※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-17 08:41:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 中國指派60000軍人種樹來對抗空汙
時間 Fri Feb 16 13:31:37 2018
China reassigns 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in bid to fight pollution | The Independent China has reportedly reassigned over 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in a bid to combat pollution by increasing the country's forest coverage. A large ...
China has reportedly reassigned over 60,000 soldiers to plant trees in a bid
to combat pollution by increasing the country's forest coverage.
A large regiment from the People's Liberation Army, along with some of the
nation's armed police force, have been withdrawn from their posts on the
northern border to work on non-military tasks inland.
The majority will be dispatched to Hebei province, which encircles Beijing,
according to the Asia Times which originally reported the story. The area is
known to be a major culprit for producing the notorious smog which blankets
the capital city.
其中一大部分都會分到河北省。根據Asia Times(最先報導此新聞者),河北省環繞北京,而該地區是製造惡名昭彰、覆蓋整個首都的霧霾的罪魁禍首。
The idea is believed to be popular among members of online military forums as
long as they can keep their ranks and entitlements.
It comes as part of China's plan to plant at least 84,000 square kilometres
(32,400 square miles) of trees by the end of the year, which is roughly
equivalent to the size of Ireland.
The aim is to increase the country's forest coverage from 21 per cent of its
total landmass to 23 per cent by 2020, the China Daily newspaper reported.
Zhang Jianlong, head of China's State Forestry Administration, said by 2035
the figure could reach as high as 26 per cent.
"Companies, organisations and talent that specialise in greening work are all
welcome to join in the country's massive greening campaign," he said.
"Cooperation between government and social capital will be put on the
priority list.”
推 : 前幾天我開電腦玩fallout 4 玩了半小時就突然吐了11/15 20:20
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QXcp0D1 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1518759104.A.341.html
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 02/16/2018 13:32:01
→ : 60000人路跑抗空汙1F 02/16 13:32
推 : 山寨樹2F 02/16 13:32
推 : 5樓睪丸壞掉了3F 02/16 13:32
→ : 我從河北省來4F 02/16 13:32
→ : 樹活得起來嗎5F 02/16 13:32
→ : 支那每人同時往同邊吹一口氣不就好了6F 02/16 13:32
→ : 有可能阿,人多錢也多,要做什麼事很方便7F 02/16 13:33
推 : 台灣拔草中國種樹,兩岸一家親8F 02/16 13:33
推 : 挺好的啊9F 02/16 13:33
→ : 人海戰術很強大的10F 02/16 13:33
推 : 國軍也救災啊11F 02/16 13:34
→ : 這很奇怪?中國的三北防護林搞了幾十年,種了上億顆樹。12F 02/16 13:36
→ : 這樣怎對抗激光武器呢? 這是想顛覆政權嗎13F 02/16 13:36
→ : 尼瑪B臺巴子要不是智商低,要麽是井底蛙,遇到點屁事,像14F 02/16 13:37
→ : 尼瑪B女人一樣,大驚小怪,尖叫不止
→ : 尼瑪B女人一樣,大驚小怪,尖叫不止
→ : 這很好啊 我現在也在綠化室內16F 02/16 13:38
推 : 真的兩岸一家親呀 有刷陸緣石嗎17F 02/16 13:42
推 : 種樹公差十員出列18F 02/16 13:43
推 : 種樹好事啊19F 02/16 13:44
→ : 中華民國國軍也不遑多讓,割草無敵20F 02/16 13:55
推 : 種樹比割草有意義多了21F 02/16 13:59
推 : 20萬國軍每天憋氣30秒降低碳排放22F 02/16 14:09
推 : 就不想花錢請種樹工啊23F 02/16 14:11
→ : 這很中國24F 02/16 14:16
→ : 屯田制改屯樹制25F 02/16 14:34
→ : 解放軍好捧 不只會殺台灣皇民,還會利用酸雨屠殺植物26F 02/16 14:35
推 : 我怎麼記得他們之前種太多樹 水都存在樹裡面導致沙漠化27F 02/16 15:12
→ : 越來越嚴重 現在還來啊?
→ : 越來越嚴重 現在還來啊?
→ ckbdfrst …
→ : 中國坐牢人這麼多,派來種樹減刑不是剛好30F 02/16 18:18
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 642
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3樓 時間: 2018-02-17 09:30:53 (日本)
02-17 09:30 JP