have good life.
When I first settled in Kaohsiung, I worked as Director of KMTs Kaohsiung
Chapter and we had no funding at all. The DPP had ruled Kaohsiung for more
than 20 years, so no one thought I was even close to winning. I had a very
hard time raising campaign funds. So when I announced to run for the Mayor
election, I went with the slogan “one bottle of water and one bowl of pork
rice.” That was all I could provide to the supporters at rallies and
gatherings – and most of the time, no pork rice, only a bottle of water!
Yet, the reason I did that was not only because we were short of money, but
also because I would like to do things differently. I will not be the
politician that people dislike anymore. “One bottle of water” is totally
against the traditional way of campaigning.
Theres an old saying that 「you dont need to learn how to win an election as
long as you have money.」 Back then a lot of people in Kaohsiung warned me
that it would be impossible to win the election. I had nothing and my hands
were empty, so that made me a non-stereotypical candidate. I was down to
earth, down with the crowd and got closer to them. The people who came to my
rallies and gatherings were not there for give-away gifts or buffets, they
came to support!
What did I give them in return for their support? A response, a response to
their worries and anxiety, a response so outspoken that only a country
bumpkin would say it out loud to the people: we want to make big money! You
are probably familiar with my campaign slogan, “Export Goods Out, Welcome
People In, Let Kaohsiung Prosper.” And “100% for better economy and 0 % for
political calculations.” Right now, Taiwan is full of political calculations
especially in the Cross Straits policies. As a sad result, Taiwans economy
has been totally compressed with no room to grow. I have listened to the
people, and that is not what they want! What people really want are better
incomes, good livings, peace with Mainland China, and mutual respect. That is
why I am doing 100% for a better economy and 0% for political calculations.
In the meantime, as a region that is heavily trade oriented, our worst
nightmare is to be marginalized. When countries around the world are actively
promoting free trade, signing free trade agreements and engaging in regional
economic integrations, Taiwan is excluded, and that is not okay for our
economic development. The complications and difficulties of achieving
regional economic integration is based on the relationship across the Taiwan
Straits. To any political leader of Taiwan, the biggest challenge is to
maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, and to ensure Taiwan
is not excluded from important international activities.
No one wishes to live in instability and chaos. We are all very clear that
the only military threat to Taiwan comes from Beijing. Like Ive said time and
again, we have no doubt that the people of Taiwan are determined to strive
for democracy. Yet at the same time, we must not doubt the Beijing’s
determination for unification. While it is important to strengthen our
defense capabilities, we must not blind ourselves to the fact that Beijing
has immense military powers. What we must to do is to strive for peaceful
coexistence with Mainland China, and to use wisdom to avoid potential
conflicts. This is what the people of Taiwan need. We need to face the fact
that Mainland China has risen, and to avoid unnecessary confrontations. After
all, “War has no winners and peace, no losers.”
Yet in these 3 short years, the international community is once again worried
that conflict may erupt in the Taiwan Straits. Beijing is once again
threatening unification by military force. President Tsai is talking about
how many days Taiwan can hold out until international aid arrives. The
Premier of our Executive Yuan is talking about taking the battles into the
streets and fighting with fists and broomsticks. These scenarios of violence
and bloodshed are not what the people of Taiwan are wishing for!
I believe “Export Goods Out, Welcome People In, Let Kaohsiung Prosper,” is
what Kaohsiung people wishing for, and in this sense I see the 92 Consensus
is practical and realistic. My view on the 92 Consensus is naturally “One
China, Respective Interpretations” based on Constitution and The Act,
certainly not “One Country Two Systems,” like Macau or Hong Kong. Some
people say that the Beijing does not recognize “One China, Respective
Interpretations.” I would like to point out that in the 8 years under KMT’s
rule, Beijing certainly did not refuse to interact with us because of KMT’s
stance on 92 Consensus. In fact, during those 8 years, we signed many
agreements, participated in many international activities, and more countries
had granted us visa-waiver status.
In the course of my campaign as Mayor of Kaohsiung, I stressed the importance
of economy. My basis for Cross Straits Relations is the ‘92 Consensus. My
winning the election showed that the people of Taiwan did not reject my
stance on this matter. I openly shout out to President Tsai and her
administration. If they are not willing to recognize the ‘92 Consensus, then
they must conceive some new ideals and concrete measures so that they can
sustain peace and security in the Taiwan Straits and ensure Taiwans economic
development. They must somehow enable the people of Taiwan to continuously
live in freedom and democracy. So far, they have come up empty.
The United States is without a doubt a very important friend to Taiwan ROC.
