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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-08 21:12:28
看板 Gossiping
作者 Nyctalopia (夜盲症)
標題 [FB] 放火FB
時間 Mon Jan  8 17:42:25 2018




在2017年7月31日 的時候,我上傳了『【放火】王妃般的體驗,我用巧克力醬敷臉啦!!!

像是我說了:『有種瞬間變黑人的感覺』、『Yo what’s up man.』還有 把燈關掉笑 跟
 唱著『 N.W.A. - Fuck Tha Police 』這首歌。

部電影叫「開麥拉驚魂」(tropic thunder)裡面也有做類似的行為,所以我那時候對於


在2017年12月9日的時候,YouTube 舉辦了一場十萬年終歡樂會,有人截圖到了我在會場
打扮成納粹黨,給了大家非常不好的社會觀感,並且讓別人質疑台灣 YouTube 的管理機






Hi everyone, today I'm here to apologize. I realize some of my previous behavi
or had offended people and set a bad example, and for this I am really sorry.
I would like to take full responsibility for my mistakes, and to discourage my
 audiences from defending my actions by which harm has been caused.

I'm sorry!

It may have come to your attention that an article had been published recently
 accusing me as racist, writing that I insensitively use racial discrimination
 in my material to be "cool" and "funny."

On July 31st, 2017, I uploaded the "「放火」Princess-like experience - facial
with chocolate sauce!" video, in which I applied chocolate on my face for skin
care and subsequently made racially-insensitive remarks, such as saying "I ins
tantly feel Black," "Yo what's up man," and then after turning the lights off
I smiled to flash my teeth, singing "NWA's - Fuck Tha Police."

I had seen a movie called "Tropic Thunder" which had a similar scene, and I ad
mit I did not think about or consider the full scope of the racially-insensiti
ve negative impression that the video would leave on my audience. But, having
done so, I regret my actions and would like to apologize to everyone who has f
elt offended by my video.

I'm sorry.

On December 9th, 2017, when YouTube hosted a Hundred-Thousand Year Celebration
, someone snapped a photo of my dressed as a Nazi, which supposedly gave every
one reason to doubt my social sensibilities and to question YouTube Taiwan's c
ensorship and controls.

But, to clarify, the truth of the matter was quite different. When I had put o
n the Nazi uniform, the event had not actually begun; wearing it for only 7 mi
nutes, I took off the Nazi emblem before entering the event formally as a plai
n officer.

Further, I think it is important to say that my original idea for the costume
was not in fact about Nazism at all, but was simply as a practical joke to the
 YouTube staff. But even then I had decided against going through with the ide
a, realizing I am not a Westerner, nor suitable to carry the joke. So, before
the Hundred-Thousand Year Celebration began I had already taken off the insign
ia, and scratched my original material. In fact, the insignia was confiscated
by the YouTube staff, who do take these matters seriously.

Nevertheless,  I had acted stupidly, and for that I am sorry.

In the end, from this incident I feel I have gotten a chance to better underst
and the history behind this subject, and for that I am thankful - to better un
derstand the limitations of my own perspective and knowledge against Western v
iews. We should always strive to respect one another's history and culture, ev
en if there is a difference, to try to assess such matters through an open and
 sensitive mind.

As half a public figure, I will be more careful in the future regarding the vi
deo materials I broadcast as well as my conduct and behavior; if any of such a
re wrong or offensive to the rights and interests of others, I hope everyone w
ill not hesitate to correct me, as the deserving punk-ass 19-year-old that I a

放火哥都正式道歉了 還附上英文

誠意十足 大家願意原諒他嗎

還是大家根本不知道他是誰 場場


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QKpq3yV (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1515404547.A.F1F.html
Leesanity: 小丑1F 01/08 17:42
kiminocodo: 我愛放火2F 01/08 17:42
ANiZan9991: 笑死人3F 01/08 17:42
rain51080530: D能____ 燒完____4F 01/08 17:42
pttfatman: 滾啦5F 01/08 17:43
Aatrox: 這誰6F 01/08 17:43
james732: 誰?7F 01/08 17:43
sdflskj: 唯一支持聖結石8F 01/08 17:43
hahahank: 誰9F 01/08 17:43
hkr91511208:10F 01/08 17:43
※ 編輯: Nyctalopia (, 01/08/2018 17:43:53
hope1989: 啊台灣不是言論自由的民主國家?敵國國旗都能拿 這個不11F 01/08 17:43
B05504021: 誰?12F 01/08 17:43
hope1989: 能扮?13F 01/08 17:43
chien20145: 誰啦14F 01/08 17:43
popy8789: 18-3415F 01/08 17:44
ash9911911: 誰啊16F 01/08 17:44
hdotistyle: 聖結石都比這咖好17F 01/08 17:44
BILLYTHEKID: 誰啦18F 01/08 17:44
Tchachavsky: 支持放火 臺灣言論表達自由 不爽滾回去英國啦19F 01/08 17:44
bluedolphin: 他誰?20F 01/08 17:44
a86710985: 可悲低能21F 01/08 17:45
Tchachavsky: 蔣光頭都能擺了 住海邊22F 01/08 17:45
gaym19: 甚麼咖小?23F 01/08 17:45
ddtbcf5845: 滾24F 01/08 17:45
Tchachavsky: 看看你硬幣的人頭是誰 蘿莉控+殺人魔耶25F 01/08 17:45
Tchachavsky: 擺蘿莉控頭像。是對受害人二次傷害耶
t7556281: 糞專留言的都一群沒思考能力的垃圾國高中生27F 01/08 17:46
Tchachavsky: 殺人魔頭像 也是28F 01/08 17:46
qwe885qwe: 我還以為4阿傑29F 01/08 17:47
noyesray: 放火很帥 我可以30F 01/08 17:49
Distant22: 這些都還好啊..31F 01/08 17:50
ES699AP: 屁孩一個32F 01/08 17:50
sc85508: 真的不認識33F 01/08 17:50
sexbox: 好酷喔 Bang34F 01/08 17:51
w76530: 當你個版?35F 01/08 17:52
kosuke: 好帥又會烙英文 迷妹們都濕了36F 01/08 17:54
wwf0322: 不認識 滾37F 01/08 18:00
APUDOOR: 沒名的就不要PO好嗎38F 01/08 18:01
shiriri: 這誰39F 01/08 18:06
letitflame: Bang40F 01/08 18:10
ioioxdd: 他是台灣youtuber前幾名耶  雖然我前幾天才知道他誰41F 01/08 18:13
JenniferLope: 屁孩一個還能百萬訂閱42F 01/08 18:14
TyrantTex: 不會原諒43F 01/08 18:19
chachayu: 開麥拉驚魂那個鋼鐵人不就歧視亞洲人44F 01/08 18:22
navysoider: 反正低能腦殘粉久愛你這款沒差啦!45F 01/08 19:49
yasuatptt: 有人取名叫放火不害羞?!!46F 01/08 20:27

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1樓 時間: 2018-01-08 22:23:40 (台灣)
  01-08 22:23 TW
為了拍片而拍片為了衝點閱數 什麼都亂來 影片變的一點都不有趣了 真的自做自受
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3樓 時間: 2018-01-08 23:34:08 (台灣)
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