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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-01-07 07:36:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 momodirk (MoMo)
標題 [問卦] 一鏡到底最強MV
時間 Sun Jan  6 02:08:50 2019



OK GO-I won’t let you down



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1546711733.A.674.html
serding: 反正都輸俄羅斯方舟1F 01/06 02:09
kevin9841: 蓋2F 01/06 02:09
chun821543: ☹3F 01/06 02:09
pipi8696044: 一鏡到底真的厲害4F 01/06 02:09
LiberalDog: 我只看過泡沫5F 01/06 02:10
jhjhs33504: 番號?6F 01/06 02:11
swanbomb: 大支-兄弟7F 01/06 02:15
akko76815: 蛋堡-史詩8F 01/06 02:16
WSzc: 幹這太強了吧 是空拍機拍的嗎@@9F 01/06 02:19
momodirk: 我自己也想知道 但這時間點似乎沒人能解答10F 01/06 02:24
j147589: 史詩跟原po那個差多了11F 01/06 02:27
Neil000: 我看的日本片也都一鏡到底 有很厲害?12F 01/06 02:28
OK Go - "I Won't Let You Down" - Interview with Damian and Tim - YouTube Website | www.okgo.net Instagram | www.instagram.com/okgo Twitter | www.twitter.com/okgo Facebook | www.facebook.com/okgo Store |

OK Go - "I Won't Let You Down" - Interview with Damian and Tim - YouTube Website | www.okgo.net Instagram | www.instagram.com/okgo Twitter | www.twitter.com/okgo Facebook | www.facebook.com/okgo Store |

zsedcftgbloi: 1:34的部分,可得知是先推再起飛15F 01/06 02:36
centuryboy: 這MV比較可惜的地方 拍的時候是用比較慢的節奏拍的16F 01/06 02:40
centuryboy: 後製再加快 所以它並不是用正常速度一氣呵成 有點可惜
centuryboy: 不然就真的屌了
henryhuang17: 能看okgo的mv真的是福氣 都超讚19F 01/06 02:42
NinJa: OK GO好多MV都超屌20F 01/06 02:44
SKTP: 史詩又不是一鏡到底= =21F 01/06 02:48
momodirk: 感謝樓上分享連結的兩位大大22F 01/06 02:51
NinJa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2fpgpanZAw 這首好聽23F 01/06 02:51
OK Go - End Love - Official Video - YouTube
Website | www.okgo.net Instagram | www.instagram.com/okgo Twitter | www.twitter.com/okgo Facebook | www.facebook.com/okgo Store |

vcooter: 梯田24F 01/06 02:52
NinJa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL3qDpubXU8 還有這首25F 01/06 02:52
OK Go - The Writing's On the Wall - YouTube
Music video by OK Go performing The Writing's On the Wall. (C) 2014 OK Go under exclusive license to BMG Rights Management (US) LLC  #OK...

Childish Gambino - This Is America (Official Music Video) - YouTube “This is America” by Childish Gambino  Director: Hiro Murai Producer: Jason Cole of Doomsday with Ibra Ake and Fam Rothstein of Wolf ...

penta: Ok Go真的無人能敵27F 01/06 03:24
rei196: OK GO本來就超強28F 01/06 03:32
DCSHK: 那部MV是空拍機拍的沒錯,算是當年最好的空拍機了;另外值29F 01/06 06:23
DCSHK: 得一提的是,拍MV的時候全程都用0.5倍速拍攝,拍完以後再
DCSHK: 用2倍速播放,所以你會感覺到畫面有些違和
aghgna: this is America中間有剪接吧 不是一鏡到底32F 01/06 09:56
playfrank: 大支-兄弟33F 01/06 11:23

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