The US has been our ally in terms of economics, security, military, and
politics. We had the Mutual Defense Treaty, and afterwards we have the Taiwan
Relations Act, which provides Taiwan with military defense capabilities. The
US is also our important trade partner, and our mutual collaborations over
the years have given Taiwan a secure and peaceful environment that allowed
for our great economic and political developments. We cannot, and should not,
drag our American friends down because we are not able to handle the Cross
Straits relations effectively. It is one thing to befriend our American
allies but its something else to take the American friendship for granted. We
must assume our share of the responsibility to secure peace in the Taiwan
Straits so that our people can live in democracy and prosperity.
To conclude, the reason I won the election is because the Kaohsiung people
agree with my down to earth call for revitalizing the economy and upholding
the stability. Actually most of the people in Taiwan all want, in my down to
earth expression, “Taiwan is safe, and people are rich.” Since this is
Harvard and there must be a lot of Christian friends here today, I would like
to take a verse from the Bibles Book of Philippians as my closing remark. “
Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on
toward the goal.”
I pressed on walking the walk and that is the power of being down to earth.
Without feet on the ground, we cannot walk.
Thanks again for inviting me and thank you all very much for listening. Thank
韓演講全文:支持一個中國各自表述之九二共識 - 政治 - 中時電子報
高雄市長韓國瑜在美國哈佛大學閉門座談,先發表演講後,與在場師生進行1個多小時問答交流,韓國瑜整場演講近半個小時,隨後90分鐘開放現場師生問答,他也在臉書公開了演講的部分片段,並表示,想當年在政大東亞所讀書時,對費正清中心總想一探究竟,如今來到這個知識殿堂,也和學者們交個朋友。韓國瑜在台灣時間今早在臉 ...
中央电视 TVBS 蘋果 民視
中央日報 中時 三立
中天 自由
中視 500萬人
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噓 : ....1F 04/12 08:13
→ : 中時~~~~~~好煩! 造神夠了沒2F 04/12 08:13
噓 : 發揮了3F 04/12 08:14
→ : 這種報紙該不該管一管啊?4F 04/12 08:14
→ : 本板不歡迎自介5F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 政治100分,經濟0分6F 04/12 08:14
噓 :7F 04/12 08:14
→ flavorBZ …
→ : 一個高雄市長不好好管理自己高雄,只會批評別人9F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 笑死10F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 靠杯喔 我國只想跟中國平等交流 戰爭一直都是中國的選項11F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 草包中的草包,只會把戰爭的責任推在台灣人身上12F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 噁報閉嘴13F 04/12 08:14
噓 : 詐騙仔出國丟臉14F 04/12 08:15
→ : 標題XD15F 04/12 08:15
→ : KMT怎麼都認為跪舔就沒事了勒16F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 。。。。。17F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 每日任務18F 04/12 08:15
→ : 暴力流血???????????19F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 綁架人民的剛好是中國共產黨20F 04/12 08:15
→ flavorBZ …
噓 : 這就是所謂經濟100分 政治0分?說謊成性22F 04/12 08:15
噓 : ???????????23F 04/12 08:15
→ : 閉門演講,好奇聽眾的年齡層跟國籍24F 04/12 08:15
→ : 你在那舔共,就以為別人不會武力鎮壓台灣了嗎?25F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 還在一中各表 真是沒救了26F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 講三小,我操你全家27F 04/12 08:15
→ hachime …
推 : 美國聽完以後:韓這種人怎麼會當選?29F 04/12 08:15
噓 : 笑死30F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 哪時候流血了 亂講31F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 一早看到髒東西 嘔嘔嘔嘔32F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 暴力流血?你說的是馬桶時期,號稱自由主義的江長嗎?33F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 幹你娘你的意見跟89萬白痴的意見當台灣人意見???34F 04/12 08:16
推 : 324警察打學生流血衝突也是菜菜子執政時的!!!35F 04/12 08:16
→ : 當其他人塑膠??糙37F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 韓國瑜打陳水扁都不是暴力38F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 夠了沒39F 04/12 08:16
→ : 美國人大概黑人問號40F 04/12 08:16
→ : 就算統一後,一樣搞個紅色恐怖228,殘害菁英41F 04/12 08:16
→ : 韓流發威! 暴力小英! 韓流發威! 暴力小英!42F 04/12 08:16
噓 : 暴力流血是指學運嗎?43F 04/12 08:17
→ : 暴力流血是國民黨44F 04/12 08:17
推 : 請暴力小英停止反攻大陸企圖 台灣人民不想要戰爭!!45F 04/12 08:17
→ : 支持韓~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~天~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!46F 04/12 08:17
→ : 9.2先證明統一後不會像新疆西藏一樣被清洗 再來靠杯47F 04/12 08:17
→ Xceberus …
噓 : …..49F 04/12 08:17
→ : 完全黑說白,白說黑50F 04/12 08:17
→ : 西藏,香港,引以為戒啊~~~~~~51F 04/12 08:17
噓 : 啥?52F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 垃圾,去死53F 04/12 08:18
推 : 一個中國,各自表述54F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 暴你老母雞八毛的流血 根本胡言亂語 垃圾政客 幹55F 04/12 08:18
→ : 不聽習大大一言堂的話,就讓你「被消失」56F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 不是說只有經濟或文化交流嗎?怎麼變成政治座談啊?57F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 智障58F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 暴力流血不是武統嗎 政治0分?59F 04/12 08:18
→ : 牛蘭佛的英文腔60F 04/12 08:18
噓 : 政治100分 經濟0分61F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 歐..62F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 幹你娘咧!還在吹演講喔?63F 04/12 08:19
→ : 丟臉丟到國外去 草包裝肉包 閉門是對的64F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 喜韓兒不意外65F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 別回來了66F 04/12 08:19
推 : 大概就像小夫要大雄不要欺負胖虎67F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 閉門座談 還吹成演講 都上任多久了還在搞直銷68F 04/12 08:19
噓 : 韓總:簽和平協議才符合人民期待69F 04/12 08:19
→ : 你支那習爸爸都說沒有九二共識,你還在吹?70F 04/12 08:20
→ : 一中?中華人民共和國71F 04/12 08:20
→ littleaoc …
推 : 韓國瑜說的很有道理,民進黨要讓台灣人民打仗嗎?73F 04/12 08:20
噓 : 硬要洗成演講就是了是嗎74F 04/12 08:20
推 : 這次韓導去美國沒什麼人理 只好拼命造神 呵呵75F 04/12 08:20
推 : 無能蔡政府76F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 好像是 去KTV唬爛說開演唱會77F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 你主張被統一樣要打仗啦。78F 04/12 08:21
推 : 這種報紙 乾79F 04/12 08:21
噓 : You go to eat shit80F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 原來不想被共匪統治就是要打仗喔 幹81F 04/12 08:21
推 : 高雄人優質選擇82F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 這智障打人喊救命喔83F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 可連84F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 哪裡流血了 蔡政府有像kmt/426那樣血腥鎮壓嗎?85F 04/12 08:21
→ : 這叫行銷高雄XD86F 04/12 08:21
→ Mulice0926 …
噓 : 內奸88F 04/12 08:21
噓 : 再說一次 獨立不一定打仗 統一則一定立刻被打爛89F 04/12 08:22
→ : 在場聽韓導廢話的4 50人恐怕都要睡著了90F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 超級大草包91F 04/12 08:22
推 : 誰跟你共識 鴕鳥92F 04/12 08:22
→ : 狗報刊英文?怎不刊簡體字舔一下93F 04/12 08:22
→ : 最近高雄倒是暴力流血一堆94F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 狗韓兒人格分裂,嗆要五筒的是你們支那狗爸爸95F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 這匪諜不用抓起來槍斃?96F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 標題,是要講幾次!97F 04/12 08:22
噓 : ...98F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 亂講話難怪要閉門座談99F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 87100F 04/12 08:22
噓 : 這人真的噁心101F 04/12 08:22
→ : 先總統 蔣公要反攻大陸,難道是要臺灣人民去打仗?102F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 擔心衝突還不是中國挑起的103F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 看到是中時,我就放心了104F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 不是阿你高雄現在都不用管了嗎105F 04/12 08:23
噓 : ???????106F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 標題寫演講,這算不算假新聞107F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 好文 不噓嗎?108F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 怕死仔難怪舔中舔的那麼賣力109F 04/12 08:23
噓 : 是被暴力流血 幹你娘雞掰110F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 韓光頭 你媽死了111F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 花錢去哈佛講就為了講這個?112F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 垃圾113F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 惡劣114F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 低能115F 04/12 08:24
→ : 所以這趟去美國是行銷自己?116F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 還好是閉門會議,幾個人笑笑就好117F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 當個市長管到中央,去關心你最愛的金小胖啦死草包118F 04/12 08:24
噓 : ???119F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 韓總難怪拒絕選總統,因為他想當台灣特首120F 04/12 08:24
噓 : 政治0分 舔共100分121F 04/12 08:25
→ : 公關公司努力噓122F 04/12 08:25
噓 : 唬爛王123F 04/12 08:25
噓 : 政治100 統戰1000 經濟0124F 04/12 08:25
噓 : !125F 04/12 08:25
噓 : 噁韓新聞報導.... 五毛還不跪著拜126F 04/12 08:26
推 : 中時下這標題真是居心叵測127F 04/12 08:26
噓 : 自費去美國演給支那狗爸爸看,這個狗兒子表現蒸蚌!128F 04/12 08:26
噓 : 誰流血了? 有叫警察打學生嗎129F 04/12 08:26
推 : 這是國台辦給的稿嗎130F 04/12 08:26
推 : 公關公司努力噓韓,賴就會贏英,爽131F 04/12 08:26
→ : 其實一般人「花錢」給哈佛,也可以去「演講」132F 04/12 08:26
噓 : 幹你KMT133F 04/12 08:27
噓 : 因為承認九二共識,北京才願意交流?根本沒有九二共識134F 04/12 08:27
噓 : 急著被統135F 04/12 08:27
推 : 垃圾菜政府136F 04/12 08:27
噓 : 去美國講九二共識 難怪要自費137F 04/12 08:27
→ : 噓吧 ,民調還是落後20趴138F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 騙自己國內不夠還要騙去國外 整天在那裡各婊139F 04/12 08:28
噓 : ???140F 04/12 08:28
推 : 國民黨講別人暴力流血???141F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 好喔,公關公司快幫韓總按讚啦142F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 平行世界嗎143F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 別說話 草包 92liar144F 04/12 08:28
噓 :145F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 自己自慰一中各表 中國是一個中國 哪來的共識啊 幹您146F 04/12 08:28
→ : 老
→ : 老
噓 : 有種在中國拿中華民國國旗,再來講一中各表148F 04/12 08:28
→ : 韓想當特首,安排一場哈佛自費座談錯了嗎!149F 04/12 08:28
噓 : 你是在說馬狗喔150F 04/12 08:29
噓 : 去你媽的幹你娘,韓國瑜你真他媽垃圾151F 04/12 08:29
噓 : 不要暴力流血就去跟支那講呀152F 04/12 08:29
→ : 爽,看到英粉出動,就知賴贏了153F 04/12 08:29
噓 : .....154F 04/12 08:29
噓 : 高譚市的Joker給演講????155F 04/12 08:29
噓 : 又是九二共識156F 04/12 08:29
噓 : 搞笑嗎157F 04/12 08:30
→ : 採取綏靖政策就不會打戰嗎?158F 04/12 08:30
噓 : ......159F 04/12 08:30
噓 : 中時先在是捧韓順便洗白中國 是臺灣自己的錯中國沒錯160F 04/12 08:30
→ : 蔡骯髒搞民主初選,應該要讓全世界都知道161F 04/12 08:30
噓 : 2162F 04/12 08:31
噓 : 有病的市長跟團隊163F 04/12 08:31
→ : 吉娃娃 真的 7pu pu164F 04/12 08:31
推 : 殺人是國共的強項 韓國瑜真謙虛165F 04/12 08:31
噓 : 暴力??幹你娘是誰一直喊打喊殺的,去跟支那習近平講166F 04/12 08:31
噓 : 智障167F 04/12 08:31
→ : 啊,馬的垃圾死禿頭168F 04/12 08:31
噓 : 垃圾169F 04/12 08:31
噓 : 草包智障170F 04/12 08:31
→ : 採取綏靖政策就不會打仗嗎?171F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 獐頭鼠目的狗兒子,你的支那狗爸爸叫你趕快吃屎172F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 現在沒九二共識 中國有斷大三通嗎?生活有改變嗎?173F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 幹你媽的把哈佛師生當白癡嗎174F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 到現在還在鴿子婊漱175F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 國民黨殺台灣人:最少30萬 民進黨殺台灣人:0176F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 可撥177F 04/12 08:32
噓 : 中了共最愛暴力流血178F 04/12 08:33
推 : 在美國面前從不敢說中華民國台灣是主權獨立的國家,179F 04/12 08:33
噓 : 垃圾人 還在九二共識180F 04/12 08:33
→ : 有資格黑韓?181F 04/12 08:33
推 : 自費有沒有包含發餐盒跟車馬費給現場50人阿182F 04/12 08:33
→ : 這篇文章怎麼充滿對中美形式看法的不了解?183F 04/12 08:33
→ : ..184F 04/12 08:33
噓 : 暴力流血??? 324???185F 04/12 08:34
噓 : 哪裡暴力了幹你娘186F 04/12 08:34
噓 : 北七187F 04/12 08:34
噓 : 繼續檢討受害者188F 04/12 08:35
推 : 是18英 嘻嘻189F 04/12 08:35
噓 : 跟中國交好給免簽真的是放屁,國民黨撿扁尾刀撿很爽190F 04/12 08:35
推 : DPP有種就去跟美國總統說中華民國是主權獨立的國家,191F 04/12 08:35
噓 : 跪中仔 怕戰192F 04/12 08:35
→ : 不敢嘛193F 04/12 08:36
噓 : XXXXDDDDDDDDDDDDD194F 04/12 08:36
噓 : 喜韓兒好了啦!乖乖聽你們支那狗爸爸的話跟著你們韓導去吃195F 04/12 08:36
噓 : 早上刷牙還真的就牙齦出血196F 04/12 08:36
→ : 屎啦!197F 04/12 08:36
→ : 韓在美國國土喊了中華民國,讚198F 04/12 08:37
噓 : ?199F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 幹你娘,講沙小!這種垃圾真的台灣之恥200F 04/12 08:38
→ : 哈佛有興趣的是全球各地的民粹主義...201F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 白痴阿 誰要打台灣202F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 你的腦才空洞203F 04/12 08:38
→ : 韓在中國港澳領土讓韓粉拿出國旗,讚204F 04/12 08:38
→ : 高雄89萬智障選出來的垃圾205F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 暴力流血的不是沒市長的高雄日常嗎?要不要先回來處理206F 04/12 08:38
→ : 啊
→ : 啊
噓 : 滾吧208F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 高雄市長w209F 04/12 08:38
噓 : 惡棍耍刀弄槍威脅結果你說被害人要衝突流血?210F 04/12 08:39
噓 : 抵抗外敵入侵叫作“暴力流血”…這會不會太好笑了211F 04/12 08:39
噓 : 他在國民黨不就負責打人推人的立委?212F 04/12 08:40
→ : 誰選出來的,出來自首一下好嗎?213F 04/12 08:41
推 : 看到蠢吱們崩潰就知道韓市長又說對了XDDDDDDDDDDD214F 04/12 08:41
→ : 聽說韓以前是志願役的狗官,剛好讓美國人看到臺灣退役軍官215F 04/12 08:41
噓 : 改天如果有人想侵犯韓市長的家人,也要叫她們不要抵抗216F 04/12 08:41
噓 : 韓導先回來管一下高雄街頭的暴力流血217F 04/12 08:42
噓 : 這種就叫做跪218F 04/12 08:42
噓 : 丟臉丟到國外去219F 04/12 08:42
→ : 都是這種貪生怕死只愛快錢假和平的咖...真是可恥的前國軍220F 04/12 08:42
噓 : 白七~九恁娘的共識。甲賽比較快221F 04/12 08:42
噓 : 到底是座談還是演講還是上課阿~222F 04/12 08:43
噓 : 猛 已被噓爆了223F 04/12 08:43
噓 : 丟臉可恥224F 04/12 08:44
噓 : 去美國講一中各表 台灣人白吃 當美國人也白吃嗎?225F 04/12 08:44
噓 : 暴力流血的不是KMT跟中共嗎XDDDD226F 04/12 08:44
噓 : Excuse me?227F 04/12 08:44
噓 : 幹你娘 去跟習包子講啊228F 04/12 08:45
噓 : 我真的受不了這垃圾報了229F 04/12 08:45
噓 : 到底是誰投的啦煩死了怎麼有這種人230F 04/12 08:45
噓 : 一直出去玩就是爽231F 04/12 08:45
噓 : 幹232F 04/12 08:45
※ PanzerGuP:轉錄至看板 HatePolitics 04/12 08:45
推 : 哈哈 樓上一堆country bumpkin233F 04/12 08:46
噓 : 演講個鬼234F 04/12 08:46
噓 : 區區一個市長憑甚麼發表這種國家政策的演說? 還92共識235F 04/12 08:46
推 : 綠狗這些廢物們也說不出蔡小姐的政策亮點在那,只敢236F 04/12 08:46
→ : 躲在黨工版,一群廢物狗
→ : 躲在黨工版,一群廢物狗
噓 : 狗報238F 04/12 08:47
噓 : FUCK YOU239F 04/12 08:48
噓 : 支那屎報240F 04/12 08:48
→ : 食屎241F 04/12 08:48
噓 : 笑死 真暴力還不打爆你的陰囊臉242F 04/12 08:48
噓 : 中屎垃圾報,滯台支那癈物9.2們的最愛243F 04/12 08:49
噓 : 草包沒藥醫244F 04/12 08:49
→ : 雖然我愛酸菜...但蔡政府暴力流血???? 工三洨啊XD245F 04/12 08:50
噓 : KMT最和平^^246F 04/12 08:50
噓 : 癈物9.2們這麼愛統,滾回你們祖國啊,笑你們不敢啦 XDDDD247F 04/12 08:50
→ : 韓冰寫的講稿韓總當國家主席後支持韓冰當省長248F 04/12 08:50
噓 : 舔共幹話是你所期望249F 04/12 08:51
噓 : 低能250F 04/12 08:51
→ CenaC …
噓 : 政治零分喔252F 04/12 08:52
噓 : 結果你韓導去演講是講政治不是經濟?說好的政治零分呢?253F 04/12 08:53
→ : 還有,最暴力的莫屬你kmt了沒有之一
→ : 還有,最暴力的莫屬你kmt了沒有之一
噓 : 暴力流血在哪?255F 04/12 08:54
→ : 喜韓兒在那崩潰推 超慘256F 04/12 08:54
噓 : 暴力流血,我只記得馬政府打學生的時候257F 04/12 08:54
噓 : 國民黨談暴力,戒嚴時期?258F 04/12 08:54
推 : 其實就自介。259F 04/12 08:54
噓 : 舔共產黨的垃圾 再那造謠 中共要侵略台灣 你不拼嗎260F 04/12 08:54
噓 : 還演講勒 再掰啊261F 04/12 08:54
→ : 韓上任後整天花錢出國整天睡 經濟0分 政治100分262F 04/12 08:55
→ : 暴力在哪263F 04/12 08:55
噓 : 暴力流血?是指國民黨還是共產黨?264F 04/12 08:55
噓 : 笑死265F 04/12 08:55
→ : 不知道韓政策的亮點在哪 還有KMT廠工快去種田發大財266F 04/12 08:55
噓 : 黨工又起來刷啦,幾個月一直推一樣的推文,這樣能領錢?267F 04/12 08:55
→ : 這麼愛你們家韓導,護航成這樣,你們這麼希望習死韓上?
→ : 這麼愛你們家韓導,護航成這樣,你們這麼希望習死韓上?
→ : 別再上網帶風向賺那一點小錢了269F 04/12 08:56
→ : 什麼時候有暴力流血了270F 04/12 08:56
噓 : 真的是到底在講三小 高雄人真悲哀271F 04/12 08:56
→ : 廢到這種地步還推成這樣搞不懂耶,水準好歹比習高一點啊272F 04/12 08:56
噓 : 有夠噁心,台灣就是被這種人搞亂的273F 04/12 08:56
→ : 跟習包子水準一樣爛的,你們也護航成這樣,反而太假囉274F 04/12 08:57
噓 : 暴力:統促黨、反年改275F 04/12 08:57
→ : KMT最好有種去中國說各自表述 喜韓兒腦袋就是低智商276F 04/12 08:58
→ : 汪汪277F 04/12 08:58
噓 : 幹278F 04/12 08:58
推 : 讀稿機279F 04/12 08:58
→ : 9.25毛網軍有種就直接武力推翻習近平啦,只會帶風向賣台280F 04/12 08:59
噓 : 這人到底活在哪個平行時空?281F 04/12 08:59
→ : 那裡暴力流血?282F 04/12 08:59
→ : 習也是讀稿機XD 這麼說來一脈相傳囉283F 04/12 08:59
→ : 他是在暗示武統要來了吧~~~~
→ : 他是在暗示武統要來了吧~~~~
噓 : ?285F 04/12 09:00
噓 : 有流血啦,只不過是學生被統畜黨打流血286F 04/12 09:00
→ : 在在顯示他想選287F 04/12 09:00
噓 : 哪裡來的暴力 你的支持者才是真的暴力吧288F 04/12 09:00
噓 : 想選趕快出來啦,一堆小動作看了就噁心!289F 04/12 09:02
噓 : 丟臉290F 04/12 09:02
噓 : 她敢對抗惡霸 比那些沒骨氣的懦夫好太多了291F 04/12 09:03
推 : 中時電子報 李俊毅 << 寫宋說王丹沒禮貌的那個新聞記者292F 04/12 09:03
推 : 等不及看灣灣拱他上去當總統了293F 04/12 09:06
噓 : 我們國民黨最愛好和平了 228什麼的都是假議題294F 04/12 09:06
噓 : 胡說295F 04/12 09:06
→ xxxHHHxxx …
噓 : 武統宣揚都踏進國門了,還在罵抵抗的人,你的國到底是?297F 04/12 09:06
→ rtyujlk …
噓 : 狗報299F 04/12 09:07
噓 : ????300F 04/12 09:09
噓 : 暴力流血?馬英九江宜樺表示:301F 04/12 09:09
噓 : 幫著暴力威嚇的敵國罵自家抵抗的人,有夠不要臉302F 04/12 09:10
推 : 一中各表這句在中國根本沒膽子講fufu303F 04/12 09:10
→ : 什麼時候暴力流血了?平行世界?304F 04/12 09:10
推 : 習近平不是說沒有92 你耳包膩305F 04/12 09:11
→ : 膽子是什麼,見到人都夾起來坐了306F 04/12 09:11
噓 : 一派胡言307F 04/12 09:12
→ : ㄏㄏ習算老幾啦,韓導說有92共識就是有308F 04/12 09:12
→ kixer2005 …
噓 : 這傢伙嘴巴比馬囧更不老實...310F 04/12 09:12
噓 : 沒軟蛋的中共喊武統時你屁都不敢放311F 04/12 09:14
噓 : 韓粉那麼想回歸祖國幹嘛不趕快去投共312F 04/12 09:14
推 : 事實啊!廠公崩潰亂噓313F 04/12 09:14
噓 : 哎喲,紅衫軍最愛好和平,韓國瑜不是禿頭耶,嘻嘻314F 04/12 09:14
噓 : 國民黨有資格談這個?315F 04/12 09:14
→ : 真的要比暴力? 民進黨殺哪個人了? 國民黨殺多少人?316F 04/12 09:14
噓 : 中國沒有64,台灣沒有228,中國人是全世界最愛好和317F 04/12 09:16
→ : 平的民族,對吧?
→ : 平的民族,對吧?
噓 : 暴力流血...那中共是和平民主好棒棒,這邏輯319F 04/12 09:17
噓 : ???? WTF320F 04/12 09:17
→ willy61615 …
噓 : 暴力流血不是貴黨的馬英九和江宜樺嗎?322F 04/12 09:18
噓 : 你把馬英九放在哪裡?323F 04/12 09:20
噓 : 一個把人打到住院的 講這個 哈哈哈324F 04/12 09:21
推 : 噁心的共產狗 到底什麼居心325F 04/12 09:21
噓 : 真的,我也覺得他背後的布局比任何人都來得大~~326F 04/12 09:21
→ : 要不批評一下64327F 04/12 09:22
噓 : 這就是高雄市政府宣稱的行銷高雄,哈哈高雄人看到沒328F 04/12 09:22
噓 : 一個惡棍拿刀拿槍的 乖乖被幹就對了329F 04/12 09:23
噓 : 噓聲不斷330F 04/12 09:24
→ : 不要反抗 不要流血 忍就好了 被幹完就沒事了? 被幹完 以331F 04/12 09:25
→ : 後人家是想幹啥就幹啥
→ : 後人家是想幹啥就幹啥
噓 : 92共識各自表述?所以就是沒共識啊333F 04/12 09:25
噓 : 韓粉你看你們主子啦 選前說政治0分選後講政治講不停334F 04/12 09:25
→ : 啦
→ : 啦
噓 : 這貨色選上總統那天代表台灣真的沒救了336F 04/12 09:25
噓 : 幹你娘共狗337F 04/12 09:27
推 : 戰機越界就幫護那乾市長屁事338F 04/12 09:27
→ : 沒記錯的話主動開打的好像是年改那群老人喔339F 04/12 09:27
噓 : 韓粉低能 弱智 社會敗類340F 04/12 09:27
噓 : 念稿當演講 頗ㄏ341F 04/12 09:28
噓 : 韓總已公開不選總統 因為他較想當台灣特首342F 04/12 09:29
→ : 供三小。343F 04/12 09:29
→ : 補噓
→ : 補噓
噓 : 幹345F 04/12 09:33
噓 : 自己欺騙自己還不夠 還要大家一起裝傻346F 04/12 09:35
噓 : 暴力流血......太陽花的時候小英已經是總統啦?347F 04/12 09:35
噓 : 韓導覺得坦克車壓百姓比較溫和?348F 04/12 09:35
噓 : 89萬藍白粉的最愛 請尊重多數民意349F 04/12 09:36
噓 : 國民黨殺了多少台灣人 你好意思說?350F 04/12 09:40
噓 : 通篇看不到那裡在行銷高雄,只有消遣攻擊自己政敵而已351F 04/12 09:40
噓 : 暴力流血勒 國民黨執政才會暴力流血啦352F 04/12 09:41
推 : ......到底為什麼可以放任這種人在學術機構亂說沒有根據非353F 04/12 09:41
噓 : …草包可撥354F 04/12 09:43
噓 : 噁心355F 04/12 09:44
噓 : 中共最愛好和平了356F 04/12 09:50
噓 : 請問明年大選選完了嗎 憑什麼幫全部人民發表言論 是不是357F 04/12 09:51
→ : 想選總統啊廢物
→ : 想選總統啊廢物
噓 : 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔噁心359F 04/12 09:53
噓 : ????????360F 04/12 09:53
噓 : 果然是奇文共賞361F 04/12 09:56
→ : 蛤362F 04/12 09:56
噓 : 真的是一個垃圾到不行的政客 還天才咧363F 04/12 10:01
噓 : 滾回中國啦364F 04/12 10:01
噓 : 那時流血了??????????????365F 04/12 10:02
噓 : 練肖維366F 04/12 10:06
噓 : 狗報 韓天 是造神造完了沒 草包一天到晚騙台灣人民 真爛367F 04/12 10:10
→ : 蔡政府啥時暴力流血了,你說的是馬政府吧368F 04/12 10:11
噓 : 準備打人的人跟你說暴力跟流血不是他期望的!不要反抗哦369F 04/12 10:12
噓 : 笑死 變成政治批鬥演說 他忘記他在研究中心嗎? XDD370F 04/12 10:19
噓 : 這種垃圾內容 怎麼不去北京大學講就好371F 04/12 10:22
噓 : 垃圾KMT 又再說謊 製造流血就是你們跟支那狼狽為奸372F 04/12 10:26
噓 : 供三小373F 04/12 10:27
噓 : 喔講得我們要反攻大陸一樣374F 04/12 10:29
噓 : 不是說好政治0分嗎?還自介375F 04/12 10:31
噓 : 暴力流血?這智障連流血是什麼都不知道?376F 04/12 11:12
噓 : 他根本想在國外抹黑台灣元首吧 人品真夠差377F 04/12 11:16
→ : 所以你在立法院打人是???????????????????????378F 04/12 11:26
推 : 習近平元旦文告: 九二共識就是一個中國一國兩制379F 04/12 11:31
噓 : 懶得看,請國民黨先說說怎麼讓中共接受一中各表,不然380F 04/12 11:36
→ : 自己喊爽跟掩耳盜鈴一樣
→ : 自己喊爽跟掩耳盜鈴一樣
噓 : 你就投降投一投啊382F 04/12 11:40
噓 : 奇葩383F 04/12 11:58
→ : 要不要看看支那有多暴力384F 04/12 11:59
噓 : 暴力流血是三小??385F 04/12 12:12
→ : 啊,韓導對支那打過來拼到底這麼有意見?那支那打過來韓
→ : 導想怎麼做?趴下等被肛?
→ : 啊,韓導對支那打過來拼到底這麼有意見?那支那打過來韓
→ : 導想怎麼做?趴下等被肛?
噓 : 平行世界388F 04/12 12:20
噓 : 投降就不會流血了我懂389F 04/12 12:24
噓 : 以為投降就不會流血的草包390F 04/12 12:38
噓 : 給人統一就不會流血?? 看看新疆西藏吧 有夠慘391F 04/12 13:00
噓 : 支那賤畜也講不出來嘴砲韓有哪些建設性政策 死廢物
噓 : 支那賤畜也講不出來嘴砲韓有哪些建設性政策 死廢物
噓 : 自己當立委也暴力過,好意思說393F 04/12 13:19
→ : 暴力流血? 近年來抗爭被鎮壓有流血只有太陽花學運394F 04/12 13:22
噓 : 幹 這咖真的很低能 國民黨一樣低能 一群低能智障395F 04/12 13:29
噓 : WTF396F 04/12 14:10
噓 : 噁心幹397F 04/12 15:02
噓 : 光這句話就讓美國人看透你了吧398F 04/12 15:07
噓 : 甘林涼草枝擺399F 04/12 15:49
噓 : 到底是誰放這個髒東西到外面大放厥詞的400F 04/12 16:01
噓 : 說什麼瞎話401F 04/12 17:08
推 : 鄉民真的平行世界,這是台灣多數人認知耶402F 04/12 17:35
噓 : 誰暴力 誰流血了啦403F 04/12 17:58
噓 : 詐騙集團就不要到國外丟臉了吧......404F 04/12 19:40
噓 : 中時噓405F 04/12 19:43
→ : 高雄人民稅金飛囉406F 04/12 23:19
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 127
作者 zzyyxx77 的最新發文:
- 88F 15推 22噓
- 如題 以後考慮不買託運行李 各位搭廉航玩日本不買託運的 都是用哪一種背包阿 扣除帶小行李箱的 大家推薦哪一種登山包阿??64F 25推
- 55F 3推 33噓
- 53F 14推 18噓
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